Bai Yi nodded.

These commissions not only pay less, but also have too many things.

If he wanted his virtuous name to be known far and wide, and to last forever, he might be able to enhance his reputation through these commissions.

But he has no interest in these.

So, I decided not to accept commissions in the future.

He shrugged.

"We White Eagle don't do it, there are Royal Family, Double Sakura, Iron Blood, Liberty Iris, Vichy Holy See, Sardinian Empire, and some people do it!"


"Leave these commissions to them~"


Looking at the righteous Bai Yi, she couldn't help but laugh.

Then, she nodded seriously.

Although, under her leadership, White Eagle has become accustomed to accepting and executing commissions over the years.

However, Bai Yi is their commander.

Now that the commander has made a decision.

So, whether this decision is right or wrong.

They will all follow Commander firmly!

After dealing with the formation of the White Eagle Fleet and the entrusted matters, Bai Yi continued to browse.

He is extremely fast.

For a moment.

A series of documents were processed by him.

"Is there only the last one left?"

Mumbling, Bai Yi picked up the document at the bottom of the box and browsed it leisurely.

next to.

Looking at Bai Yi silently, the enterprise was full of surprise.

Although compared to her who always thought carefully for a long time before dealing with affairs, Bai Yi seemed much simpler and rougher, after a little thought, he would quickly make a decision.

But even so.

Bai Yi's work efficiency is a bit high, right?

Isn't he a salted fish?

Perhaps it is aware of the confusion and doubts of the enterprise.

Bai Yi looked away from the document, then glanced at the pretty face of the enterprise full of doubts, and said leisurely, "Although I like a leisurely life very much, but I also struggled before?"

Turning into a salted fish is also after time travel.

Before crossing, he worked very hard.

If he can go to school, he will definitely become someone else's child.

Although these affairs of White Eagle are quite complicated.

But in the end, that's all.

Over the years, the reason why the company has been so tiring is entirely because she is too serious and does everything by herself. Can this not be tiring...

"~... Woo!

Hearing Bai Yi's words, he was brainstorming about Bai Yi's past business when he suddenly felt his head being lightly tapped by a finger.

She came back to her senses in an instant, tightly covering the spot where she was knocked with her exquisite jade hands, and looked at Bai Yi with puzzled eyes.


"It's nothing, I just saw you distracted and wanted to tease you~"

He smiled jokingly.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yi sighed softly, "Although you can take care of Bai Ying very well by yourself, but you have to do everything yourself, and it is very tiring to bear the burden of Bai Ying alone..."

(Qian Dezhao) As he said that, Bai Yi set his eyes on the report in his hand.

The report was submitted by St. Louis.

As the treasurer of the White Eagle, St. Louis not only manages the mountains of red points of the White Eagle, but also collects a lot of various things.

For example, all kinds of precision instruments were purchased from Sirens for zero yuan.

Also for example, the plan ship training cabin that was collected from the Siren base this time!

Plan ship, as the secret weapon of each faction.

Even White Eagle, with hundreds of ship girls, has spent countless manpower and material resources so far to build Georgia and Seattle.

St. Louis is naturally very concerned about the third plan ship.

And the document she submitted was the report on the plan ship.

After reading the report, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

"Heavy cruiser—Anchorage..."


Chapter 119 Her Change~

Although the training cabin of this plan ship has not been fully built, St. Louis and the others have already researched the identity and name of the plan ship.

She is the heavy cruiser - Anchorage!

St.Louis mentioned in the report that the construction steps in Anchorage are almost complete.

The reason why the construction has not been completed is also because, no matter which faction to build a plan ship, they need the ship girls of their own camp to use various technological means to load their ship experience into the training cabin and distribute it to the plan ship. to wake them up.

Moreover, these ship experience must be loaded in real time, so there is no way to store the experience in advance.

This is also the reason why the Siren has almost built Anchorage, but still cannot let it be born.

At the end of the report, St. Louis also mentioned whether they want to organize a fleet to clear the Sirens.

Because the ship girl can quickly increase the experience of the ship through the battle with the Siren fleet.

Look at this report.

Bai Yi stroked his chin, thoughtful.

White Eagle just launched an expedition not long ago.

Logically speaking, it should also take a break for a while.

However, Anchorage was only short of this experience before it could be born.

and so…

Does he want to organize a large-scale fleet to clear the siren fleet in the nearby waters on 817?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi lightly tapped the table with his fingers, and immediately looked at the company beside him.

"...Enterprise, what do you think?"


Hearing Bai Yi's words, he was still immersed in Bai Yi's emotion before, and gradually came back to his senses, looking at Bai Yi blankly.


Bai Yi handed her the St. Louis report.

"Do you plan to build a ship?"

Seeing this report, the company rested its chin on one hand and thought for a while.

Originally, according to her resolute personality, she would definitely deal with this kind of thing non-stop.


Looking at Bai Yi, looking at his own commander, the company's vigorous and resolute heart gradually became quieter.

"The commander decides."

let me decide...

Hearing the words of the enterprise, Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Instead of continuing the topic, he cast his gaze out of the window.

At this moment, the time is approaching noon.

In the blue sky, the sun was shining brightly, and there were no clouds in the sky.

Compared with the quiet and peaceful past, the Baiying Port area at this moment is also much more lively.

Because today is strictly speaking, Bai Yi's first day as a commander.

From now on, he hasn't decided exactly how the White Eagle will operate.

Therefore, apart from daily patrols and vigilance, most of the activities in the port area have been temporarily suspended.

At this moment.

Through the window of the office, Bai Yi could see the big mackerel and the others snorkeling in the offshore, and he could also see North Carolina, St. Louis and the others basking in the sun on the beach and helping each other apply sunscreen.

On the beach aside, the little exorcists were playing beach volleyball, and their pink hair quickly caught Bai Yi's attention.

This is Saratoga.

At this moment, she is mixing in the small expulsion, without any sense of disobedience.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Bai Yi smiled lightly.

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