She is ready to enter this mirror sea.

The Purifiers said that these mirror seas are just fragments of the previously complete mirror seas, and the space is far less vast than the joint expedition fleet that was able to temporarily trap the White Eagle and the Royal before.


Bismarck was confident.

If she can't even conquer this war-damaged version of the Mirror Sea Territory.

Then, the siren base that they Iron Blood discovered, might as well just pretend that they didn't see it from now on.

I thought to myself, without the slightest hesitation.

Bismarck was the first to enter this entrance.

A group of iron-blooded ship girls followed closely behind.

At the same time, Bai Yi on the other side brought Enterprise and the others into the mirror sea.

For a while, the stars moved.

Bai Yi opened his eyes with ease.


Looking at the dreamlike pure white loli sitting lazily on the jellyfish ship suit before him, he looked at his hands and thought that maybe he was very suitable to buy a lottery ticket today...

Teasing in his heart, Bai Yi came back to his senses and greeted this pure white siren loli.

"Long time no see~"

PS: The picture shows Bismarck.

Part-time work for dragon jpg (funny) ~.

Chapter 143 Dream Weaver~

Bai Yi's eyes fell on this pure white loli.

Dream weaver.

This is the name of this pure white loli.

He was slightly surprised.

Although, when he heard Z23 describe the sirens they met, he had already guessed.

But guesses are just guesses.

So far, Bai Yi has seen more than one siren with jellyfish-type ship equipment.

The builder I met last time in the Mirror Sea has a jellyfish-type ship.

In addition, the skin color of these sirens is pure white.

Therefore, although he had guessed at that time that this siren might be a dream weaver, he was not sure yet.

Until now.

See this pure white siren loli.

Bai Yi knew, he guessed right.

It's true at a glance.

The sirens that Frederick the Great and the others met were the dream weavers who entered his dreams over and over again.

So the dream weaver is really a siren?

It's no wonder she knows what the siren is doing and makes him ready...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi was also a little puzzled.

Speaking of which, since the dream weaver is the siren, why did she come into his dream?

Besides, it's fine to be a riddle, why did she tell him the siren's movements?

Just when Bai Yi was thinking this way, Dream Weaver raised his head slightly, and looked at the intruder in the Mirror Sea.

She thought for a while, then responded ethereally, "Long time no see."

Hearing her words, Bai Yi, who thought that Dreamweaver would still be speechless, raised his eyebrows.


behind him.

Seeing Bai Yi greet this siren.

The point is, the siren actually responded.

See this scenario.

They are a little at a loss.

They looked at Bai Yi, and then at Siren.

I always feel that the commander is very familiar with this siren...


Is it an illusion?

Thinking to himself, the enterprise shook his head.

Whether it is an illusion or not.

In short, this siren should be what Z23 said, the culprit that caused the disappearance of Frederick the Great and the others, right?

Thinking to herself, she looked at Z23 with a look of inquiry.

Z23 nodded solemnly.

She met this siren at that time, and in the blink of an eye, Frederick the Great and the others disappeared.

Therefore, she still remembers this siren.

After getting an affirmative reply from Z23, the company immediately summoned the ship equipment.

New Jersey and Georgia on the side also aimed their main guns at Dreamweaver.

They all became serious.

no doubt.

This siren is one of the only strong enemies they have encountered so far!

Although I don't know this siren, and the arbitrator they have encountered before.Compared with Lavos, who is stronger and who is weaker.

But to easily deal with Frederick the Great and the others, this siren is definitely not weak.

thought here.

Enterprise they are ready to attack.


Just when they were about to attack, and had already done so.

Businesses are aware of the anomaly.

Their commander, like a bubble, gradually disappeared.

And their attacks did not cause any waves.

It was as if they had never launched an attack, whether it was the aerial bombs of the carrier-based aircraft of the Enterprise, or the battle shells of New Jersey and Georgia, they all disappeared at the moment of firing...

"This is…?"

Upon seeing this, the company found a problem.

Nothing here.

Just like a fantasy.

and so……

When were they recruited?

Enterprise and New Jersey exchanged glances.

The trickiness of this siren has far exceeded their expectations...

He frowned.

Businesses are full of worries.

I don't know how the Commander is doing now...

"Here is the 'dream'.... "

Just when the company was worried about its own commander, Dreamweaver said slowly, "Don't worry about your commander, he's fine. So, just stay here for a few minutes..."

This is her power.

Create dreams and pull enemies into them.

Then, in this dream world.

She can manipulate the dreams of these people at will.

Or sweet dreams.

Or nightmare.

It can arouse the desire in the dreamer's heart.

It can also arouse the fear in the dreamer's heart.

Once she does.

Then, only those who clearly realize that this is a dream and are determined enough to escape from the dream and return to reality.

However, the dream weavers did not use this ability on the company.

Therefore, trapping them for a few minutes is already the limit.

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