The goal of entering is Frederick the Great, who has long hair in shawls and an absolute domain on black silk with fleshy flesh, and a gentle smile.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing Bismarck recover, Frederick the Great repeated her question.

For this iron-blooded second in command, Bismarck will certainly not be as clumsy and inarticulate as he was with Tirpitz.

However, she couldn't communicate with Frederick the Great with a normal heart.

Because Frederick the Great always looked at the iron-blooded people with a gentle gaze like a child, including her, the iron-blooded flagship.

Every time Bismarck communicated with Frederick the Great, he felt a little unnatural, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, Frederick the Great had only this hobby...

He pursed his lips lightly, calming himself down.

Afterwards, seeing Frederick the Great intertwined, Bismarck slowly talked about her concerns, and then concluded, "I'm too weak, and this will not work!"

"Is that so..."

After listening to Bismarck's narration, Emperor Frederick nodded slightly, and then looked at her with a little worry, "However, if we continue to develop the ship equipment, there may be problems...

She was born much later than Bismarck.

But stronger than Bismarck.

Bismarck could sense that they had developed the ship equipment to the limit and could develop it to a higher level, and of course she could sense it too.

But she didn't try to do that.

Because the sixth sense told her that this is not a good thing.

Her premonitions are always accurate...

Bismarck was noncommittal about Frederick the Great's concerns.

She looked into the distance calmly, but the thoughts in her heart became more and more firm.

Looking at Bismarck with his back to her, Frederick the Great frowned.

The reason why Bismarck did this may be that he has learned about the vastness of the world and has a sense of crisis, so he eagerly wants to become stronger to adapt to this ever-expanding world.

Thinking to himself, Emperor Frederick walked leisurely to Bismarck, followed her line of sight, and looked into the distance.

There is nothing worth seeing there, only the sparkling sea.

Just like Bismarck's current mentality.

It seems broad.

But it's empty.

It is also like the world Bismarck sees at the moment.

The surface is calm.

In fact, there is a hidden crisis.

All of these pushed Bismarck to decide to change and move towards a higher level of power, in order to have room for turning around when encountering a powerful enemy such as Empres in the future.

Even win the battle!

"But it's still too risky to do so."

Looking into the distance, Emperor Frederick said slowly, "Maybe we can change our thinking and try to access external forces..."

Bismarck: "?"

She frowned slightly, not quite understanding what Frederick the Great meant.

"What do you want to say?"

"Looking for foreign aid, this is my idea." Emperor Frederick said leisurely, "It's better than exploring the limits of the ship's equipment."

Bismarck: "?"

"Looking for foreign aid?"

Looking at Emperor Frederick the Great, Bismarck gradually understood what she meant, "You mean, find a commander...?"

Frederick the Great did not answer.

But silence is the best answer.

"A commander can only fill the gap in the heart, not the gap in strength." Bismarck shook his head, "What's more, who can be our commander? Who has this ability?

Jagged is no better than other warships in Hong Kong.

Some iron-blooded ship girls' characters gave Bismarck a headache, let alone the helpless commander.

No, 830 is wrong.

It is impossible to suppress those iron-blooded ship girls whose personalities are bad in all senses, let alone become their commanders, let alone call them commanders, just say that no one can become their commanders and it will be over.

What's more, what she is worried about is the lack of iron and blood strength. Can finding a commander solve this problem?

Thinking to himself, Bismarck shook his head.

If you want to become her commander, you must defeat her first.

Although Bismarck didn't say anything, Frederick the Great could tell that Bismarck meant it.

But she still insisted on her own ideas.

I also knew that she might not be able to convince Bismarck.

In contrast, Bismarck could not convince her.

For a while, the two iron-blooded leaders fell silent at the same time.

The clouds are misty, and the warm sun is spreading on the earth.

Not far from them, a street lamp that looked very suitable for hanging people at first sight, under the sunlight, staggered the two of them, and reflected a straight shadow on the ground.

next to.

I noticed that Frederick the Great looked towards somewhere in the port area.

Following her line of sight, Bismarck looked around and saw the figures of Bai Yi and Enterprise.

Seeing Bai Yi, Bismarck frowned.

She recalled that memory that she thought was unreliable.

After uncovering the topic that none of them could convince anyone, Bismarck told Frederick the Great what she saw at the time.

From meeting Bai Yi, to asking Bai Yi for help, and then Bai Yi asked the ship's mother to protect them, and he, the commander, went to help by himself...

She even seemed to see that Bai Yi's figure suddenly flickered after leaving, and disappeared from sight.

and so…

She must have read it wrong, remember wrong?

No wonder Bismarck thought so.

This memory is really too unbelievable.

In addition, her injury is the heaviest among these iron-blooded ship girls.

By the time Bai Yi, Hu Teng, and Emperor Frederick found them, Bismarck had already received Akashi's field medical treatment and fell into a deep coma.

Therefore, she only remembered what happened before Bai Yi left, so it's normal for her to suspect that she remembered wrongly.

"Is that so..."

Hearing Bismarck's narration, Frederick the Great thought deeply.

In fact, it has been so long since finding the Iron Blood Fleet and bringing everyone who is not in good condition to the White Eagle Port area for a rest.

It took such a long time to figure out things that couldn't be figured out in the mirror sea area, and Emperor Frederick had already vaguely guessed.

Now I heard Bismarck's story again.

Looking at Bai Yi in the distance, Emperor Frederick rested his chin on one hand, becoming more and more sure of his guess.


Chapter 148 Alternate Plan~

Just when Frederick the Great and Bismarck looked at Bai Yi, the companies around Bai Yi also noticed their gaze.

"Iron-blooded ship girl..."

Looking at the two iron-blooded helmsmen, Enterprise helped Fu Yin's navy cap on his hair.

These iron-blooded ship girls are lucky.

Met her commander.

If not.

If White Eagle's leader is still her.

Then White Eagle will definitely not take such a big risk to support Iron Blood this time.

Thinking about it, the enterprise thought of her commander again.

Bai Yi has a natural affection for Jian Niang.

This company knows.

I also know that this goodwill stems from the ship's wife who once helped Bai Yi.

This makes the company a little envious.

To be able to keep the commander's memory fresh, this is of course a very cherished honor for the ship girl who belongs to the commander.

It's a pity that this honor does not belong to White Eagle.

This makes the company a little bit sorry.

It would be great if the person who helped the commander back then was their white eagle's wife...

Sigh in my heart.

Looking at Frederick the Great and the others, the company's thoughts drifted to other places.

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