The Commander is with her.

That's it.

Watching the sunset and feeling the warmth from the commander, New Jersey pursed his lips.

She likes the leisurely atmosphere of watching the sunset with the commander.

However, she is also greedy.


At this moment.

She hopes that time will freeze here forever.

no longer flow.

But she knew it was impossible.

Time passes like the waters of the Mississippi.

The rush is endless, rolling forward, unstoppable.

However, she has better options.

Thinking to himself, the corner of New Jersey's eyes fell on the side of Bai Yi's face.

Do it when you think of it.

It's her personality.

Even at this moment, it is the same~ Thinking of this.

She gently held Bai Yi's hand.



"Which one do you prefer, an active New Jersey or a passive New Jersey?"

Said, New Jersey watched Bai Yi's reaction expectantly.

Then, before Bai Yi could speak, she covered Bai Yi's mouth.

Because she had already guessed the answer through Bai Yi's micro expressions.


She said with a smile.

"Commander likes the feeling of being hung up~"

no, I do not like it.

Joking in his heart, Bai Yi gently held New Jersey's jade hand covering his mouth with his free hand.

"So, which one do you prefer, the active commander or the passive commander, New Jersey?"


Hearing Bai Yi's words, the girl was stunned.

"Let me choose~"

Looking at the cute girl with a slightly naive pretty face, Bai Yi smiled lightly and said, "I choose...a commander who is more active~"

Before he came, he had already sensed New Jersey's intentions.


New Jersey's disguised confession did not surprise him either.


The problem is coming.

Does he like New Jersey?

Do you like this optimistic Miss Black Dragon?

Of course~ Although we don't spend much time together.

Not enough mellow feelings brewed yet.

However, the commander likes his ship's wife, isn't that a matter of course?

Thinking about it, Bai Yi's lips curved into a gentle smile.

He has no words.

Instead, express your heart with practical actions.

Just at this time one by one "beep beep"

The communicator in his pocket came beeping.

Bai Yi: "..."

Follow the normal routine.

Should he jump up now and answer the phone in a panic?

Joking in his heart, Bai Yi connected.

New Jersey: "…"

Seeing Bai Yi connected.

For some reason, her slightly tense heart not only failed to relax, but also felt a little lost...

But soon, this loss disappeared without a trace~ because.

Bai Yi gently pressed it over.

Just taste it~...

Chapter 138 Unexpected person~

"Hey hey~"

far away.

He secretly observed the reaction of the yacht.

Little Gaga laughed playfully.

She has a communicator in her hand.

That's right.

The caller ID on Bai Yi's side showed that she was the one who dialed.

As for why she is here...

Long story.

Time goes back to daylight.

Watching Bai Yi and New Jersey leave the port area.

Immediately afterwards, the company quickly found them.

She made a long story short, and quickly let them understand the specific ins and outs.

Then, they set off.

The task given to them by the company is to follow the commander silently.

Protect the safety of the commander in the dark.

If the commander is not in danger, they will follow him silently.

Also silently followed the commander back.

of course.

Little Gaga's naughty character.

Businesses are all too familiar.

But she believed that little Gaga would never be naughty.

Because one by one "Saratoga, turn off the communicator quickly~"

next to.

I saw Little Gaga pick up the communicator.

No need to guess, Lexington knew that Little Gaga was contacting the commander.

As for little Gajia's naughtiness, she, the older sister, knows best.

She immediately put on a pretty face and looked at little Gajia reproachfully.

"Hee hee, it's okay, just contact the commander~"

Saying that, little Jiajia blinked and smiled playfully.

In order not to be found by the commander and New Jersey.

At this moment, she is very far away from the yacht.

It was so far away that even she, the ship's wife, couldn't hear the sound on the yacht.

This made her very curious.

So, looking at Bai Yi and New Jersey who seemed to be watching the sunset, little Gajia decided to play a prank.

Do it when you think of it.

For a moment.

The communicator on Bai Yi's body beeped.

Little Gaga didn't care much about sister Lexington's reproach.

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