Hearing Bai Yi's call, some distracted enterprises quickly came to their senses and apologized.

"Sorry, I lost my mind..."

Seeing her tangled appearance, Bai Yi was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Still minding what happened in the morning?"

"Well..." The company's pretty face turned red.

After all, Bai Yi saw her in Bai Yi's bed, that's all.

Anyway, she is now Bai Yi's wife.

Let the commander see it, and she won't care too much.

However, the people who saw it were not only her commander, but also her sister York City.

If we let Bai Yi and York City see that the company can still take it lightly.

So, let Essex, his junior and fan, see this scene, which makes the company a little embarrassed.

Recalling the scene of Essex leaving a word of “excuse me” in the morning, and then fleeing every day.

The company feels that the mentality of being the flagship of the White Eagle that has been cultivated by being the flagship of the White Eagle over the years has also collapsed at this moment...

"Don't worry, Essex won't tell anyone~"

Looking at the company that was still distracted, Bai Yi comforted himself.

"I'm not worried about that..."

Enterprise shook its head.

'I'm just a little worried about Essex'

Essex had always targeted her and kept chasing after her.

In addition, during this period of time, he was often defeated by the commander in various tricks.

Then, she suddenly saw the picture of the morning...

Thinking about the current mood in Essex, it must be very complicated.

Thinking to myself, the company is also a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Essex~"

As he said that, looking at the pretty face of the company, Bai Yi joked, "It's the company, I didn't expect you to be confused sometimes~"



The company's pretty face is reddish.

After all, it was indeed because she was confused that she made these stupid things...


How could she be in Bai Yi's villa in Essex?

Moreover, in Bai Yi's villa, there seems to be a strong smell of Akashi brand "healthy and pollution-free" air freshener...

Just when the company found a blind spot and became slightly puzzled, Bai Yi smiled lightly and said, "However, such a company is also very cute~"


Seeing the surprised expression on the enterprise's face, Bai Yi spread his hands.

"Although the reliable White Eagle flagship company is also very handsome, I now share this responsibility. The future of White Eagle is in my hands. You only need to be responsible for assisting me~"

Saying that, Bai Yi smiled gently, "So, you, the company, you should let go of your burdens once in a while and enjoy life~"

He remembered very clearly that York City said that because the company shouldered the future of White Eagle, 813 had been working hard all these years and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

If it wasn't for the ship's mother, she wouldn't have died suddenly. With the workload of the company, she might have died suddenly now...

At the same time, years of flagship work have also gradually stabilized the company.

This is not to say that it is bad, but the enterprise is too calm.

She is calm like a working machine, which has caused her to have almost no entertainment life of her own over the years.

Otherwise, she wouldn't get drunk as soon as she relaxed...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi's eyes fell on the desk.

These are all documents accumulated during the expedition.

Bai Yi started browsing.

at the desk.

Looking at Bai Yi who was sitting on her seat and started to browse through the documents, Shi Xi pursed his lips.

Enjoy life well...?

Commander, he is really a gentle person...

Looking at Bai Yi, Jiangye gently pressed his jade hand to his chest, feeling a little complicated.

Originally, she wanted to say that as long as there is a commander around, her ability will definitely be of maximum value...

However, this feeling of being cared about is not bad...

He pursed his lips.

The company's eyes fell on Bai Yi.

Staying by Commander's side always makes me feel at ease...

Is it an illusion?

Thinking about it, the company smiled quietly.


It's not an illusion~...

Chapter 118 Commander's Daily Work~

Breathe in the fresh air of Minato with the fragrance of flowers.

Bai Yi sat on the comfortable and soft sofa and began to browse files leisurely.

Seeing that their commander got down to business, the leisurely enterprise also came to its senses, and began to assist Bai Yi from the sidelines, so as to let him get started with the commander's affairs faster and easier.

"Are you going to allocate the patrol fleet and the port guard fleet?" Looking at the document in his hand, Bai Yi spread his hands, "You guys are more familiar with this than I am, so just do it according to your ideas."

"And then there"

"Humans from the outside world want to increase the number of our commissions?"

Touching his chin, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

White Eagle remains independent.

However, the company accepts commissions from some humans every month.

Including escorting transport ships, annihilating siren fleets in certain sea areas, helping siren against invasion, etc...

After all, in this age of massive siren invasions.

If there is no ship girl to help.

Then, the transport ships that carry out transportation tasks on the sea, let alone [-]% cannot return, at least the ones that can come back are rare...

Therefore, over the years, countless commissions have been sent to enterprises.

If it weren't for burning 90.00% of the nine commissions.

Over the years, Baiying's port area may have been filled with blank paper printed with various commissions.

at the same time.

Although the company accepts a limited number of commissions each month.

But it is enough to make many White Eagle Ship girls run around for it.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi's eyes fell on this document.

This is a petition sent by high-level human beings, hoping that White Eagle will increase the number of commissions.

He browsed leisurely.

Although this petition is insincere, it is extremely respectful.

But in general, I still hope that Bai Ying can accept a few more commissions every month.

"Commander, what do you mean?"

The enterprise standing beside Bai Yi asked.

my thoughts?

"Of course I refused."

Bai Yi shook his head, "The rewards for these commissions are better than nothing for us, there is no need to proceed."

Bai Yi knew very well that the White Eagle Ship Lady had been born for a long time.

Their ship equipment level has already been developed to the limit.

If you continue to carry out these commissions, for one thing, it is no longer possible to continue to improve their ship equipment level.

Secondly, the materials and resources entrusted, with Bai Ying's level of wealth, are somewhat disdainful.

"I'm going to cancel the entrustment task, and I won't accept the entrustment in the future."


Hearing Bai Yi's decision, the company was a little surprised.

"...Aren't you going to accept commissions in the future?"


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