While patting Sister Sara's head, Bai Yi turned to look at the enterprise that suddenly entered the office, and said curiously.


After finishing his official duties, he went to the beach to blow some air, played beach volleyball with the little expulsors, went to Baiying's cafeteria for lunch, and then returned to the office.

After that, he also gave the company a few days off.

Originally, according to his guess, the company is probably still worrying about how to spend these holidays.

After all, from the birth, the creation of the Baiying Port area, to the present, the company has not had a good vacation.

From the beginning to the end, she maintained 007's good habits.

Therefore, the company will definitely feel very uncomfortable if it suddenly becomes leisurely at this moment...

However, with the character of the company, it is estimated that they will only think about how to kill time.

Instead of asking him to take back the order.

and so……

The company came to him, what's the matter?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi looked at the enterprise with curiosity in his eyes.

"That's it..."

The company will explain its intentions.

It turned out that not long ago, she suddenly received the iron-blooded flagship.Letter from Bismarck via Akashi Express'.

The letter mentioned that Iron Blood wanted to find a time to visit Bai Ying and asked Bai Ying if he agreed.

0...seeking flowers0...

Therefore, the enterprise came to find its own commander.

"...A visit from Sangvis?"

After listening to the company's narration, Bai Yi was a little surprised.

Compared with the independent White Eagle, Iron Blood is much more domineering when it comes to foreign affairs.

Even Bai Yi, a traveler, has heard more than once that regardless of strength, in terms of influence among human beings, Iron Blood seems to be the most influential among all camps.

Even if people know little about the specific situation of Sangvis.

However, the enthusiasm of Sangvis in dealing with entrusted tasks and eliminating the sirens is enough to impress people with Sangvis.

Therefore, when he heard that Tie Xue was going to visit Bai Ying, Bai Yi suddenly felt a little surprised.

Then, he felt something was wrong.

"If I remember correctly, the relationship between White Eagle and Iron Blood is not good, right?"

Bai Yi raised his eyebrows.

So, iron and blood, what are you doing here to visit White Eagle?

About this question.

Businesses are also very confused.

As the flagship of the White Eagle, she was already at the helm of the White Eagle in a real sense before Bai Yi became the commander of the White Eagle.

She couldn't be more clear about the relationship between White Eagle and Iron Blood.

Although not to the extent that old age and death are inseparable.

Occasionally, they will communicate with each other.

However, this is the first time that Sangvis has paid an official visit!

"Perhaps, Sangvis sensed the actions between us and the royal family during this time, so he wanted to come over to test our intentions..."

Next to him, hearing Bai Yi's conversation with the company, Saratoga said thoughtfully.

In her mind, that was probably the case.

While talking, she noticed that two eyes fell on her faintly.

Saratoga: "?"

Looking at Bai Yi and Enterprise who were looking over, she tilted her head slightly, and slowly put out a question mark.

The line of sight of the enterprise is okay to say.


What's wrong with Bai Yi's gaze?

as if, as if...

Well, it's as if capitalists see free labor...


Chapter 121 Little Gaga is the secretary ship~

Noticing Bai Yi's gaze, Saratoga shrank his head.

She muttered weakly.

"Wow, Sister Sara is cute, but Commander, you don't have to stare at Sister Sara like this..."

Bai Yi: "..."

Looking at the eccentric Saratoga, he couldn't help but laugh.

After this, he asked.

"Does Little Gaga know about the "Secretary Ship"? "

"...the secretary ship?"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Saratoga thought about it, and it seemed that there was indeed such a position in his memory.

It looks like it's a post dedicated to the ship's wife who cooperates with the commander, right?

Because there was no commander for a long time, Saratoga almost forgot about the position of secretary ship.


Commander, why are you mentioning the secretary ship on "August [-]"?

Thinking to himself, Saratoga grumbled.

"Could it be that?"

Looking at Saratoga in a daze, maybe it's a tacit understanding.

Bai Yi smiled lightly and patted her head.

"You guessed it right! Will you be rewarded as the commander's secretary ship?"

Saratoga: ""

Hearing Bai Yi's words, she immediately prepared to rub the soles of her feet with oil and run away.

After all, it is really embarrassing for Sister Sarah, who has a naughty personality, to sit in the office and work!


The little feet wrapped in black silk pantyhose just took a step.

Little Gaga thought about it.

Well known.

The secretary ship needs to help the commander handle official duties.

That is to say...

As long as I become the commander's secretary ship, the lovely little sister Sara, can I get closer to the commander?

Thinking about it, little Jiajia hesitated.

She also knows that she has a very naughty personality.

So she doesn't like to sit in the office and deal with official business.

However, if you can be with the commander every day, dealing with official business in the office, it seems that it is not as boring as imagined...

Thinking of this, she crossed her waist and looked at Bai Yi angrily.

As for whether this puffiness is really puffy, or is it just a faux pas...

Who knows~ "Hmph, if you want Sister Sara to become a secretary ship, the commander must accompany Sister Sara to the amusement park!"


Bai Yi smiled lightly and nodded.

Even without the additional condition of the secretary ship, if Saratoga wanted him to accompany him to the amusement park, he would gladly agree~ Beside, seeing the agreement between Bai Yi and Saratoga, Enterprise covered his lips and gently smiled.

Saratoga, who is naughty by nature, would agree to become Bai Yi's secretary ship. If it happened before today, she might be very surprised.

After all, the company knows nothing about Saratoga's personality after being a colleague for so long.

Her old buddy is really naughty.

Every combat mission, will be very active.

But once in the office, Saratoga couldn't sit still for a moment.

Therefore, it is hard to imagine that Saratoga would agree to become the secretary ship...

However, when this happened to the commander, the company did not feel the slightest surprise.

Because, the commander is the commander~ She has inexplicably strong confidence in the commander~ Standing behind Bai Yi, feeling the reassuring feeling from the other party, the company thought so.

As for whether Saratoga is qualified for the job of the secretary ship...

Businesses have no worries either.

Although little Gaga is small, like a child, she has a naughty personality and doesn't like to stay in the office.

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