The pretty face renders Hongxia.

Absolutely cute.


Helena really liked him.

It's just that the character is too shy, and I don't dare to express it.


That's it for tonight.

If it continues, Helena's pretty face will probably bleed.

Well, red.

"I guess we won't be able to catch it tonight, let's go back~"

he said with a chuckle.

"Well, it looks like this~"

Looking at Helena who was blushing and bowing her head, St. Louis nodded in approval.


I can't catch it tonight~ On the small road by the sea.

After sending Sisters St. Louis and Helena 823 back to the dormitory, Bai Yi leisurely glanced at the starry sky, and felt a little emotional.

From time travel to becoming the commander of the White Eagle.

This experience is like this starry sky.


However, he likes it~ Thinking to himself, the corners of Bai Yi's lips curved slightly.

Facing the cool night wind.

Sitting leisurely on an outdoor bench.

He leisurely played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

After returning from the Siren Base, this Rubik's Cube never left his side.

However, Bai Yi couldn't figure out the purpose of this thing.

Therefore, he is just out of the vulgar taste of plate walnuts now.

From a plate of walnuts to a plate of Rubik's cube.


Sitting on the bench in the open air, he yawned leisurely.

Bai Yi was ready to go back.

However, just as he was about to put the idea into practice.

A serious voice entered his ears.

"Qin? Are you... the commander of White Eagle?"

Hear this voice.

Bai Yidun looked at his reputation.

The target was a sports girl in sportswear.

Bai Yi recognized her because he had seen this girl during the day.

"Miss Z23, we meet again~"


Chapter 133 Untitled~

Seeing Bai Yi, Z23 was also a little surprised.

She didn't expect that it was so late, and she could still see the commander of White Eagle.

"Is Miss Z23 running at night?"

Looking at this iron-blooded destroyer lady in sportswear, Bai Yi asked gently with a smile on his lips.

"Well, this is my habit~"

The girl nodded.

Although night running does not have the effect of exercising on her as a ship's mother, it is already a habit of hers.

Even though she was in the Baiying Port area at the moment, she still couldn't help but want to go out for a night run.

Of course, the scope of night running is limited to this park~"Is that so~"

Nodding clearly, Bai Yi leisurely leaned against the bluestone fence by the road.

He noticed that Z23 was a little stiff when facing him.

This made Bai Yi a little suspicious.

He touched his face.


Does he look so scary?

Shouldn't it be?

Bai Yi clearly remembered that York City said he was super handsome, Lafite said he was super good-looking, and Essex blushed when he saw him...


It's certainly not his problem.

Teasing in his heart, Bai Yi looked at the girl and smiled softly.

"Don't be cautious, just treat me as an ordinary friend~"

As he said that, he spread his hands innocently, "Or, Miss Z23 thinks I look too scary?"

"Qin? Dang, of course not..."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, the girl hurriedly shook her head.

Not to mention that Bai Yi looks very good-looking.

Moreover, even if Bai Yi was really ugly, she wouldn't think of being so rude...

Thinking to herself, the girl quickly noticed the brisk smile on Bai Yi's face.

Seeing this, she still didn't understand that Bai Yi was joking and teasing her.

Gently puff up your cheeks.

Immediately afterwards, the corners of the girl's lips curved slightly.

Although he knew that Bai Yi was teasing her.

But she did relax.

Thinking about it, the girl pursed her lips.

His impression of Bai Yi changed somewhat.

The iron and blood ranks are strict.

So, when she heard that White Eagle already had a commander, she had already figured out the character of this White Eagle commander before she saw anyone.

Well, definitely serious.

Although when seeing Bai Yi in the company's office, Bai Yi's personality was different from what she imagined.

However, the person responsible for communicating with Bai Yi at that time was Iron Blood's second-in-command, Emperor Frederick the Great.

She herself hadn't communicated with Bai Yi much.

Immediately afterwards, when they came to the residence that Bai Ying had prepared for them, Emperor Frederick also confessed that she could not take the initiative in the conversation with Bai Yi.

This further strengthened Z23's guess about Bai Yi's character.

So much so that, at this moment, when seeing Bai Yi alone, Z23 will inevitably feel a little reserved. Until now, seeing the leisurely Bai Yi and hearing Bai Yi's jokes, she realized that her previous feelings towards this White Eagle commander Guess, some brains are overdone.

Although at work, the other party will also become serious.

But overall he is still a very gentle person~ Thinking to herself, the girl glanced at the time.

"Sorry, I'm going to keep running/~"

She bent over and apologized.

There is no doubt that the serious character is revealed.

Watching the girl leave.

Bai Yi laughed dumbfoundedly.

Serious girls are always likable~ "She didn't cause you any trouble, did she?"

Hearing a gentle voice from behind, Bai Yi spread his hands, "Of course not, Miss Frederick the Great~"

"That's fine~"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Emperor Frederick nodded gently.

"Miss Dadi also came to run at night?"

Looking at Emperor Frederick the Great, Bai Yi said leisurely.

"Of course not." Frederick the Great drew his thin lips, "I was just thinking about what reward I should pay so that the commander of the White Eagle would tell us the information we want to know, and then come here unknowingly. Here we come~"

She also didn't expect to meet Bai Yi here.

But just fine.

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