This human being is full of mysteries...

She couldn't help but want to explore...

Looking at Bai Yi, Belfast thought to himself.

After that, she thought of the White Eagle girls who seemed to be preoccupied when they went to meet with 810 Enterprise just now.

Can't help but feel a little emotional.

These days, she is more curious about Bai Ying Jian Niang and Bai Yi than she was in the past half a year...

next to her.

Didn't know what Belfast was thinking.

Elizabeth looked at Bai Yi, and proudly crossed her waist.

"Hmph, common people, what do you want as a reward for you to accompany the unicorn to catch that siren?"

As he spoke, he was afraid that Bai Yi would be joking again, so he set his sights on Belfast.

Elizabeth shook her head quickly.

"Hmm, as an extra reward, this king will make an exception and decide the reward for you~"

She tilted her head slightly.

"War-weary! Hurry up and get the king's reward!"

"Well, good~"

Hearing Elizabeth's call, a blond-haired and purple-eyed ship lady stepped on slightly flesh-colored white stockings, and put two documents in Elizabeth's hands.

Bai Yi's eyes fell on the ship lady.

Is she war weary?

He had heard Elizabeth call out the name of war weariness before.

However, this was the first time he had seen Warspite in person.

Just as Bai Yi was looking at them, Elizabeth walked over confidently and handed the document to Bai Yi.

"……This is?"

Looking at the documents Elizabeth handed over.

Bai Yi was a little curious.

"This is a power of attorney." Elizabeth raised her face, "As long as the common people hold this power of attorney, they can enter our royal port area!"

"Hmph, you are the first human being to receive this honor, hurry up and feel honored!"

As she said that, she weighed another scroll, "Well, it's the king's letter of appointment!"

"... power of attorney?"

Hearing Elizabeth's words, Bai Yi curiously opened the file.

The content of the file is very simple.

He browsed, "...the king appointed Bai Yi as the captain of the king's bodyguard..."

Read this so-called letter of appointment.

Bai Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I'm not the only one in this guard."

Although it was speculation, his tone was very firm.


Elizabeth crossed her hips and nodded.

"Hmph, of course, you are the first person who can become the king's personal servant!"

While speaking, she looked at Bai Yi expectantly.

"How about it, do you want to go back to the royal family with the king?"


Elizabeth: "..."

Puffing up like a hamster, she still wanted to persuade Bai Yi more, but Belfast reminded her.

"Your Majesty, should we set off?"

With that said, Belfast (aeaf) bowed politely to Bai Yi.

"Welcome to the royal family as a guest, we are always waiting~"


Seeing that Belfast represented the royal family, he bid farewell to Bai Yi.

Elizabeth puffed up her face slightly.

Full of resentment.

Seriously, why didn't Bai Yi consider coming to the royal family, as the captain of her bodyguard...

It's rare to find someone who can casually play with her...

He pursed his lips.

She folded her hands and turned her face away arrogantly.

"Hmm, I don't care about it! In short, from now on, you will be my servant!"

Bai Yi: ""

Looking at the arrogant Elizabeth, he couldn't help but look at the unicorn beside Guanghui.

"Brother...will you often come to the royal family to see unicorns?"

Holding Youjiang in her arms, she asked nonchalantly.

Is the Royal Fleet Lady ready to go back so soon...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi smiled lightly and patted her head.

"Of course, I will often visit the little unicorn~"


Elizabeth: ""

She looked at Bai Yi with eyes full of resentment.

Even this king's head was obviously touched by this guy...

In the end, this guy is only so good to unicorns...

"Um, uh..."

Thinking to herself, she gritted her canine teeth angrily.

"Okay, I will go to the royal family often, so don't bombard me, Your Majesty~"

Bending slightly, leaning closer to Elizabeth, looking at her puffy delicate cheeks, Bai Yi smiled lightly, and said softly.

Belfast: "…"

Seeing Bai Yi who had said something and immediately comforted the angry Elizabeth, she smiled slightly.

It can be seen that the Queen and Bai Yi have a very good relationship.

Otherwise, the angry Queen Elizabeth would not be so easy to be appeased.

Thinking to himself, Beifa saluted slightly and bid farewell to Bai Yi and the others.

After that, they set off.

Looking at the backs of these royal ship girls, Bai Yi noticed that when they passed by, many ship girls looked at him curiously.

A friendly nod.

After that, Bai Yi's eyes fell on Elizabeth's back.

"A servant..."

It's clearly an act of intimacy.

Elizabeth really didn't mean what she said~ Thinking to himself, Bai Yi shook his head dumbfounded.

Look back.

He entered the banquet hall calmly.


Chapter 110 His decision~

Entering the banquet hall, Bai Yi blinked.

Slightly puzzled.

Because he found that when he entered the banquet hall, the eyes of the company and the others fell on him.

This look is different from usual.

There is expectation, there is ~ ambition, and there is tension.

This made Bai Yi a little confused.

"...What's wrong with everyone?"

He looked at them suspiciously.

I always feel that the enterprise and the others are looking at him more and more friendly.

Even a little obedient...


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