Seeing that there will be a lot of red spikes in the future, ah no, for the sake of cooperation, I will reluctantly forgive you, meow!

Thinking to himself, Akashi gently stretched out her little hand hidden in the cat's paw long sleeve, and shook Bai Yi's hand.

"Huh? Commander...?"

Just when the two were shaking hands, the Vesta, wearing braids as usual and wearing a nurse's uniform, was carrying a small lunch box leisurely. After seeing Bai Yi, she was slightly surprised.

St. Louis next to her showed a soft smile, "Commander, I have read the weather forecast. Tonight's weather is very suitable for night fishing, isn't it?"

0...seeking flowers0...

Hearing St. Louis' words, Akashi nodded subconsciously.

"That's right meow, the weather forecast sold to you by Akashi is as accurate as 90.00% nine meow."

The reason why it is said to be 90.00% nine is mainly to prevent certain accidents from happening, inaccurate predictions, and smashing the signboard.

In fact, the weather forecasts sold by Akashi have so far been [-]% accurate.

There was not a single error.

"Is that so~"

Hearing what St. Louis said, Bai Yi nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at St. Louis, with a gentle smile on his lips, "So, is Miss St. Louis interested in going night fishing with me~"

... 0 "Just call me by my name, Commander~"

Smiling slightly, looking at Bai Yi, St. Louis blinked his beautiful lavender eyes, his pretty face was full of tenderness.

Obviously she wanted to invite the Commander...

"Commander is really gentle~"

Gently sighing, St. Louis's pretty face contained a little smile.

"It's not just me, but also Helena~"


Hearing St. Louis' supplement, Helena's delicate and flawless shy face instantly appeared in Bai Yi's mind.

Helena can be regarded as the White Eagle Lady whom he met relatively early.

Bai Yi's impression of her was basically that of a very shy girl.

Therefore, when St. Louis said that Helena also wanted to invite him to go fishing at night, Bai Yi was inevitably a little surprised.

However, he quickly came back to his senses, nodded with a chuckle, and agreed.

At the side, watching Bai Yi and St. Louis making an agreement tenderly, Miss Vesta's eyes immediately fell on the cake in Akashi's hand.

She came here to deliver lunch to Akashi.

However, now it seems that it is no longer necessary~ Thinking to myself, the Kitchen Goddess is also a little emotional.

The commander's cooking level, even if it's her, can barely reach the same level at best~ PS: Everyone in the new card pool has graduated a few times, I have 20 rounds~... five.

Chapter 131 Night Fishing in Midsummer~

The moonlit night in midsummer is unavoidably a bit stuffy.

However, the hot air is occasionally mixed with a little sea breeze, making it cool.

Cooperate with the flower garden on the side of the road that emits refreshing fragrance all year round.

It can't help but make people feel refreshed.


Wearing a starry sky-colored skirt, her smooth blue hair draped over her shoulders.

Although the jade legs are not wearing stockings, they are also extremely fair and delicate.

Helena took the fishing rod and looked at St. Louis beside her.

There was a little doubt in the girl's beautiful lavender eyes.

She doesn't remember that sister St. Louis has a little hobby of fishing?

And fishing is fishing, why call her?

Thinking to herself, Helena blinked her beautiful lavender eyes.

What made her feel even more bewildered was that sister St. Louis just went fishing with "[-]", so why did she dress her up so beautifully?

The girl pursed her lips.

Although her heart was full of doubts, due to her shy personality, she couldn't take the initiative to ask.


She couldn't continue to wonder soon.

Because one by one "Am I late?"

Bai Yi said with a light smile.

A soft smile formed on St. Louis's lips.

"No, you came just in time~"

Helena: "?"

"? Means, Commander?"

Seeing Bai Yi, Helena shrank her head and panicked.

She looked at St. Louis for help.

Why is the commander here?


St. Louis blinked his beautiful lavender eyes, "Helena, haven't you always wanted to thank the commander?"

So, this is a good opportunity~ Helena wrung her white hands in embarrassment after hearing clearly what St. Louis wanted to express.

Yes, yes.

Sister St. Louis once said that she would help her express her gratitude to the commander...

At that time, Bai Yi was not the commander of Bai Ying.

Sister St. Louis did nothing.

So, gradually, she also forgot about it.

She just wanted to find a suitable time to express her gratitude to Bai Yi when her broken state was restored.

However, Helena did not expect that Bai Yi's identity would change so quickly.

As a result, she had just repaired her broken state and joined the expedition fleet led by the enterprise. On the night when she returned from the expedition to the Siren base, Bai Yi had already become her commander before she realized it...


And then no and then...

After completing the identity change and becoming the commander's ship's wife, Helena not only failed to relax, but became more and more shy.

Because, she was afraid that her shy and sad self would upset the commander and leave a bad impression on him.

This also made Helena panic immediately after seeing her commander at this moment.

She tugged St. Louis's skirt for help, hoping her sister could help.

Seeing Helena's shy little face, St. Louis also smiled a little.

He gave Helena a "Leave it to my sister" look, and comforted Helena who was a little flustered.

Immediately afterwards, with a gentle smile on his lips, St. Louis looked at Bai Yi and blinked quietly.

Bai Yi: "..."

Seeing the look in St. Louis' eyes, he raised his eyebrows and reacted instantly.

After that, Bai Yi was a little bit dumbfounded.

He had almost guessed that the person who invited him to come over for night fishing was not Helena, but St. Louis.

As for the purpose...

Bai Yi's eyes fell on Helena's pretty face.

The girl had a timid expression, especially when she noticed that he was looking over, her pretty face showed a little embarrassment.


Very cute.

Reminiscent of what St. Louis said to Helena just now, he held his cheeks slightly, thoughtful.

It seems that St. Louis invited him to come fishing at night because he was thinking about Helena's affairs. Bai Yi sat beside Helena leisurely, looking at Helena whose body became stiff. He pursed his lips and looked beside Helena. The eyes of St. Louis were full of inquiry.

"Hai. Lun. Na her, like. Like. Point. Wave. Officer. Oh~"

Although St. Louis did not make a sound.

However, just looking at her beautiful red lips opening and closing, and the resulting spoken words, Bai Yi knew what St. Louis wanted to express.  …

Helena likes him?

Seeing St. Louis' spoken language, Bai Yi was a little dazed.

When did this happen?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi's eyes fell on Helena's pretty face.

At this moment, the girl is lowering her head slightly, pretending to concentrate on staring at the float on the water, as if she is paying attention to whether there is any fish.

In fact, anyone could see that Helena was absent-minded, she was simply distracted.

Therefore, she did not notice the oral communication between Bai Yi and St. Louis.

Seeing Helena's pretty face, Bai Yi blinked and looked at St. Louis in a daze.

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