How could something go wrong if she just contacted the commander~ With this in mind, she looked in the direction of the yacht.

Although, separated by such a long distance.

She couldn't hear the sound of the yacht.


With Jian Niang's excellent eyesight, she still saw the picture on the yacht.


Then there is no more...

Looking in the direction of the yacht, Little Gaga blinked her eyes.

A little confused.


Next to him, Lexington was slightly puzzled when he saw little Gaga who was stunned.

She followed little Gaga's line of sight.

The purpose of entering was Bai Yi and New Jersey who were kissing each other.


see this screen.

Lexington blinked his beautiful light purple eyes, feeling a little dazed.

Has the relationship between New Jersey and the commander reached the level where they can kiss?


when did it happen?

Thinking to himself, Lexington looked blankly at little Gaga beside him.

Noticing her sister's gaze, little Jiajia also shook her head blankly.

She doesn't know either.

In the port area before, she had never heard that New Jersey was flirting with the commander, so...

Could it be that New Jersey and the commander are on this yacht, just now, have their relationship been confirmed?

Thinking about it, little Jiajia tilted her head slightly.

If her guess is true.


Didn't her prank just now bother the Commander and New Jersey?


She suddenly exclaimed.

Little face reddish.

Although I like pranks.

However, when Xiao Jiajia played pranks, she was measured.

Her pranks never really bothered anyone.

Also for this reason.

At this moment.

Realizing that she might have disturbed New Jersey and the commander's confession, little Gajia couldn't help but panic.

She was ready to hang up the communication in an instant.


Just as she was about to do this, Bai Yi's voice sounded from the communicator at the right time.

"Little Gaga?"

on the yacht.

Although this communicator was temporarily handed over to him by the company.

But the address book has already been set up.

He glanced at the name displayed on the communicator.

After seeing Little Jiajia's name, Bai Yi asked with some doubts, "Did something happen?"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Little Jiajia quickly shook her head.

"No, nothing..."

Bai Yi: "?"

Hearing the guilty conscience contained in Xiao Jiajia's words, he chuckled dotingly and said, "Are you playing a prank again?"

"You actually played a prank on Commander, when you get back, I will punish you well~"

Although he said so, there was no sense of blame in his tone.

Looking at the soft smile on Bai Yi's face.

Listen to the pampering in his tone.

Little Gaga pursed her lips.

Commander, he always tolerates her so much no matter what time...

Thinking to herself, she suppressed the complexity in her heart.

Then he said with a smile, "So, how does the commander plan to punish little Gaga?"

She, the lovely Sister Sara, is super brave~ Will she be afraid of the Commander's punishment?

I can't!

Just when Little Gaga thought so.

Bai Yi chuckled teasingly from the communicator.

"Hehe, I'm going to arrest you in the office and handle official business every day, 996 Saratoga every day: ""

Hear Bai Yi's words.

Imagine a future like this.

For a moment, she shrank her head.

"Wow, let the lovely Sister Sarah 996 or something, Commander, are you a devil!?"


next to.

Hearing the conversation between Bai Yi and Saratoga, New Jersey couldn't help chuckling.

After that, she pursed her lips slightly.

It seems to be reminiscing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Bai Yi who was joking with Saratoga.

The arches of New Jersey's feet wrapped in black stockings are slightly bent, and there are mixed feelings in his heart.

Although when she came out, she had already decided to confess to the commander.


Even if you have already made such an awareness.

But when she was really about to confess to the commander, she couldn't help but flinch again.

After all, this is the first confession in her life.

And the object of the confession was still his own commander.

Even an optimist would feel shy.


After saying what was equivalent to a disguised confession, she sighed slightly in her heart, and she was ready to find another opportunity, and then confessed to the commander in a more straightforward way.

In the end, the commander seems to be more direct than her...

A straight ball came over.

It directly confirms their relationship...

thought here.

New Jersey's trademark cat-mao smile is slightly outlined on the corners of New Jersey's lips.

She, the biggest and strongest Miss Black Dragon, will be the commander's ship girl from now on~ emmmmm...

It doesn't seem right to say that...

After all, she was the commander's wife...

But in terms of marriage, she doesn't seem to be considered right now?

Thinking to himself, New Jersey glanced at Bai Yi.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

next to.

He chatted and laughed leisurely with little Gajia, and told her threateningly that he would arrest her in the office 996. Hearing little Gajia's protest, he chuckled and hung up the communication.

After that, he glanced at the sky.

After New Jersey's confession and Little Gaga's interruption, the sky was almost dark.

Gradually, night fell.

Stars can be seen faintly in the sky.

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