However, her ability is beyond doubt.

Presumably the commander also noticed this, so he made Saratoga his secretary ship.

Enterprise thought.

"So, Commander, shall we refuse?"

Seeing that Bai Yi and Xiao Jiajia had made an agreement to go to the amusement park another day, the company asked.

"No, promise."

After thinking about it, Bai Yi finally decided to agree to Tie Xue's request.

Because, no matter what the purpose of Iron Blood's visit to them is, they still have the initiative.

Hearing Bai Yi's decision, Enterprise nodded.

Then began to restore iron blood.

She sat leisurely on a chair that was still warm, and began to write with a piece of paper...

Soon, she wrote the letter.

Take out the communicator and operate it in one pass.

After a while, a small rocket with a green cat's head printed on it arrived at Baiying Port.

Instead of landing, the rocket turned around and flew back in the direction it came from.

However, before returning, the rocket had already completed its mission—Bai Yi could clearly see a small drone flying down from the rocket.

For a moment.

The small drone with the green cat's head printed on it slowly flew out of the office window and stayed in mid-air.

Bai Yi: "?"

What is this doing?

Perhaps noticing his doubts, the company explained, "The area where Iron Blood is located has strong signal interference for some unknown reason. It is difficult to contact them with ordinary communicators."

Therefore, whether it is iron or blood contact White Eagle.

Or it could be White Eagle contacting Iron Blood.

They all need to communicate through letters.

And this drone was specially made by Akashi as a courier for delivering letters. Although the fee was a hundred million points more expensive, but fortunately it was very efficient.

As long as there are coordinates, letters can be delivered no matter where.

After listening to the company's narration, Bai Yi also had a clearer understanding of Akashi's business scope.

"Only 0.5 has a red tip. Is Akashi really an omnipotent cat?"

Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Just as he was joking, the drone with the green cat's head printed outside the window seemed to trigger some signal, and suddenly started to operate, extending out some kind of device.

For a moment.

The device was activated.

A flash of blue light emanates from the device, projecting a light curtain in front of the drone.


Akashi, a green-haired cat with cat ears and dull fur, appeared on the screen.

"Of course meow! Akashi is an omnipotent cat, so did the guest officer buy anything meow?"

While speaking, Akashi, who was far away from Sakura, looked at Bai Yi through the camera installed on the drone.

Akashi: "?"

"Meow? Who are you meow???"


Chapter 122 Akashi~


Seeing Bai Yi, Akashi blinked his pale yellow eyes, and a hint of bewilderment appeared on his delicate and flawless face.

She looked at the drone's coordinates.


This place is indeed Baiying Port District, right?

and so…

How could this man appear here?

Akashi was a little dazed.

If it is said, this man sneaked in.

Then, the moment he entered the Baiying port area, he must have been caught and shot by the white eagle lady!

Thinking to himself, Akashi looked away from Bai Yi, and immediately landed on Enterprise and Little Jiajia next to Bai Yi.


Little Jiajia was holding Bai Yi's hand.

The enterprise was also faintly behind, standing behind Bai Yi.

see this screen.

With Akashi's clever cat head, how could he not know what happened.

"Woo meow? You White Eagle actually found the commander meow!?"

Looking at the crowd, Akashi was also a little confused.

The white eagle is independent, and it is also very bad for human senses.

04 So, she never expected that one day, she would actually see the picture of White Eagle finding the commander...

Thinking about it, Akashi's mood became a little complicated.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ying found the commander...

I'm so confused...

However, soon, her pale yellow eyes became brighter.

This human, he is the commander of White Eagle!

If she remembers correctly...

White Eagle is rich!

It's not enough to describe the wealth Bai Ying has accumulated over the years!

Thinking of this, she looked at Bai Yi, as if she saw countless red spikes waving to her...

Soon, soon~ Akashi took out his signature profiteer (crossed out) Mao Mao laughed.

"So it's the commander of White Eagle meow!" Akashi said with a warm smile on his face, "Are you going to buy something meow? Because it's your first time shopping here, I can give you a [-]% discount Meow!"

As she spoke, she began to introduce her dazzling array of products.

From all kinds of weapons, to various daily necessities, and even miscellaneous gadgets, Akashi has everything, and it is indeed a well-known Akashi brand department store.

Because there are too many products, Akashi will not be able to introduce them in a while.

So, she took out the controller and operated it.

For a moment.

The drone parked outside the office window emits blue light, creating a second light curtain to list a wide variety of products.

After that, Akashi continued to introduce.


Then she noticed that Bai Yi's gaze was fixed on an object.

"...Wow meow? This is a fishing rod made by Akashi, even if you catch a huge blue whale, it won't break meow!"

After introducing this fishing rod, Akashi waved his hand, "This fishing rod is for you~"

"...Then what's the point?"

"It's okay meow, I'll make money on other products... woo meow... nothing meow..."

Akashi shrank his head, was a little cautious, and almost said that he had slipped his mouth...

"Anyway, that's it anyway, meow, what are you going to buy meow?"

Bai Yi spread his hands.

Akashi: "?"

Looking at Bai Yi on the other side of the light curtain, Akashi said weakly: "No, you won't buy it?"


You guessed it!

Akashi: "..."

"Really, really don't buy meow?"

She muttered weakly.

After seeing Bai Yi shaking his head with certainty and affirmation, she felt a little sad.

"Okay, meow, this happens occasionally meow..."

As she spoke, she remembered the purpose of sending the drone here.

"...Put the letter and the red tip in the storage box of the drone and that's it..."

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