She would not smash her own signboard.

So, she specially ran over from "Cherry Sakura" to oversee the work.

"By the way, what are you White Eagles doing these days, meow?"

While commanding these robots.

Akashi looked at Bai Yi curiously and asked.

Saying that, she waved her hand.

"Akashi is just a little curious, you White Eagles haven't done commissions these days, and you haven't gone to wipe out the sirens in the ocean, so the number of human commissions sent to Sakura has suddenly increased, and other port areas should be the same. "

She spread her hands cutely.

"Now it is estimated that even humans have noticed the changes in Baiying these days. Hearing Akashi's words, the company nodded in agreement.


The White Eagles have changed a lot recently.

However, this change is good.

From very early on, the operation of the White Eagle has become ossified 0…

Execute the commission.

Eliminate the Sirens.

They repeat these things day after day.

As the time goes.

The equipment level of most of the White Eagles has also been developed to the limit because of this.

Further up, it is unknown territory.

Even if it is as strong as an enterprise.

Nor does it see the possibility of entering this uncharted territory.


They are still repeating these tasks.

Because they are used to this routine.


Although companies are already aware of this problem.

But she couldn't reform either.

It lasted until Bai Yi became the commander of the White Eagle. After examining the daily operation of the White Eagle, he made a straight decision.

It not only cut off the entrusted tasks that were already of little value to Bai Ying.

The scope of the siren's suppression has also changed from more than one ocean to an area with a radius of tens of nautical miles centered on the Baiying Port area.

Therefore, the company is not surprised at all about Akashi's problem.

Such a big change, if the human side, or even the other ship mother port areas, can't notice it, it's a ghost!

And these changes of White Eagle are not a secret.

Looking at the curious Akashi, the company talked about it.

"Is that so..."

For a moment.

After listening to the company's narration, Akashi was also a little surprised.

The Baiying Port area was independent at 0.5.

Now that Bai Yi came, he became more and more independent.


Recalling that after entering the Baiying Port area, what I felt was different from the leisurely atmosphere I felt when I entered the Baiying Port area.

Akashi doesn't think the change is bad.

Then she thought about it too.

If this change also happened to Sakura...

Thinking to himself, Akashi shook his head.

This is not realistic.

Because the heavy cherry faction is three-legged.

Any reform will not work, but will intensify the internal contradictions of Sakura.

Unless someone can unify Sakura...

thought here.

By coincidence, Akashi secretly glanced at Bai Yi.


Chapter 127 Commander~

White Eagle remains independent.

To get the approval of all the White Eagles, and to become the commander of the White Eagles, is no less difficult than becoming the commander of their heavy cherry blossoms.

It was very difficult, but Bai Yi did it.

At this moment, in the office of the company.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Bai Yi.

Akashi pursed his lips.

To be able to become the commander of the White Eagle, this shows that this man is by no means an idler.

If, in Akashi's cognition, there is anyone who might become their commander Sakura...

That was none other than Bai Yi.

It's a pity that this man is now the White Eagle Commander...

Thinking to himself, Akashi felt a little regretful.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and began to direct these robots seriously to carry out construction operations.

Some things, if you can't think of a solution, don't think about it.

It's still important to make red 04 sharp.

Just when the construction of Admiral's Mansion was in full swing, Akashi rubbed his eyes.

From the corporate office, you can see the vast sea.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

She seemed to see some small black spots appearing on the surface of the sea.

Is it an illusion?

Thinking to himself, Akashi fumbled for a while in the toolbox he carried with him.

Soon, she found what she was looking for.

Bai Yi looked around.

This is a small telescope.

Noticing his gaze, even at this time, Akashi did not forget to sell his products.

"This is the telescope I made, even though it is so small, as long as it is a target in the sea, you can see it all~"

"Commander buy the telescope now, I can give you a [-]% discount meow~"

With that said, Akashi picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction where he saw the little black dot before.


She was slightly stunned.

"what happened to you?"

Seeing her blank expression, Bai Yi asked curiously.

"...It's the Iron-Blooded Fleet Meow."

She was a little puzzled, you know, the relationship between Iron Blood and White Eagle is just like that.

Not bad, but just not good.


How could an iron-blooded person appear in Baiying's port area?

Just when Akashi felt at a loss.

Her dumb hair stood on end in an instant.

Because one by one on the sea in the distance.

Frederick the Great, who was wearing a black and gold military uniform, raised his head slightly, looking at the location of the corporate office as if traveling through space.

"Hehe... have you been discovered~"

next to.

Hearing Frederick the Great's murmur, a silver-haired, brown-eyed ship lady looked over suspiciously.

She is Prince Eugen, the iron-blooded heavy cruiser.

"...Emperor Frederick?"

Hearing Prince Eugen's doubtful voice, Emperor Frederick shook his head lightly.

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