"I choose to have it all!"

She offered her opinion.

Since both the left direction and the right direction, there may be siren fleets.

Through these siren fleets, it may be possible to find out the whereabouts of Bismarck and the others.

Well, they might as well split into two groups.

Bai Yi led the company and the others to the left.

She led Hu Teng and the others to the right.

Bai Yi: ""

Hearing what Frederick the Great thought, his expression was a little subtle.

These Iron-Blooded Fleet Girls seem to like to divide their troops into two groups...

Bismarck is like this.

So did Frederick the Great.

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi felt that this plan was too risky.

They haven't figured out the specific situation of the enemy yet...

If you separate rashly, what should you do if you are caught by the enemy?

He didn't panic, he stopped to solve everything.

What about Frederick the Great?

"Hmph, don't worry, we are strong."

Hu Teng said so.

As she talked, maybe she remembered why Bai Yi and the others appeared here, and her cold and pretty face rarely showed a blush.

"Well, that siren who likes to stuff people into dreams doesn't count..."

Hu Teng added.

Bai Yi: "..."

Hearing Hu Teng's words, he was a little dumbfounded.

After that, Bai Yi thought about it.

Since Emperor Frederick the Great and the others are full of confidence, if the soldiers are divided into two groups, the efficiency will indeed be higher...

Thinking of this, he agreed to Frederick the Great's proposal.

Then, he began to think about which side he should go to.

Touching his chin, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

How do you say something?

Heaven on the left, hell on the right?

Therefore, Bai Yi chose the left direction.

He originally wanted to choose the right, but Frederick the Great had already chosen the right, so forget it.

Soon, they each went to the chosen direction.

Watching Bai Yi and the others go away.

Frederick the Great sighed softly.

Starting from telling them information about the Sirens' "experimental agency" and "arbitration agency" as well as the "mirror sea area", the commander of the White Eagle then responded to Z23's expectations, came to help find people, and even entered the They left the mirrored sea and faced the unknown siren who was like a dream and easily defeated them.

Then, now they agree to divide the troops into two groups, bearing the risk of encountering a powerful enemy...

Iron Blood owes a lot to this favor...

Thinking to myself, Emperor Frederick was a little helpless.

Sangvis seems to be inhumane.

However, in fact, they are very particular about happiness and kindness.

This is why Frederick the Great felt helpless.

Bai Yi helped them so much, and according to their style, they must be rewarded generously.

However, Bai Yi is the commander of Baiying.

Bai Ying is rich and powerful.

She really couldn't think of what kind of reward Tie Xue should give Bai Yi...

"What are you thinking about?"

Next to him, noticing what Frederick the Great was thinking, Prince Eugen habitually snapped his hands, and said in doubt.

Hearing her words, Frederick the Great explained her struggles.

"Give him a reward?"

Prince Eugen thought for a while, then laughed teasingly, "Why don't you pack yourself up and give it to him? He will definitely be happy. After all, don't human beings have a saying? What do you call it?"

"This joke is not funny at all."

Beside, upon hearing what Prince Eugen said, Hu Teng said coldly.

As she spoke, she looked into the distance.

"Instead of thinking about these things here, it's better to speed up and get Bismarck and the others back. This is better than anything else."

"It's true~"

Hearing Hu Teng's words, Emperor Frederick nodded.

Heaven is on the left.

Hell is on the right.

Maybe it's a tacit understanding.

When making a choice, she also thought of this sentence.

So, she chose the right.

I chose this subconsciously~ That's all.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the direction Bai Yi and the others left again, and Emperor Frederick's eyes immediately fell on Prince Eugen.

She narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and the black and golden pupils reflected Prince Eugen's figure. Prince Eugen's words echoed in her mind.

Did this lady of the heavy cruiser with a changeable personality notice something?

Or, is this just a joke of hers?

Thinking to himself, Emperor Frederick pursed his thin lips, a little concerned.

So, on the way to the destination, the corner of her eye fell on Prince Eugen more than once.

But soon, her attention was diverted elsewhere.

Because they have reached their destination.

Then, she got good news and bad news.

The good news is that she found Bismarck and the others.

Let's not say that everything is safe, after all, Bismarck and the others are more or less injured.

Even now, there are still very strong energy fluctuations remaining here.

Obviously, there has been a fierce battle here.

The injuries on Bismarck and the others may have come from this.

0...seeking flowers0...

However, people are fine.

For Frederick the Great, this is of course good news.

But there is also bad news.

At this moment, she finally understood why she couldn't contact Bismarck and the others after she entered this mirror sea...

Thinking to himself, Emperor Frederick glanced at the communicator in his hand.

This communicator is version 3.0 temporarily updated by Akashi.

Even in the mirror sea area, they can barely communicate.

However, she couldn't contact Bai Yi at the moment.

The reason is that the energy fluctuations floating in the sea are too strong, even if it is only the remaining aftermath, it still blocks the signal of the communicator.

It's no wonder she couldn't contact Bismarck before...

Wanting to understand the reason, Frederick the Great quickly came to Bismarck and the others.

She first frowned and looked at the injuries on Bismarck and others, and then, before she had time to explain the reason to these colleagues who were surprised by seeing them coming, Emperor Frederick looked forward.

Her expression gradually became dignified, and her black and golden pupils reflected the figure of the siren in the distance who was inexplicably reminiscent of chocolate puffs.

"Is she the one who hurt you like this?"

Standing beside Bismarck, Emperor Frederick said softly.

"No ..."

Bismarck shook his head.

She recalled the scene at that time.

——The siren in the dreamy gauze and around the shark suit is so strong that it doesn't look like a siren.

It directly broke the impression that Bismarck had suppressed the Sirens for many years, and the Sirens were weak individuals, but they were all little guys who relied on their numerical advantages to show off.

0 That siren is terrible.

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