Bismarck's heart sank.

The foursome she sends to visit White Eagle encounter Sirens on their way back.

Frederick the Great, Hutten, and Prince Eugen disappeared.

Z23 is currently waiting for support in the White Eagle Port area.

At this moment, she couldn't care about when Bai Ying would have a commander.

She quickly called the iron-blooded ship girl in the port area.

Except for some of the ship girls who stayed in the port area.

The rest of the ship girls followed her to the sea area coordinates marked in the letter when Frederick the Great and the others disappeared.

However, Iron Blood is too far away from the destination.

Even if they move forward at full speed, it is difficult to reach their destination before dawn.

At this moment, time is more important than money.

So Bismarck thought of rockets.

Although it bumped a billion points, it was also dangerous.

But it's definitely fast enough.

thought here.

Bismarck quickly took out the missiles stored in the port area, modified them slightly, and turned them into manned rockets that never returned.

And then there's what happened next.

Iron Blood and his team precisely blew up the missile at the moment when the missile was about to hit its destination.

Immediately afterwards, relying on the excellent physical fitness of the ship's mother, they were not torn apart by the airflow and the wreckage of the missile, but managed to rush to this sea area in a short time...

Recalling this experience, Bismarck's eyes fell on Bai Yi.

She nodded sternly and politely.

"You are Bai Yi, the commander of the White Eagle."

Bismarck's tone was very firm. After all, who could be the commander of a man who can be protected by the White Eagle flagship enterprise?

Glancing at Z23 standing beside Bai Yi, he nodded to her.

After that, there was no extra nonsense, and Bismarck went straight to the point, "I already know the specific ins and outs. Iron Blood will remember the white eagle's favor. Have you found any traces of Frederick the Great and the others?"

Glancing at Bai Yi, Z23 whispered to him softly, "Miss Bismarck is such a straightforward character, don't worry..."

After finishing speaking, Z23 told Bismarck about the coordinates of the mirror sea area.

Bismarck: ""

I heard……

Thinking helplessly, she looked at Bai Yi in surprise.

People who can make Z23 care so much are very rare...

Is it because he was too helpless and suddenly felt the reliability of the White Eagle commander, so Z23 gradually began to get close to the White Eagle commander?

Roughly guess the ins and outs.

Bismarck's attention quickly focused on the coordinates of the mirror sea area narrated by Z23.

To be honest, she's a little dazed right now.

Because she heard too many new words.

Such as mirror seas.

Such as the Siren Arbitration Authority.

and many more.

She didn't understand why, after White Eagle gained an additional commander, Iron Blood and White Eagle had a gap in terms of information about the sirens...

Is it because of the appearance of this white eagle commander?

Just when Bismarck thought so.

The Purifier was also picked up by New Jersey.


Seeing the Purifier, Bismarck was ready to take out his ship suit in an instant, and wiped out the siren with a single blow.

However, just as she was about to make a move, a hand suddenly pressed against her outstretched hand.

Seeing it

Bismarck's beautiful eyes like sapphires fell on the other party.

Bai Yi looked at her frankly.

Bismarck frowned.

At first glance, the White Eagle Commander appears to be an ordinary human being.

But when she got serious, it was strange that she could feel a little pressure...

Thinking to herself, she withdrew her gaze.

"Don't be impatient, Miss Bismarck." Bai Yi said softly, "Without her help, you wouldn't be able to enter the Mirror Sea, and you wouldn't be able to find Frederick the Great."

"I see…"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Bismarck temporarily suppressed the hostility towards all the sirens that had suddenly surged upon hearing that Frederick the Great and the others had disappeared.

Purifier: "..."

Purification is so kind, these iron-blooded ship girls actually want to beat Purification!

It's so bad!

Tucao, the purifier told Bai Yi everything she knew, "These two entrances may lead to the same mirror sea area, or they may lead to different mirror sea areas. Before actually entering, the purifier can't see it." specific circumstances”

"Is that so..."

Hearing what the purifier said, Bai Yi's eyes fell on the mirrored sea areas at two different locations displayed on the electronic chart, and he said thoughtfully, "As far as the current situation is concerned, we can only explore one of them first, and then Explore another..."

"...But this is too slow."

Bismarck murmured.

She did not deny that Bai Yi gave the best solution, but time is precious, and Emperor Frederick and the others might not have that much time...

Thinking to himself, Bismarck looked at Bai Yi inquisitively, "Mr. Bai Yi, can you ask Bai Ying to explore one of the mirror seas? Let us explore the other with iron blood?"

She said sincerely, "In terms of remuneration, Iron Blood will be as satisfied as possible, and it can also be exchanged for a promise that we, Iron Blood, will definitely help when encountering such things in the future."

Hearing Bismarck's request, Bai Yi rested his chin with one hand, thoughtful.

Bismarck's proposal is not without feasibility.

However, it is easy to enter the mirror sea area, but it is not so easy to think about it.

According to Purification pro, if you want to get out of the mirror sea area, you must find and destroy the machine that maintains the mirror sea area.

That is, some parts that they did not destroy in the last expedition.

Either you need to find a specific exit.

Neither the former nor the latter is difficult to do.

Under the guidance of Purification, Bai Yi was able to find the exit of the mirror sea area.

But he couldn't split the purification in half and give half to Sangvis, right?

Next to Bai Yi, the purification pro shuddered, "I always feel like you're thinking about something impolite..." regained his senses, smiled and patted the purification pro's head.

Afterwards, Bai Yi threw this question to Bismarck.

"We'll find it."

Bismarck said confidently.

After 827 asked Purification about the situation in the mirror sea area and how to identify the entrance, Bismarck set off with the iron-blooded girls.

Watch these Jagged Ship Girls leave.

Bai Yi's eyes turned to Z23 beside him.

Looking at the girl with round hair wearing a beret, his expression was a little subtle.

Your sister Bismarck seems to have forgotten about you...

Bai Yi was sure that Bismarck simply forgot.

The iron-blooded flagship came in a hurry, and before she had time to introduce the iron-blooded ship girl beside her to him, she set off in a hurry.

The iron-blooded girls around Bismarck noticed that Z23 didn't keep up, but they probably thought it was Bismarck's arrangement, so they didn't say anything...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi also smiled a little.

Did the famous iron-blooded flagship Bismarck occasionally have a clumsy side?

With emotion, Bai Yi looked into the distance.

It seems to be able to see through the clouds and mist on the sea and see the location of the mirror sea entrance.

"Let's go too."

He said so.

The ship's wife walks extremely fast on the sea.

For a moment.

A group of people have arrived at the location of the entrance to the mirror sea area discovered by Akashi.

at the same time.

On the other side, Bismarck also came to another entrance.

Without the slightest hesitation.

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