The picture she saw at the beginning still came to her mind from time to time.

This made her feel very tangled.

The commander was confessed.

It wasn't her who confessed.

It was very confusing.

Unexpectedly, did that aloof Miss Essex also like Commander?

Thinking to himself, New Jersey shook his head.

No, this is normal.

The commanders are already their commanders.

They must have a good impression of their own commanders, these White Eagle Fleet Girls.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have voted for Bai Yi to be their commander.

Therefore, their favorability for the commander is only a matter of more or less.

Looking at it this way, it's normal for Essex to confess his love to the commander!

Thinking of this, New Jersey was also a little relieved.

Although she likes Commander.

However, she just doesn't care about who becomes the commander's marriage ship first.

after all.

The commander already had Lafite as his wedding ship before.

It's like going to the moon.

People only remember the first man on the moon.

As for the second...

Who knows?

Without the title of the first married ship, the order of the rest is not important anymore. However, Essex has already made it up.

She can't be left behind.

With this thought in mind.

So, after a century of deliberation for a second.

She ran to find the commander~and then appeared here~Recalling the cause and effect, New Jersey suddenly felt that her attention was attracted.

She came back to her senses, but it was Bai Yi who saw her distracted, couldn't help but smiled lightly and waved his hand in front of her eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

Hearing Bai Yi's gentle words, the corners of New Jersey's lips twitched slightly, showing a characteristic cat-maow smile.

"Commander, where are you going to play? No, where are you going to earn the experience of the plan ship?"

Bai Yi: "..."

Haven't you already stated your real purpose~ Thinking to himself, Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh.

However, considering that this is also the first time he has come out with New Jersey, let her do what she wants~ Thinking of this, he handed over the initiative to New Jersey.

"What do you think~"

He spread his hands.

"If I had to choose, I would only choose fishing?"

"Hee hee, I occasionally play exciting games, Commander~"

Holding Bai Yi's neck, New Jersey stuck out her tongue while laughing.

Although she doesn't mind fishing with the Commander.

However, it was rare to go out to play alone with the commander, and she didn't want to spend all her time fishing.

Thinking to herself, she moved a little to the side, leaving a space that Bai Yi could barely squeeze in.

After doing all this, she patted the empty seat.

"Commander, you probably haven't driven a yacht yet, have you? Come and try~"

Hearing what New Jersey said, Bai Yi's eyes fell on the driver's seat where New Jersey was sitting.


Before crossing, he didn't even charge for playing games, and he hadn't been on a boat a few times, let alone driving a yacht.

Now that he heard New Jersey say that, he also became a little interested.


He won't?

Maybe it's because of the heart, New Jersey chuckled and said, "It's okay, I can teach you, come on~"

Her battleship can take a yacht.

It doesn't make sense that the commander can't learn to drive a yacht~ Besides, it doesn't matter even if the commander capsizes the yacht.

There are a lot of yachts in St. Louis~ If you don't have enough to buy, what a big deal~ Hearing what New Jersey said, Bai Yi also decided to have a look.

So, he sat leisurely next to New Jersey.

The driver's seat is a little bit cramped.

Because at the beginning of the design of the driver's seat, the problem of two people squeezing one seat was not considered.

After all, even on a train where a certain third brother is crowded with everyone, no one grabs the driver's seat, right?

Joking in his heart, Bai Yi moved his body a little.

This makes the driver's seat, which is already insufficient in space, even more crowded.

The fragrance came from the tip of the nose, which was the body odor of New Jersey.

Even if Bai Yi didn't do anything, he could still feel the delicateness and sensuality of New Jersey's thigh.

Looking at Bai Yi's profile, New Jersey pursed his lips, and immediately said with a smile, "Hee hee, are you fascinated by me? Commander~"

Hearing her teasing, Bai Yi also smiled a little.

Stretching out his finger, he flicked New Jersey's forehead lightly.

After that, I felt the body temperature from the girl.

He leisurely tried to start the yacht, and under the guidance of New Jersey, he drove it.

Although Bai Yi has never learned how to drive a yacht.

But he's a great learner.

An hour passed.

He has already been able to master the yacht proficiently.

Driving the rickety and unsteady yacht, Bai Yi thought so.

In fact, it is true, he has been able to pilot the yacht proficiently.

There is also a reason why he behaves so well...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi looked at the culprit.

Although New Jersey did nothing.

However, her existence itself is the original sin!


"……What are you looking at?"

Noticing that New Jersey has always secretly glanced at the small notebooks hidden in the navy coat from the departure area to the present, Bai Yi asked curiously.


New Jersey shook his head pretending to be calm.


She added.

Bai Yi: "..." It's no wonder there's nothing~ The optimist New Jersey can show such a guilty expression, he's becoming more and more curious about the contents of this little book.

However, since New Jersey was embarrassed to say it, he temporarily suppressed his curiosity.

After this, New Jersey sensed, the yacht stopped.

She looked at Bai Yi suspiciously.

I don't understand why the boat stopped.

His eyes fell on Bai Yi, and he found that he was looking at the distance leisurely at the moment.

New Jersey followed his gaze.

At this moment.

The sun is fading.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyes the sparkling sea golden, like a picture scroll, so beautiful.

Seeing such a scene, New Jersey also became quiet.

She has seen the sunset on the sea too many times.

Only this time, she thought the scene was beautiful.

It made her feel uncontrollably happy.

Girls know why this happens.

Because the commander is by my side.

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