St. Louis nodded affirmatively and positively.

Bai Yi: "..."

"Meaning, Commander?"

Just when Bai Yi was feeling dazed, Helena also noticed the silence between Bai Yi and St. Louis. She raised her head slightly and glanced at Bai Yi secretly.


Her eyes met Bai Yi's...


Shrinking her head, she lowered her head like an ostrich.

"Does Helena hate the Commander?"

Helena: "?"

Hearing Bai Yi's soft words, the girl hurriedly raised her head and explained in a panic.

"I, how could I hate the Commander?" She said eagerly, "0.5 I'm just afraid that my shy self will leave a bad impression on the Commander."


"Of course, I, I like Commander the most!"

Because of her anxiety, Helena didn't have time to think about her words, thinking of the antonym of hate, she said it anxiously.


After all the words were spoken, Helena realized the ambiguity in her words, and a blush immediately appeared on her pretty face.

She couldn't help covering her pretty face with her delicate and flawless jade hands, feeling shy.

Seeing this lovely Helena, Bai Yi smiled softly.

"I like Helena too, okay?"


Helena was slightly stunned upon hearing Bai Yi's words.


Chapter 132 She is in a mess~

The girl stared blankly at her commander.

Bai Yi's words echoed in her mind.

Helena blinked her beautiful lavender eyes, feeling a little dazed.

Commander likes her?

real or fake?

Would such an excellent commander like her with a sad face?

Couldn't it be a black belly teasing her?

The girl pursed her lips.

She has also heard that the commander is actually a bit dark-bellied.

thought here.

Helena raised her head secretly, and glanced at Bai Yi quickly.

Bai Yi had a gentle expression.

It's not like teasing her with a black belly.


Is what the Commander said true?

Thinking about it, the girl was in a mess.

her side.

Looking at Helena showing this shy posture, Bai Yi gently stroked her head.

"Of course the commander likes Helena, so don't worry about leaving a bad impression on the commander, just show some confidence?"


The girl nodded slightly.

and so…

Does the Commander really like her?

The girl is a little confused.

Just looking at the Commander's words, it seems that 04 is comforting her, asking her to show confidence.

Thinking to myself, the girl is a little worried about gains and losses.

She also couldn't tell whether she wanted the commander to like her, or whether she wanted the commander to dislike her...


As the commander's ship's wife, it's impossible for her to hope that her commander doesn't like her...

and so……

Could it be that she hopes that her commander likes her?

Thinking to herself, because of Bai Yi's words, Helena, whose head became messy and illogical, became more and more shy.

next to.

Seeing the situation here, St. Louis was also a little surprised.

When telling Commander Helena her feelings in spoken words, she also thought about many possibilities.

For example, the commander might think she was joking.

For example, the commander may feel a little overwhelmed.

In the end, unexpectedly, the commander directly punched him...

This was somewhat beyond her expectations.

Thinking to himself, St. Louis' eyes fell on Helena.

Seeing that the girl was still shy, she felt a little helpless.

Maybe it's the memories of being a ship that are still affecting Helena.

She became very sad and shy.

Therefore, this is almost Helena's limit.

If it continues, it will inevitably backfire.

Thinking of this, St. Louis began to change the subject.

"After the commander took office, Minato's mission has become very easy~"

Hearing St. Louis' emotion, Bai Yi smiled lightly and spread his hands, "Because I have such a personality~"

He has no interest in world domination.

There is no idea of ​​becoming famous.

There is no dream of expelling the sirens and restoring the glory of mankind.

If the girls of White Eagle want him to do so.

Maybe he will seriously consider it.

However, the White Eagle has no lofty goals.

The only idea is probably to protect the colleagues in the port area.

Now there is more to protect the commander.


Then it's done.

Nothing else.

Therefore, when Bai Yi became the commander of the White Eagle and realized the thoughts of these White Eagle girls, he simply managed the port area according to his own personality and ideas.

After a few days of development.

Even Nicholas, who likes to stay lazy in the small clinic every day, must have realized the changes in the port area.

Thinking of Nicholas who was sleepy and could form a sleeping club with Lafite, Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh a little.


Leisurely fishing.

Bai Yi's eyes fell on St. Louis.

He knew very well that when St. Louis invited him to come fishing at night, it was because Prime Minister Cao was beating Soochow—the drunkard didn't mean to drink.

Helena liked him, which surprised him a little.

Because he hadn't found any clues before.

However, since St. Louis told him about this, it should be true.

After all, St. Louis is Helena's older sister.

This time, he specially helped Helena ask him out in the name of night fishing.

She wouldn't cheat on her sister, would she?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi's eyes fell on Helena's pretty face.

The girl still dare not look at him.

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