It can be seen that the other party is just holding a playful attitude.

It's far from the level of going all out and fighting with one's life.


They still lost.

There is no suspense about losing.

Even if so many of them singled out the opponent, their terrifying strength still easily reversed the disadvantage in numbers...

Recalling the siren who didn't even leave his name, after defeating them, he showed a disappointed expression and left without looking back, Bismarck was calm on the surface.

But she was not at peace.

To lose is to lose.

She doesn't make excuses for her failures.

After a humiliating defeat, Bismarck began to sum up the reasons for her failure.

All because she is too weak.

That's it.

It was because she was not strong enough that they would suffer this defeat.

and so…

It can't go on like this!

Otherwise, they will definitely experience more failures in the future!

At this moment, Bismarck seems to have seen such a future.

This made her feel stronger and stronger.

Beside, looking at Bismarck, Frederick the Great, who always felt that the flagship lady had a problem mentality, frowned slightly, but she didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to this matter now.

She fixed her eyes on the siren in the distance.

Although Bismarck said that it is not this siren who defeats their enemy.

But this siren is definitely not weak.

It is different from the dream weaver who looks harmless to humans and animals.

Just seeing this siren, Frederick the Great felt the aura that seemed to condense the air.

It means that they have been running around since they disappeared, so that the state is not very good, but Z23, who still has some combat effectiveness, and Prince Eugen, take away Bismarck and the others who have no combat effectiveness.

After that, Frederick the Great's eyes fell on the sirens in the distance.

She didn't think the siren would let them go so easily.

A fierce battle is necessary.

Even if the enemy is very strong, she must stop the enemy.

Thinking to herself, Emperor Frederick controlled the ship's main gun and aimed at the enemy, and Hu Teng next to her did the same.

With the shock wave visible to the naked eye from the muzzle, they took the lead in attacking.


The siren, who inevitably reminds people of chocolate puffs, did not dodge, but just lifted the giant ship wrapped in his hand.

The bombardment of Frederick the Great and Hu Teng bombarded the ship, and there was an explosion in an instant, and the flames and thick smoke also spread.

Gently waving his hand, a typhoon-like hurricane was set off, instantly blowing away the thick smoke surrounding him. After that, the siren stared at Frederick the Great and Hu Teng with emotionless golden eyes.

"With such a high defensive ability, she is really an arbitrator, right?"

Hearing the voice from beside him, Emperor Frederick nodded subconsciously.

However, she quickly reacted and turned her head to look quickly.

Puzzled in the beautiful black and golden eyes, Emperor Frederick tilted his head slightly.

Bai Yi?

When did this white eagle commander appear beside them?


Chapter 146 What's up here~

Frederick the Great was surprised.

Hu Teng next to her was also surprised.

The reason is because they are very strong.

However, when Bai Yi came to them, they hadn't noticed anything before.

Is this normal?

Looking at Bai Yi out of the corner of his eye, Hu Teng was a little dazed.

Maybe it was the enemy, and she and Frederick the Great were all focused on the enemy.

In addition, Bai Yi is quite familiar with them.

That's why, when Bai Yi approached them, they didn't notice at all. Thinking to himself, Hu Teng accepted this statement.

However, Frederick the Great didn't think so.

With her and Hu Teng's abilities, even if the enemy is in front of them, it is impossible not to notice that ordinary people are approaching them.

Or in other words, being able to get close to them and make them undetectable is not ordinary in itself...

thought here.

Emperor Frederick glanced at Bai Yi.

The commander of the White Eagle is really curious...

Just when the distant sisters Hu Teng and Fat Telie had their own ideas, Bai Yi looked at the sirens in the distance.

He first glanced at the blue robot palm suit extending from the siren's arm.

Well, this thing looks very deterrent.

In addition, the siren easily defended against the attacks of Hu Teng and Frederick the Great.

This is not something ordinary sirens can do.

and so……

This siren is indeed an arbiter, right?

With this in mind, Bai Yi looked at the siren and asked directly.

"……You are?"

"[-]" He didn't expect the other party to answer his question, he just asked it out of habit.

However, upon hearing his voice, the Siren's eyes slowly fell on him.


She said slowly.

Is this the siren's name?

Hearing the words of this siren, Stelenkus, Bai Yi understood slightly.


Looking at Stelenkus, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

The direction he chose was to find some mass-produced sirens specialized in air defense.

But little ones.

Relying on a large number of anti-aircraft guns, it is possible to destroy the carrier-based aircraft used by the enterprise for reconnaissance.

So, as a matter of course, facing the enterprise itself, as well as the two powerful battleships New Jersey and Georgia, is like shooting mosquitoes with cannons.

These mass-produced goods were like candles in the wind, and they were all wiped out without the slightest room for resistance.

After that, Bai Yi, Jianye and the others came to the direction chosen by Frederick the Great and the others.

Then I met Prince Eugen and Z23 who led Bismarck and the others to evacuate the battlefield, and learned about their experiences.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yi came here.

It is also because I have already learned the specific ins and outs from Z23, why Frederick the Great could not contact Bismarck, and who defeated these iron-blooded ship girls, etc...

This made Bai Yi feel a little puzzled when he saw Stelenkus.

Since Bismarck and the others were not defeated by Stelencus.

So, now that Bismarck and the others have lost, and now that the Dreamweaver and the siren who defeated Bismarck and the others have left, why does Stelenkus still stay here?

I can't guess that they will come to this mirror sea area to find Bismarck and the others, so I'm going to sit on the sidelines, right?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi walked towards the direction where Stelenkus was, as if taking a stroll in the courtyard.

As for why he can walk on the sea...

Bai Yi recalled.

At that time, when they arrived at their destination and encountered the mass-produced Siren, the Enterprise, New Jersey, and Georgia all went to eliminate the Siren.

As for him, Akashi swiftly provided him with a private seat for free, so that he could appreciate the slim figure of his ship girl when he wiped out the sirens, and also provided him with melon seed drinks for free.

Bai Yi didn't think that this profiteer cat had changed.

As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.

Behind the free, the price has already been marked.

Sure enough, with a smile on his face, Akashi started selling products to him while he was eating melons.

"This is my special shoe~"

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