This may be, if there are no accidents, then there will be some accidents...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi fell into a ball with Frederick the Great who was still dreaming in a daze.



New Jersey trotted over with some embarrassment, ready to help his commander up.

At this moment, Emperor Frederick slowly opened his eyes.

(Qian Hao) Hu Teng and Prince Eugen followed closely behind.

See this situation.

They were also a little dazed.

at the same time.

outside world.

The space ripples.

The dreamlike figure of the dream weaver quietly appeared on the sea.

For a moment.

A sailor girl in a light tulle skirt surrounded by a shark suit suddenly appeared beside her.

The dream weaver's eyes fell on the comer.

She is Empres.


"Are you...?"

Noticing the remaining energy fluctuations on Enpres, Dreamweaver's pretty face flashed with doubt.

"I met a few people and played for a while."

A slightly mad smile formed on the corner of her lips.

"Speaking of which, what about the human being you care about?"

"He has become the commander of the White Eagle, and his ability has also grown." Dream Weaver said calmly.

"Are you sure about him?" Empres shook his head slightly, "Forget it, you can decide for yourself."

She doesn't care about the dream weaver's plan.

Anyway, as long as it allows her to fight happily, that's enough.

As for the others, the current leader of the Siren is not her, this is something the dream weaver should worry about.

Thinking about it, ripples appeared around her.

through the ripples.

Empres left this world calmly.

Watching Empres leave.

Dreamweaver sat lazily on the jellyfish ship. The purpose of her trip has been completed. Although there was a little accident in the middle, and she met the iron-blooded ship girl, it doesn't matter.

Thinking to myself, and finally looking at the direction of the sea area on the glasses, the Dream Weaver leisurely turned into a phantom and gradually disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.


Chapter 144 Royal Project Ship~

Mirror seas.

"That's the way it is"

Listen to Z23's narration of what happened.

Frederick the Great stroked her head gently.

After they disappeared, the child must have been under a lot of pressure, right? Thinking to himself, Emperor Frederick's eyes fell on Bai Yi.

Commander of the White Eagle...

She recalled her dream.

The dreams created by the dream weaver can profoundly guide people's emotions, even the deepest desires hidden in their hearts.

As a result, those who are trapped in the dream by the dream weaver will become unable to extricate themselves.

Even if the person involved has realized that he is in a dream.

But they often can't show enough perseverance to pull their consciousness out of the dream.

Even though she is Frederick the Great.

Is the second in command of Iron Blood.

In the dream, there was also some hesitation.

Because the dream world is not woven by dream weavers.

Rather, it is woven from the deepest desires of the heart.

This is equivalent to that this dream was woven by Frederick the Great himself.

There is everything she can think of.

Also for this reason.

Even though he had more or less realized that this was a dream, Emperor Frederick still subconsciously wanted to stay a little longer...

If Bai Yi hadn't appeared.

Maybe she will stay in the dream for a long time before she can come up with the consciousness to escape from the dream...

Thinking to himself, Frederick the Great recalled the content of the dream.

Her dream is very simple.

In the distant future, Iron Blood stands on top of the world.

She also has her child.

An adopted one.

Even she herself can't remember the child's appearance clearly.

So her motherhood has sustenance.

A very unpretentious dream.

But it has perfectly satisfied all the pursuits of Frederick the Great.

Her career has reached an ideal height, and her motherhood has also taken root.

Such a dream was too wonderful for her.

Therefore, she is somewhat regretful at the moment.

Whether Iron Blood can successfully stand on top of the world, Emperor Frederick didn't care much, even if the dream was over.

She still believes that under the leadership of her and Bismarck, Iron Blood will definitely be able to stabilize and improve, just like the water of the Rhine, rolling forward and unstoppable.

However, the existence of motherhood left her feeling empty...

This is no longer enough to rely on strength and planning...

Thinking to himself, Emperor Frederick shook his head.

His eyes fell on Bai Yi.

She frowned slightly.

The picture in the dream resurfaced in her mind.

Looking at Bai Yi, she felt as if she remembered the appearance of the child she adopted in her dream.


Compared with this White Eagle commander.

Not to mention very similar, at least it can be said to be exactly the same...

This surprised Frederick the Great.

Her dreams, of course, reflect her truest inner thoughts.

and so……

Is this what she really thinks?

Thinking of this, Frederick the Great felt a little complicated.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this might be her true thoughts...

Next to her, her sister ship Hu Teng also set her sights on Bai Yi.

Her cold expression froze slightly.

Although she never admits it.

However, it was her who was talking about cold outside and hot inside.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that she wields a sickle-shaped ship on the battlefield, like a ruthless harvesting machine, mercilessly annihilating all enemies.

My greatest wish is to protect my companions...

Also for this reason.

Unlike Frederick the Great, who experienced good dreams, her dreams were bad.

In the dream, she realized that she couldn't protect anyone.

Nothing can be protected.

Her iron will keeps her from being overwhelmed by these bad dreams.

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