While thinking about it.

At this moment, Bai Yi has become the commander of their White Eagles.

and so……

Should she tell the company, Bumblebee, and everyone in Bai Ying about her relationship with Bai Yi?

A little blush suddenly appeared on York City's pretty face.

It looked so cute.

She shook her head.


Sure enough, I still feel a little shy...

The jade hand was lightly pressed against his heart, feeling his own heartbeat, York City hesitated.

Otherwise, wait a little longer?

Waiting for the commander's marriage ship to be more than [-] million points?

0...seeking flowers0...

She will help too~ Thinking to himself, York City made a decision in his heart.

For a moment.

After Bai Yi finished his breakfast, he was ready to go to the company's office.

Although the official business was almost handled yesterday, it is better for him, the commander, to go over and have a look.

With this in mind, Bai Yi leisurely came to the company's office.

Businesses are also in the office.

"Sure enough, you still can't rest~"

Seeing the company, Bai Yi was not surprised at all.

After all, the company has served as the flagship of the White Eagle for so many years, and she is probably very confused when they suddenly let her rest...

"...Well, because I don't know how to spend these free time, I thought, just keep working..."

... 0 pressed the navy cap on the silver hair.

The company said with some embarrassment.

After all, the commander specially granted her a vacation, but she ran over to continue working, wasting the commander's kindness...

"If you don't know how to spend it, you can go to Little Gaga and New Jersey, they definitely understand~"

With a gentle smile on his lips, Bai Yi suddenly noticed a plane flying over the sea in the distance.

Different from the carrier-based aircraft of Jianniang, this aircraft is obviously man-made at first glance, and the workmanship is very fine.

"This is…?"

Just when Bai Yi was feeling puzzled, the plane also slowed down, kept flying at a low altitude, and slowly flew into the port area.

For a moment.

The plane landed in the open space next to the office.

It's getting closer.

Bai Yi also saw the head of a green-haired cat on the wing.

"... Akashi?"

"That's right meow, it's Akashi meow."

Just when Bai Yi recognized the head of the green-haired cat, the cockpit of the plane opened, and a yellow-eyed ship girl with loose green hair, a pair of cat ears and dull fur, walked out leisurely.

"It's our first meeting, I'm Sakura's "Akashi repair ship" meow~"

Looking at Bai Yi, she introduced herself.

Although she had already video chatted with Bai Yi.

However, this is the first time to meet officially~... Five.

Chapter 126 Engineering Meow~

After introducing himself, looking at Bai Yi, Akashi pulled up his furry cat ears.

As the saying goes, if you don't want to part with children, you can't catch wolves.

As a businessman, a well-known small profiteer.

Akashi naturally knows this well.

So after seeing Bai Yi, he realized that this man turned out to be Bai Ying's commander.

She immediately decided that she was willing to let the child be tied to the wolf.

What does a fishing rod count?

As long as she can fool a few big orders from the other party.

With White Eagle's wealth.

She will definitely make a lot of money in this wave!

This man has only been a commander for a few days. He must not be familiar with the business of the port area, and he is not as sophisticated as the enterprise.


The advantage is mine!

With this in mind, Akashi threw the child out.

Then? "Eight twenty"

Then the child was caught by the wolf and Akashi who ran away to watch was dumbfounded.

Up to this point, a day has passed.

When seeing Bai Yi, Akashi still had some doubts about life.

in the office.

Through the window, I saw Akashi's cannibal expression.

Bai Yi couldn't help laughing.

Then, he asked curiously, "So, are you here to deliver the goods?"

"There is also a reason for this, meow..."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Akashi tugged at his ears, nodded slightly, and then jumped into the company's office like a nimble kitten.

"Here you are, welcome to meow next time..."

Handing the packaged fishing rod to Bai Yi, Akashi said sadly.

After that, she waved her hand out the window.

For a moment.

A team of yellow...fat chickens with various tools?He just walked out of the cockpit of the plane.

"……This is?"

Seeing these yellow chickens, Bai Yi was a little dazed.

"These are the robots I made~"

While answering Bai Yi's question, Akashi directed these big yellow fat chickens, bah, robots, to walk towards the center of the port area.

Watch these robots arrive at their destination.

After that, Akashi turned around and looked at the enterprise, "Are you sure it's built here?"

Hearing her words, Enterprise nodded.

"...Okay meow~"

Nodding his head, Akashi issued an order.

Soon, the robots were at work.

They are digging foundations, digging foundations, transporting building materials, and they are working in full swing, everything is so orderly.

Bai Yi: "?"

What is this doing?

Looking at these robots starting construction, Bai Yi felt a little confused.

"They are building the Admiral's Mansion."

Noticing Bai Yi's doubts, the company explained, "I handed over the construction of the Admiral's Mansion to Akashi."

after all.

It's not a problem for Bai Yi to live in the old dormitory all the time.

Now that Bai Yi has become their commander, the construction of the Admiral's Mansion must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Therefore, this project fell on Mingshi without hesitation.

This is also the reason why Akashi came to Baiying Port Area.

On the one hand, she came to deliver goods to Bai Yi.

By the way, I met this White Eagle Commander who was usually fooled by her, but this time made her lose money.

On the other hand, it was also to come and command the construction of the Admiral's Mansion.

Without her command, the engineering quality of these robots would not be so perfect.

There is a very low chance of a moth.

Although her charges are extremely expensive, the quality of her goods is absolutely unbeatable.

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