If the ship girl refuses to get drunk, once the ship suit is summoned, the ship suit will purify their negative status in the blink of an eye.

Ever since, they can recover in an instant.

In this case, even if you encounter any danger when you are drunk, it will be fine.

It is also for this reason that the wine produced by Akashi that can make the ship's mother drunk is very popular.

In particular, Northern United is simply a major customer of Akashi's wine business, and the huge amount of purchases made every year makes her money.

This is what Bumblebee told him while he was drinking.

Bai Yi seriously suspected that this was Bumblebee trying to distract him so that he could get drunk quickly.


Looking at Bumblebee's blushing face, Bai Yi also smiled a little.

Maybe, before he's drunk, Bumblebee will get drunk first~ "Hmm... 1."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Bumblebee puffed up slightly.

In order to fill Bai Yi with alcohol, of course she paid a very heavy price.

From the beginning of the banquet to now, she has drunk a lot of wine.

Originally, she thought that she was a ship's mother, and her physical fitness was far superior to Bai Yi's.

Therefore, Bai Yi will definitely get drunk before her.


Looking at Bai Yi who was still in good spirits, the corners of Bumblebee's lips twitched.

Why isn't Commander drunk yet?

"Wow, Commander, you probably cheated with "Time Stop", right? "

Holding Bai Yi's neck, she complained.

At the same time, she felt a little guilty in her heart.

Originally, she was going to get the commander drunk, and then ask the commander, what is the relationship between him and Miss York...

However, at this moment, Bai Yi is not drunk yet, she probably will be drunk first...

Just when Bumblebee thought so, her eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Blinking her moist green eyes, Bumblebee didn't choose to purify her state with the ship suit, but just leaned on Bai Yi's shoulder, and fell asleep leisurely.

Looking at Bumblebee's sleeping face, Bai Yi smiled softly.

Although she's a little fussy when she's awake, she's pretty cute when she's asleep~ Touch her head.

After that, Bai Yi's hand passed through the bend of her black silk-wrapped leg, and gently hugged her up.

There is a sleeping place next to the banquet hall, which is specially prepared by the Vesta for everyone.

After all, today is the day everyone gets a Commander, and it is a day worth celebrating.

Therefore, Baiying's ship girls also relaxed for a rare occasion.

Just like Bumblebee, even when he was drunk, he refused to purify his negative state with the ship suit, but chose to continue to be so drunk.

Gently put Bumblebee on the bed, took off the black high heels, grabbed her jade feet wrapped in black silk, and then covered her with a quilt.

After that, Bai Yi rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

After drinking so much wine, even if he holds a good amount of alcohol, he is a little drunk at the moment.

Shaking his head, he did not return to the banquet hall, but leisurely came to the observation deck next to the banquet hall.

From here, you can overlook the sea in the port area.


Entering here, Bai Yi found that there were already people on the watchtower.

Bai Yi approached.

The target was a girl wearing a black elegant dress with bare feet.

One is Essex.

"~ One by one, Commander?"

Seeing Bai Yi, Essex shook the wine glass in his hand, a little blush appeared on his pretty face, and he quickly explained.

"Well, I, I didn't come out drunk to get some air..."

As she spoke, looking at Bai Yi, she muttered softly.

"Okay, okay, maybe I did drink a little too much, that's all! Commander, you want to keep it secret for me?"

"Secret it?" Hearing Essex's words, Bai Yi smiled teasingly, "Essex, you don't want everyone to know that you are drunk~"

"...Well, Commander, bad!"

Essex pouted.

When she was drunk, not only did she not have the aloofness of the past, but she looked very cute.

Teasing her a little, Bai Yi shook his head, facing the cool sea breeze, he became a little sober.

"Why do you drink so much?"

Looking at Essex with pretty face (Qian Dehao) and blushing, Bai Yi gently took her hand, sat on the bench by the observation deck, and asked.

"...Well, at the banquet, everyone was very happy, toasting one cup after another, I drank all the toasted wine on the spur of the moment, hee hee~"

As he spoke, Essex blinked his moist amber eyes, blushed, looked at Bai Yi, and pressed the rim of the wine glass in his hand to his lips.

"Hee hee, I'll drink it for you." Essex said softly, "Commander has done so much for everyone, this is my little gratitude, hehehe~"

Bai Yi: "..."

Looking at the drunk Essex who was feeding him wine, he smiled slightly and at the same time drank the champagne in the glass to avoid spilling on his clothes.

Afterwards, looking at the lip print on the cup, Bai Yi's expression was a bit subtle, he didn't think it was his... top.


Chapter 114 Her Heartfelt Voice~

Just when Bai Yi was in a delicate mood, Essex also noticed his abnormality.

Tilting his head, Essex asked doubtfully, "...Commander?"

Mumbling, following Bai Yi's line of sight, her eyes landed on her wine glass.

A red mark came into her eyes.

Seeing this, Essex rubbed his eyes blankly, looked at Bai Yi with some doubts, and muttered.

"Ah, when did you start wearing lipstick, Commander..."

talking and talking.

Her tone is getting weaker and weaker...


Like a frightened rabbit, Essex jumped up, took a few steps back, and looked at Bai Yi falteringly, his pretty face dripping with blood.

Although she was drunk, she was in a daze.

However, this does not mean that she has lost even the most basic thinking ability.


He glanced at Bai Yi, then at the wine glass.

Essex covered his face tightly, feeling that his whole body was not well.

Everyone returned safely.

She also managed to have the Commander.

This should have been a double joy.

and so…

"...Why did 813 become like this!"

She muttered sadly.

"Okay, don't be ridiculous~"

Seeing Essex's sad look, Bai Yi could not help but pat her on the head.

Although Essex hid it well, he could still see it. Essex almost laughed out loud, let alone being sad.

"Hey hey, have you been found~"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Essex rubbed his face, then looked at Bai Yi with a smile, and grabbed his hand.

Bai Yi: "?"

He looked at the pretty and blushing Essex.

Bai Yi felt something.

Not paying attention to Bai Yi's expression, he lowered his head slightly, looking at Bai Yi's hand that he was holding, Essex blinked her beautiful eyes.

On the wine glass, where she drank, Bai Yi also drank.

and so……

Was she kissing Bai Yi indirectly? !

Thinking to himself, Essex is not sure what he thinks now.

If she wasn't drunk, she must be feeling very shy now.

Maybe I will be too ashamed to even speak (aeaf).

However, at this moment, looking at Bai Yi's face, Essex suddenly felt that this seemed to be nothing...

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