Chapter 147 Bismarck wants to become stronger~

White Eagle Harbor.

Slowly opening his eyes, looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, Bismarck frowned his beautiful blue eyes.

She swept her gaze across the room.

This is a white ward.

Not just her.

There are also many iron-blooded ship girls here.

Seeing them, Bismarck thought about it.

Memories of before falling asleep gradually came to mind.

Being defeated and wounded, staying there will only cause trouble for Frederick the Great and Hu Teng.

Although it was Empres who defeated them, not Stelencus.

But Bismarck had a feeling that even if Stelenkus was weaker than Empres, he was not much weaker.

Stelencus is still an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

Even their many iron-blooded ship girls were defeated by Empres without any suspense.

It is hard to imagine how much pressure Frederick the Great and Hu Teng will bear when facing Stelenkus...

But they have no power to fight anymore.

Staying there will not only be of no help, but will add chaos to Frederick the Great and Hu Teng.

It will prompt them to waste more energy protecting their companions.

This is something that Bismarck, who has always been vigorous and resolute, cannot tolerate.

Even if she can't help, she will never become a burden.

So, without hesitation, Bismarck, together with Z23 and Prince Eugen, took these iron-blooded ship girls off the battlefield.


Then what happened?

Bismarck frowned. She remembered that they didn't go far before they met the commander of White Eagle, as well as the White Eagle flagship enterprise, New Jersey and Georgia.

Seeing them, Commander White Eagle asked what happened.

Bismarck minimized his vocabulary in order to tell Bai Yi everything that happened in the shortest possible time, and asked Bai Yi to help support Frederick the Great and Hu Teng.

Because the white eagle ship girl is in good condition, and whether it is the enterprise, or New Jersey and Georgia, it is the ace ship girl of the white eagle, and has a very strong combat effectiveness.

If they can help, join Frederick the Great and Huten in their campaign against Sterling04kus.

Then, the balance of victory and defeat may be reversed.

Recalling the scene of him asking Bai Yi for help, Bismarck pursed his lips.

She was still too weak after all.

Otherwise, why ask others for help.

The slender hand hidden in the pure white quilt tightened, Bismarck continued to recall, and then couldn't help but tapped his forehead.

Her eyes were full of bewilderment.

In my memory, I heard about the existence of Empres, and after Frederick the Great and Hu Teng stayed where they were, they faced Stelenkus, the commander of the White Eagle, and decided to support them.


And then he went on his own, leaving the Enterprise and New Jersey and Georgia to protect them...

Thinking of this, Bismarck felt that his brain might have been injured, and he was out of his wits.

Even memory has declined.

Otherwise, how could she remember that it was Bai Yi who went to support Frederick the Great and Hu Teng, not Enterprise and the others?

Therefore, this iron-blooded flagship, who has always been vigorous and resolute and has a great reputation among human beings, was inexplicably stunned.

Could it be that she has a memory problem?


Should she entrust the position of the iron-blooded flagship to Frederick the Great before she became completely stupid?

"…what are you doing?"

On the hospital bed next to him, looking at Bismarck who suddenly knocked his head, and then was a little dazed, a silver-haired ship lady frowned and couldn't help asking.

Hearing her voice, Bismarck gradually came to his senses and looked at the talking ship girl.

Long silver hair like the snow in the north, and the same blue eyes as hers.

The two have many similarities.

But this is normal.

Because she is Tirpitz.

Bismarck-class battleship.Tirpitz.

Namely, her sister.

Hearing Tirpitz's words, Bismarck shook his head stiffly.

"No, nothing."

Tirpitz: "..."

Hearing what Bismarck said, she nodded, not knowing whether she believed it or not.

In short, she stopped talking, but looked out the window.

Seeing Tirpitz like this, Bismarck pursed his lips, then gently lifted off the quilt covering his body, and stood up leisurely in his white hospital gown.


In the ward, Nicholas, who was dozing off in a nurse uniform, raised his head from the mahogany table after hearing the movement here, and looked at Bismarck sleepily.

"Haha... The Kitchen Goddess said that your injury is not completely healed yet, you need to rest well, it's best not to move around..."

While yawning, Nicholas said sleepily.

"I'll just walk around."

Speaking steadily, Bismarck moved his round thighs hidden under the hospital gown, and slowly walked to the garden outside the ward.

In the garden, hundreds of flowers are blooming, which not only gives people a strong visual effect, but also reveals a refreshing fragrance.

Seeing this scene, Bismarck showed no emotion.

Iron Blood has no garden. Compared to White Eagle's independence from the world, and even the leisurely atmosphere that became more intense after having a commander, Iron Blood's atmosphere is much more serious.

However, Bismarck did not think there was anything wrong with this.

So far, they have been working hard to be the strongest and to be the world's hegemon.

But there is no time to trim these flowers and plants.


Even sitting on the throne of the world's overlord, so what?

One Enpres is enough to defeat all of them.

Even if they are fighting in their own homeland, they are ready to face the invading Empres.

They may not be able to win her.

A strong single enemy like this cannot be defeated by a large number of people.

Bismarck has already deeply realized this truth.

She doesn't want to taste the taste of defeat again...

But what should she do?

Improve yourself?

Bismarck was thoughtful.

As the mother of the unified iron-blooded ship, establish the iron-blooded flagship of the iron-blooded port area.

She has been born for a long time.

Therefore, it is only natural that she has developed her ship equipment to the limit.

Been at this stage for too long...

Perhaps, because of this, she has been able to vaguely see a higher level.

Although she can feel it, after breaking through the current limit and entering a higher level, problems may arise.

It's like a cage that seals the devil. Once opened, the devil will be released. It's unknown what will happen then.

However, Bismarck did not take this premonition seriously.

Because in the past, she could not see the hope of entering this level at all, and she was obsessed with leading the iron and blood to move forward and move closer to the throne of the world's hegemon.

However, at this moment, based on the defeat that Empres brought her, and knowing that this world was just one of the testing grounds for the Siren among countless worlds, Bismarck's vision was suddenly broadened.

She has a higher goal and a deeper sense of crisis.

Whether it is to achieve the goal or to protect the iron blood, her current strength is far from enough.

and so…

Even if the hope is slim, she must try to break the limit and develop the ship equipment to a more extreme height...

"...What are you thinking about?"

Just when Bismarck made such a decision, a gentle and tolerant voice sounded in her ears.

She came back to her senses and looked in the direction of the voice.

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