Akashi said confidently, "They should be the royal heavy cruisers "Drake" and "Cheshire" meow~"

Bai Yi: "..." Has it been analyzed so quickly?

As expected of a profiteer, Maomao~ "I always feel like you're thinking about something impolite, meow..."

Hearing Akashi's words, Bai Yi came back to his senses, rubbed her head, "No, I'm complimenting you."

While speaking, his eyes fell on the training cabins of these plan ships.

"Royal plan ship..."

Recalling Queen Elizabeth's tsundere face and his promise when the unicorn sister returned to the royal family.

Bai Yi instructed the company to put away the training cabins of the two imperial planning ships.

Then, Akashi also started to tinker with the mirror sea device.

Compared to the analysis program ship culture cabin.

When analyzing this mirror sea device, her speed will inevitably be much slower.

After fiddling for a long time, she couldn't figure it out.

"The specific structure and principle need to be studied slowly..."

Akashi said helplessly.

Of course, she has studied for so long, and it's not that she has gained nothing.

At least she figured out how to use the device.

"...Is it really okay?"

Hearing Z23's worry, Akashi shook the dumb hair caught between the furry ears, "It's okay meow, this device is manually activated..."

While speaking, Akashi had already turned on the device.

In an instant, the mirror sea area began to shrink slowly.

For a moment.

The mirror sea area completely disappeared.

Everyone appeared directly on the outside sea.

Looking at the sparkling sea, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

He couldn't get in touch with Bismarck and the others.

In other words, these iron-blooded ship girls are still in the mirror sea area and have not come out.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi led the crowd to the entrance of the mirror sea area that these iron-blooded ship girls were in charge of.


Chapter 145 Arbiter~

It's empty here.


Obviously, Bismarck and the others are still in the Mirror Sea and have never come out.

Seeing this, Bai Yi was about to enter the mirror sea area, and told these iron-blooded ship girls that they had found Frederick the Great and the others, and that everyone was safe~ he thought so.

That's what it does.

Enter the Mirror Sea.

Bai Yi's gaze fell on Emperor Frederick the Great.

Needless to say.

Frederick the Great instantly understood what he meant.

This prestigious iron-blooded ship lady took out a communicator and tried to contact Bismarck.


nothing happened...

Looking at the communicator, Emperor Frederick frowned slightly.

As the second-in-command of Iron Blood, she naturally knows the character of the first-in-command Bismarck.

Bismarck's character was very strict.

When performing flagship duties, he is also very attentive.

Therefore, so far, no matter when and where, whenever Frederick the Great contacts Bismarck, he can quickly get a response from the iron-blooded flagship.


At this moment.

Bismarck did not respond in the slightest.

This gave Frederick the Great an ominous premonition.

Without the slightest hesitation, she immediately tried to contact other Iron-Blooded Ship Girls.


Still no response...

"problem occurs…?"

she muttered to herself.

The ominous premonition in my heart was confirmed.

Something must have happened to the Jagged Fleet headed by Bismarck.

After all, Bismarck did not reply to her contact, and it could be explained that Bismarck was delayed by something.

But no one replied, so there is a problem.

Bismarck and the others must have encountered something, so they couldn't respond to her.

Thinking of this, Emperor Frederick frowned slightly, and his beautiful black and golden eyes overlooked the sparkling water in the sea, which was no different from the outside world.

But the distant horizon was covered by heavy fog.

Frederick the Great knew that behind the fog was a wall.

It is composed of space, even with the power of her naval guns, it cannot stir up the slightest ripple, an indestructible wall.

Seeing these fogs, Frederick the Great calculated.

From such a distance, the fog can be seen.

It seems that the area of ​​this mirror sea area is smaller than the mirror sea area they just came out of.

Thinking to myself, Emperor Frederick understood something.


After all, this place is just the remnants of the Mirror Sea after being captured by the White Eagle.

It seems to be the same as the real world, but the specific scale is far from being comparable to the mirror sea area of ​​the original version, which is comparable to a small world.

However, even so, if you want to find Bismarck and the others, you must be lucky and get the favor of the goddess of fate.

Otherwise, it will definitely take a lot of time.

What they Iron Blood lack most now is time...

Thinking of this, Emperor Frederick looked at Bai Yi.

The Mirror Sea is huge.

She and Hootten are battleships, Prinz Eugen is a heavy cruiser, and Z23 is a destroyer.

None of them are capable of aerial reconnaissance.

Therefore, I still have to ask Bai Yi for help.


Bai Yi nodded slightly.

Soon, the company's carrier-based planes took off one after another to investigate this mirrored sea area.

For a moment.

She found a clue.

"Commander, the carrier-based aircraft heading to the left and right suddenly lost contact..."

Enterprise frowned slightly.

Although what she released were only ordinary carrier-based aircraft that didn't have much combat capability, but were very cheap to manufacture.

However, these carrier-based aircraft have the blessing of her ship's equipment as a ship's mother.

Ordinary extreme weather, or even ordinary accidents, would make it difficult for her carrier-based aircraft to lose contact.

There is only one possibility for this to happen.

That is, these carrier-based aircraft were shot down by some kind of anti-aircraft artillery.

This also means that there are anti-aircraft guns in the left and right directions.

Maybe it's the siren fleet at work.

"Is that so..."

After listening to the company's narration, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

Which direction they should go first, he wondered.

"Miss Emperor, what do you think?"


Hearing Bai Yi's question, Emperor Frederick's lips curled into a gentle smile.

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