Compared to her excellence in combat.

Although her diplomatic ability is also excellent, it is far from being able to match her combat ability.

What's more, they are iron-blooded and pay attention to strength first.

The number of times she moves her fists is far more than the number of times she moves her mouth.

It's normal for Commander White Eagle to take the initiative in the conversation.

The reason why Frederick the Great lost his mind was also because, before this, no one had been able to prevent her from taking the initiative in the conversation (aeaf) with her. So far, Bai Yi is still the first!

This didn't annoy her, but instead made her more interested in the White Eagle commander.

next to.

Seeing the pensive Frederick the Great, Prince Eugen leaned leisurely by the window, watching the peaceful White Eagle port area, and reminded, "After all, there is an existence that can become the commander of the White Eagle. There's always something to be patient about, isn't it?"

Hearing Prince Eugen's words, Frederick the Great came back to his senses.

"Do you have some patience..."

Chewing on Prince Eugen's evaluation of Bai Yi, Frederick the Great recalled the sense of danger she felt when she saw Bai Yi.

She shook her head slightly.

"I don't think that the commander named Bai Yi is just "somewhat capable"

So simple. "

A person who is only "somewhat capable" is far from enough to make her feel such a sense of danger.

"...What are you going to do next?"

On the sofa beside him, holding hands, Hu Teng asked coldly.

The purpose of their visit to Baiying this time is mainly to find out what Baiying and the royal family are planning to do during this time.

Because Bismarck believed that the white eagle and the royal family had made such a big move, they were preparing supplies and weapons, and they were shrinking the defense line. If it was groundless and just a joke, Bismarck would not believe it.

Adhering to the principle of prudence and conscientiousness, Bismarck decided to send them over to see what was going on here.

Recalling the reason and purpose of their coming here, Hu Teng looked at Emperor Frederick the Great and frowned slightly.

Because she found that Frederick the Great's attention was not on her side.

Follow the line of sight of Frederick the Great.

A building under construction came into her sight.

She knew these robots that were doing construction work, because many buildings in the Jagged Port area were built by these robots.

"That guy from Sakura, is he here too?"

Muttering, Hu Teng looked at Frederick the Great suspiciously.

What's so interesting about a group of robots working dust on a construction site?

"...They are building the Admiral's Mansion."

Emperor Frederick said softly.

In other words.

It wasn't long before Bai Yi became the commander of White Eagle.

Reminiscent of the abnormality of the white eagle and the royal family during this period, Fat Telie rested his chin with one hand, thoughtfully.

Bai Yi...

She became more and more curious about this White Eagle commander.

PS: I have caught a cold, and the rest of the updates will be added tomorrow (Hold your head and squat to prevent).

It’s the beginning of the month, please ask for a monthly ticket~ also ask for a flower evaluation ticket~...

Chapter 130 Invitation from St. Louis~

at the same time.

In the company's office, Bai Yi couldn't help laughing at the positions of those iron-blooded ship girls.

As long as he and Frederick the Great can talk about dry things, it's not like there is no dry things at all...

But that can't be his fault.

It was Frederick the Great who chose such a topic, he just let nature take its course.


next to.

Looking at its own commander, the enterprise held back a slight smile.

She thinks so.

Bai Yi said it.

It's like he didn't say anything.

Hearing her call, Bai Yi came back to his senses, and said with a light smile, "The purpose of Iron Blood's visit to us should be to find out what we and the royal family are doing during this time."

Enterprise nodded.

She thought so too.

However, she previously thought that Bai Yi would directly explain the ins and outs of the matter to these iron-blooded ship girls.

Perhaps guessing the company's thoughts, Bai Yi spread his hands innocently.

"I don't mind saying it, but they didn't ask~"


Hearing Bai Yi's teasing, she recalled it.

In this conversation with Bai Yi, it seems that Emperor Te Lie did not mention this point...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help covering her lips and chuckling.

Well, that seems to be the case.

Port area, on the construction site.

A group of little yellow chickens are fighting ashes in full swing.

On the nearby high ground, Akashi, holding a small flag, is directing meticulously.


Hearing the gentle voice from beside her ear, Akashi was still wondering where the voice came from, why she didn't notice the presence of the other party when the other party approached her, and felt her cheeks were cold.


She was instantly aroused.

Immediately afterwards, she blinked her pale yellow cat eyes and looked at the culprit who frightened her.

"It's you meow?"

Seeing Bai Yi, Akashi stroked his cheeks that were still cool, and began to meow in anger.

"...Woo meow, don't scare Akashi meow all of a sudden!"

"Sorry sorry~"

Giving a French military salute with a chuckle, Bai Yi tossed away the drink that was still dripping with condensation, and handed the small cake to Akashi by the way.


Akashi tilted his head slightly.

"This is the cake I made~"

"Would you like to try it~"

Hearing Bai Yi's gentle words, the green dull hair on the bright stone flicked lightly.

Hmph, do you think this meow will eat your wasted food!

"...It's so delicious."

Chewing the cake lightly, Akashi blinked his beautiful eyes.

This human commander is not bad, and these cakes are also very delicious...

Just when she was thinking this way, Bai Yi narrowed his eyes and said with a light smile, "After eating my cake, next time I buy something from you, give me a big discount~"


Hearing Bai Yi's words, Akashi blinked his pale yellow eyes, and looked at him blankly.



To be manipulated by this human meow!

Thinking to herself, she weakly took out a small wrench from behind her.

"...Yes, can you break a bone?"

"I can't~"

Akashi: "..."

She pulled up the cat's ears, feeling the deep malice from this world.

"Okay, just kidding~"

Rubbing Akashi's head, Bai Yi stretched out his hand leisurely, and said softly, "We still have a lot to cooperate in the future, first wish us a happy cooperation?"

Akashi: "..."

How can there be a meow who touches someone's head and shakes their hand at the same time!


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