However, this also made her involuntarily immersed in the dream world, unable to extricate herself...

until this time.

After breaking away from the dream and getting up from the fallen Bai Yi, she realized that she was a bit over the top.

So much so that she was trapped by a dream for so long!

Fortunately, things did not go in the worst direction.

It's all thanks to the help of the White Eagle Commander...

Thinking of this, Hu Teng's gaze towards Bai Yi gradually softened.

Prince Eugen: "(aeaf)...."

Looking at Emperor Frederick the Great and Hu Teng who had their eyes on Bai Yi, she subconsciously bit her jade finger and sucked it habitually.

Looking at these two iron-blooded aces, and then at Bai Yi not far away, Prince Eugen showed a curious expression while chewing his hands.

Frederick the Great and Hu Teng, she knows the characters of these two people best.

They only care about the Jagged Ship Girl.

Plus, it's hard for anyone to get their attention.

Well, except for the enemies.

However, it is such an existence that will focus on a human being for the first time?

This is really...

People can't help but be curious!


I always feel that there is something very attractive about this human being...

Is it an illusion?

Prince Eugen couldn't tell.

She thought it was an illusion.

But it doesn't feel like it.

Thinking to herself, while she felt conflicted, she also developed a little curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

She found her interest piqued.

This surprised her slightly.

Anyone who knows her well knows that she is a person who feels empty and boring about everything.

There are really, really few people and things that interest her.

This also makes her rarely laugh.

Even if he smiled, it was a perfunctory smile, but in fact there was no smile at all.

She is like this, even the dreams created by the dream weaver can't arouse her much interest.

It was rare to find someone who could arouse her interest, so Prince Eugen's eyes fell on Bai Yi leisurely.

A look of regret flashed in her beautiful brown eyes.

It's a pity that the opponent is already the commander of White Eagle.

Otherwise, she can have fun~ It's rare to meet someone who can interest her, what a pity...

Thinking to himself, Prince Eugen's eyes were dim.

New Jersey: "…"

He looked at Frederick the Great, then at Hutten, and then at Prince Eugen.

She tilted her head slightly.

Why do you feel like these iron-blooded ship girls have never seen the commander before?


That's right, these iron-blooded ship girls don't have a commander, haven't they never seen a commander?

But it's true, even though these iron-blooded ship girls don't have commanders, they can't keep staring at other people's commanders!

Slightly puffed up, New Jersey blocked his own commander.

Frederick the Great: "..."

She blinked her beautiful black and golden eyes, smiled slightly, and then shyly withdrew her gaze.

As the person involved, Bai Yi didn't pay much attention to seeing Frederick the Great and the others.

When he slipped and fell, he inadvertently played a cameo role as a pickpocket, and Frederick the Great and the others woke up in time...

A little reaction is also normal.

So, it's better to pretend that nothing happened~ Thinking to himself, Bai Yi looked at the position where the dream weaver was before.

There are dilapidated buildings here.

Bai Yi has reason to suspect that the device to maintain this mirror sea area is installed here.

After confirming that there were no traps, he walked in leisurely.


A broken device came into his sight.

Georgia raised the main gun of the battleship, just as she was about to send warmth to this mirrored sea device.

She suddenly noticed that Akashi hugged her thighs that were still smooth and delicate without stockings.

Georgia: "?"

"Don't blow it up meow, through this device, I may be able to research information and technology about the mirror sea area meow~"

"Is that so..."

Georgia hesitated.

This is a device made by sirens.

Generally speaking, she is more inclined to destroy it directly.

So as not to dream too much at night.

Furthermore, Akashi is not their white eagle's ship.

This profiteer cat belongs to Sakura.

The relationship between Sakura and White Eagle, not to mention very good, is almost inseparable.

Although Akashi is not involved in Sakura's affairs.

But she is still Sakura's ship...

Thinking to herself, Georgia looked at Bai Yi.

Let the commander decide.

Akashi also knew that Georgia was the ship's wife with a commander, and the decision on this matter was in Bai Yi's hands.

"After the research is completed, I will share the technology with Bai Ying Meow." She waved her little hand hidden in the cat's claw sleeve, "In this way, if you encounter the mirror sea area in the future, you don't have to worry meow~"

Although no research has been done.

But Akashi has already chatted about what will happen after the success of the research.

Putting this on ordinary people is too ambitious.

But Akashi did have the confidence to say so.

Her technological strength seems to be at an epoch-making level.

Even among the group of ship girls who have mastered all kinds of high-end technologies far beyond human beings, Akashi's technological strength is unique.

Looking at Akashi, Bai Yi rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Akashi: ""For some reason, she also has some ominous premonitions.

Before she could figure out where this premonition came from.

She heard Bai Yi chuckle and say, "That's good, why don't you buy the red ones?

Akashi: "!?"

Looking at Bai Yi, a terrified expression appeared on her small face.

She has always been the red tip that cheats others.

This White Eagle commander actually wanted to cheat her red pointy! ?

"...Are you a devil?"

She couldn't help complaining.

"Who knows~"

Smiling lightly, he stroked Akashi's head, paying special attention to the pair of furry cat ears.

Looking at Akashi who squinted her beautiful eyes comfortably, Bai Yi leisurely lifted her up and put her next to the device.

After that, Bai Yi looked towards the corner of the room.

"Meow? These are... plan ships?"

Following Bai Yi's line of sight, Akashi was a little surprised when he saw the plan ship training cabin placed in the corner of the room.

The plan ship is the secret weapon of their ship mother camp.

Unexpectedly, she would actually see the existence of the plan ship on the siren's territory...

Thinking about it, she temporarily put down the mirror sea device and walked to the training cabins of these plan ships.

After just a few glances, she came to a conclusion.

"These are royal plans."

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