
Bai Yi called softly, bringing her back to her senses.


Looking at Bai Yi's pretty face, Essex blankly looked at the surrounding scenery.

At this moment.

The night has gradually deepened.

The sky is full of stars.

The pure white full moon spreads bright moonlight to the earth.

On the sea, sparkling.

Facing the sea breeze blowing on his face, Essex silently felt the warmth from his hands, which came from the temperature in Bai Yi's palm.

"The princess is leaning on the prince, admiring the sea of ​​stars above the castle, wow...!"

Essex was thinking about it, she blinked, and suddenly remembered that Bai Yi was by her side, her pretty face blushed instantly.

"Wow, was, was the commander heard...?"

Essex blushed and turned away unnaturally.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she picked up the hem of the elegant dress with her small hand, and leaned gently on Bai Yi's body.

"Okay, just pretend that I'm completely drunk, once, just once, please let me lean on your side, hehehe..."

Bai Yi: ""

Looking at the pretty and blushing Essex, Bai Yi smiled slightly.

Apparently, Essex was still drunk.

Otherwise, with Essex's seemingly aloof personality, which is actually very easy to break the defense, she would never just rely on herself like this.

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi touched Essex's head.

Looking at Essex who narrowed his eyes slightly, like a cat, showing a comfortable and cute expression, he smiled softly.

After that, Bai Yi's mood became a little complicated.

Essex must have been drunk.

Otherwise she wouldn't act like this.

But Bai Yi was quite concerned about her words and deeds.

Looking at Essex, who was leaning against his arms like a cat, Bai Yi gently scratched her chin like a cat.

"Naru, Commander, bully people"

The pretty face showed a comfortable expression, and Essex narrowed her beautiful eyes, and complained in a low voice.


Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Immediately afterwards, he said firmly, "Essex, you like me, don't you?


Hearing Bai Yi's words, Essex was slightly taken aback.

Does she like Bai Yi?

In other words, does she like her commander?

"Well, do I like the Commander?"

She looked at Bai Yi blankly.

Bai Yi: "..." You ask me this question?

Just when Bai Yi couldn't help laughing and thought that he had guessed wrong, Essex was also using her confused brain to think hard.

"Ah, do I like Commander? It seems to be..."

She looked at Bai Yi's face with a joyful smile on her lips.

"In the beginning it was because of something..."

She thought about it hard, and was a little dazed.

"Yes, at the beginning when I was defeated by the commander, I already started to care about the commander..."

"Well, Commander is really, actually using such an exaggerated ability as "Time Stop" to bully me, woohoo, bullying~"

Hearing Essex's nonsense, Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that Essex is also full of resentment for the loss to "Time Stop".

However, at this moment, what Essex said was not so much a complaint as a coquettish act~ Scratching Essex's chin like a cat, Bai Yi thought to himself.

"……and after?"

he asked.


Essex thought for a while, then muttered.

"Obviously I've worked hard for so long, but I still can't see the possibility of defeating the commander. I'm getting a little discouraged~"

With that said, Essex looked at Bai Yi's face which was close at hand.

This man, no matter how hard she tried, was hard to come by.

This also made her gradually become a little decadent.


Chapter 115 Panicked Dumplings~

Because, at that time, she had already vaguely realized that she was more like a tamed kitten.

Although it still blows its hair occasionally, it is basically used to being ravaged by its master.

It made her very confused.

There may be salvation in physical defeat.

But if the heart is defeated, there is no salvation.

What made her feel even more confused was that even Bai Yi couldn't defeat her, but was easily tamed, could she really catch up with and surpass the seniors of the company?

Thinking of these, she suddenly became a little decadent.

Recalling this experience, Essex's lips slightly outlined a beautiful smile.

She remembered it well.

at that time.

Just when she was feeling confused.

Bai Yi comforted her.

Different from the punitive head-touching in the past, Bai Yi's head-touching was much gentler. Essex pursed his lips.

Perhaps, from then on, she suddenly felt that even if she couldn't defeat Bai Yi, it didn't matter.

As long as she can continue to challenge 'Bai Yi', she will be satisfied. "Then, this expedition will begin..."

Perhaps it was because of being drunk, Essex, who used to be aloof, did not feel embarrassed at the moment.

She narrated her thoughts and told Bai Yi all about it.

Drunk after drunk, Essex's memory is still very clear.

She spoke enthusiastically.

Starting from watching the company and the others, they went on an expedition to the siren base.

Then when the Siren invaded the port area, the Purifier appeared.

Her stress was also increasing.

There are too many enemies, and she even has the idea of ​​temporarily abandoning the port area and leading everyone to retreat strategically.

Just when she was thinking this way, Bai Yi took Lafite and Unicorn to find the Purifier hiding behind the Siren Fleet.

She was very worried, afraid that something might happen to Bai Yi.

The waiting process is very tormented.

Several times, Essex almost couldn't help but wanted to forcibly break through the Siren fleet and support Bai Yi.

Still, she endured it.

Fortunately, the final result proved that her worries were unnecessary.

The densely packed siren fleet, no matter how many there are, cannot stop Bai Yi who can stop time.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Yi broke through.

For a moment.

The purifier, the controller of the siren fleet, was captured by Bai Yi.

It is still locked in the dungeon in the White Eagle Port area.

After that, Bai Yi took them into the Mirror Sea, found the lost expedition fleet, and successfully rescued everyone...

Gradually, she became more and more dependent on Bai Yi.


When the company proposed to use a vote to decide whether or not Baiying would accept Bai Yi as the commander, she voted for it without hesitation.


Then there is no more...

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