"Let's go for a walk~"


Enterprise nodded.

Bai Yi stood up leisurely, followed by the enterprise, and closed the office door by the way.

Before leaving, the enterprise glanced at the direction of the desk.

Although it is said to go out for a walk, to relax.

But one by one, "Commander, have you almost dealt with the affairs accumulated in the port area these days..."

Enterprise murmured.

If she was allowed to handle these matters, it would be absolutely impossible to complete them overnight.

But the commander dealt with it so easily, thinking about it, Enterprise pursed its lips.

Maybe she is really not suitable for these things.

after all.

White Eagle's business is not best known for its management skills.

But gray ghosts one by one!

This strong body is the root of her reputation!

(aeaf) so...

She just needs to obediently listen to her commander's words.

There is no need to do anything else, and there is no need to think about anything. Thinking of this, the company feels a little relieved inexplicably.


Noticing that the enterprise had stopped, Bai Yi turned around and looked at her suspiciously.


She shook her head, then followed Bai Yi briskly with her manic legs wrapped in black silk.

Looking at Bai Yi's back, Xie Xi pursed his lips.

Standing behind the Commander, I feel inexplicably at ease...

she thought.

Perhaps, she didn't even notice that a soft smile appeared on her lips.

Smiling like a flower~ It was also when Bai Ying was leisurely.

outside world.

People also became a little confused about the changes in Baiying.

Among humans, the changes in the white eagle are not very clear.

After all, in the context of the siren invasion, human beings have lost control of the sea.

Naturally, it is difficult to detect these changes in the independent Baiying Port area.

However, humans cannot detect it.

It doesn't mean that the ship's mother can't detect it.


Away from the White Eagle, there is an oceanic iron-blooded port area.

Iron-blooded flagship.Bismarck, at this time, was looking at the information in his hand thoughtfully.

Where there are people, there is fighting.

Although their mother-in-law's mind is not that complicated.

However, the conflict of ideas still creates a gap between some shipgirl camps.

For example, White Eagle has a good relationship with the royal family, but has a poor relationship with Iron Blood and Sakura.

On the contrary, Iron Blood has a good relationship with Sakura, but not with Shirataka and Royal.

Liberty Iris and the Vichy Holy See are also quite contradictory.

As for the Sardinian Empire emmm...

In the flagship Vittorio.Under the leadership of Veneto, the Sardinian Empire has almost no sense of existence now...

In short, the current relationship between the various shipgirl camps is like this.

Of course, although the relationship between them is not very good, it is far from the level that requires war.

Daily communication is still there.

However, White Eagle and the royal family would not come here to tell Iron Blood about something like an expedition.

Therefore, although Bismarck has already noticed the big moves of White Eagle and the royal family during this period, he is still a little confused...

I don't understand what White Eagle and Royal are planning to do...

In a serious, iron-blooded office.

Looking at the information in his hand, Bismarck lightly tapped the table with his fingers.

She looked at the White Eagle Port area on the map.

I have a decision in my mind.


Chapter 120 Iron-Blooded Visit Application~


In the Baiying Port area, in the company's office.

Although according to the company's statement, White Eagle is preparing to build an admiral's mansion for its own commander, as a place for the commander to handle his daily business and live.

However, as the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day.

White Eagle has just experienced an expedition, and the port area has also been invaded by sirens, and now it has a commander.

It is the time when everything is waiting to be done.

Therefore, the plan to build the Admiral's Mansion has not yet been put on the agenda.

Thus, the company's office was temporarily requisitioned by Bai Yi~in the office.

Sitting in the company seat, Bai Yi rested his cheeks, feeling a little bored.

After all, he has already dealt with all the official affairs in the port area.

Looking at the completed documents piled up on the desk, Bai Yi yawned lightly.


That's when Bai Yi rested his cheeks and began to seriously consider whether he should go fishing or not.

A carrier-based aircraft suddenly flew into the office through the window and started rampaging in the office.

Bai Yi: "?"

Looking at the size of a book, he knew at a glance that it was the carrier-based aircraft installed by the ship's mother, and he slowly made a question mark.


Just when Bai Yi was feeling at a loss, a pink-haired girl suddenly jumped into the office and came to him with a smile.

"Ah, Commander, I'm sorry, I didn't intentionally put the carrier-based aircraft here, hehe~"

While speaking, she stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Are you playing a prank again, little Gaga~"

Seeing this carrier-based aircraft circling into Saratoga's ship suit, Bai Yi smiled and patted her head, then raised his hand leisurely.

"Wow, I was scared~"

Saratoga: ""

Looking at the smiling commander, she gently puffed up her pink cheeks.

You don't look like you're frightened!

Thinking to herself, she put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "Hmph, Sister Sara doesn't believe it!"

Pouting her lips, looking at Bai Yi, she quickly smiled again.

"Commander, it's so boring to stay in the office, why don't you hang out with Sister Sara~"

"That's a good idea..."

Just when Bai Yi began to seriously consider whether he should leave work early, the company opened the door leisurely and entered the office.

"Old boy?"

Seeing Saratoga, the company felt a little helpless.

"Don't bother the commander with his work, okay?"

Saratoga: ""

Could the lovely Sister Sara be the kind of person who disturbs the commander's work (shock)!

Thinking to herself, she secretly hid the ship.


Seeing Saratoga's guilt-ridden behavior, she smiled slightly.

next to.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yi also smiled and patted her head.

"By the way, enterprise, what's the matter?"

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