At this moment, he heard the company's murmur, "These iron-blooded people are too messy, aren't they?"

Iron blood?

What's the matter with Iron Blood?

Hearing what the company said, Bai Yi was a little dazed.

Then, he understood why the company said so.

Because when Yiyi was about to hit the target, the rocket suddenly disintegrated in the air.

After that, more than a dozen figures suddenly flew out from the deflagration flame 0.5 of the rocket disintegration. After adjusting their posture in the air, the aircraft carrier mother released the carrier aircraft one after another to catch everyone who fell.

Bai Yi: "..."

Needless to say by the company, he could tell that these figures were all iron-blooded ship girls...

This is really messy.

Use a rocket as a missile, no, it's a missile... just throw it over.

The key is that these iron-blooded ship girls themselves also stay in this "missile"...

If there is any accident.

The missile hits the ground.

Although the ship's mother is protected by ship equipment, she will be injured more or less.

A big break is not impossible.

Even so, these iron-blooded ship girls still did it...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi also expressed the same emotion as the enterprise.

These iron-blooded ship girls are really messed up...

at the same time.

Maybe they noticed the white eagle ship girl here.

The iron-blooded carrier-based aircraft slowly flew over here.

It's getting closer.

Bai Yi also saw these iron-blooded ship girls standing on the carrier aircraft.

His eyes first fell on a blond-haired blue-eyed ship girl.

Although, the other party didn't know him.

But he knew this blonde girl with blue eyes.

Because this heroic ship girl has a very high reputation even in human society.

Bismarck, that's her name.

She has another identity.

That is...

Iron-blooded flagship!


Chapter 142 Long time no see~

Bai Yi's eyes fell on the iron-blooded flagship.

She was wearing a black navy uniform and a navy cap, her long hair reached her waist, and her straight and round thighs were wrapped in plush boots, showing absolute territory. An iron-blooded flag extended from the naval scepter in her hand , dancing with the wind, more and more brought out her charisma.

This is Bismarck.

Iron Bismarck.

"A man lives up to his name"

Bai Yi couldn't help feeling emotional.

Also when he observed Bismarck.

This iron-blooded flagship also set her sights on Bai Yi.

Looking at this man.

Bismarck also recalled the ins and outs of why she was here.

An hour ago.

She was in the office in the Jagged Port area, thinking about why there was no news from Fat Terry and the others. It seemed that the mission to visit the White Eagle was not going well...

At this moment, she inadvertently looked through the window of the office and saw something shiny in the sky, flying towards the Jagged Port area.

At first, she was still confused.

Don't know what this is.

However, when this shiny thing flew towards him at an extremely fast speed and got closer and closer to Sangvis, Bismarck reacted quickly.


Aware of the essence of this shining thing, Bismarck's expression turned cold instantly.

Under her management, Iron Blood became famous far and wide.

So far, it has never suffered any attack from the outside world.

Not once.

So which faction actually dared to throw missiles at Sang Xue's head after eating the bear's heart and leopard's courage?

Do you want to start an all-out war with Sangvis?


Looking at this missile that was gradually approaching Sangvis, a look of contempt flashed across Bismarck's pretty face.

Just relying on this kind of toy, you want to destroy their port area?

Do not make jokes.

Thinking to himself, Bismarck didn't make any moves as he watched the 04 missile gradually approaching the Jagged Port area.

No need for her to act.

For a moment.

The missile was smashed by the naval gun.

However, just when she began to think seriously, who on earth dared to throw missiles at the iron-blooded port area.

A ship lady entered her office.

Bismarck's eyes fell on the comer.

She is Admiral Earl Spey, an iron-blooded armored ship.

"Spee? Is there something wrong?"

asked Bismarck.

Without answering, Earl Spey handed the box he was holding to her.

Seeing this, Bismarck didn't care, Spee had such a character.

She is more curious about this box than Spey, who is usually withdrawn.

see it.

This box experienced an explosion.

Without Spee's reminder, Bismarck guessed that the box exploded from the missile.

Since Spey chose to give it to her, it means that Spey has already checked the box.

No danger.

But there is a need for her, the flagship, to check it out.

Thinking to himself, Bismarck checked.

She quickly saw the familiar cat's head on the lock of the box.

Seeing this, Bismarck frowned slightly.

As we all know, Mao Mao, the profiteer of Shige Sakura, is only interested in Hongjianjian.

Even the internal affairs of Sakura, this profiteer cat and cat are not involved.

Moreover, Iron Blood is also her partner.

She is paid a lot of red spikes every year.

Therefore, she really couldn't imagine why Akashi had any reason to attack Iron Blood.

If it's not an attack...

With a vague guess in his heart, Bismarck quickly opened the box.

Sure enough, the purpose of this box is to protect the letters inside.

How urgent is it that it is worth Akashi's abandoning traditional drones and using ICBMs to send messages?

Thinking to himself, Bismarck had an ominous premonition in his heart.

She quickly opened the letter and began to read it.

The owner of the letter is the existence that claims to be the White Eagle Commander.

This made her wonder, when did Baiying have a commander?

She read on.

In the letter, the commander of the White Eagle told her the ins and outs of the matter in extremely short sentences.

The more you look.

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