She recalled what Bai Yi said about the camp of the ship's mother who had helped him.


The company has never heard of this ship girl camp.

She knew about Donghuang.

But so far in this world, there has never been a warship camp named Donghuang.

At least not on the surface.

This makes the company that wants to help its commander find a ship girl that he will never forget.

White Eagle's intelligence capabilities in the outside world are weak.

It is not easy to find a camp of ship girls that has never appeared in the public eye.


Noticing that the enterprise was a little distracted, Bai Yi called out softly, and when he saw her come back to his senses, he followed her gaze.

The figures of Frederick the Great and Bismarck came into view.

Seeing these two people, Bai Yi walked forward leisurely and came to the garden outside the clinic.

"Miss Bismarck, how is your injury?" With a gentle tone, Bai Yi chuckled, "Although the Vesta has already been treated, it would be better to rest more~"

"I'm not that vulnerable."

Bismarck shook his head.

Maybe it's because I feel that I'm used to being straightforward, so my tone will inevitably appear a little blunt.

She thought for a while and added, "Thanks for taking care of me."

If there are outsiders here, especially the high-level human beings who have suffered a lot of casualties even trying to contact the iron blood.

You must have been very surprised to see Bismarck's friendliness.

In their impression, the unkind Bismarck would actually show such a friendly attitude towards people other than Iron-Blooded Shipgirl...

If they saw this situation, it would definitely overturn their impression of Bismarck.

However, Frederick the Great next to Bismarck was not much surprised after seeing Bismarck's slightly blunt thanks.

Although Bismarck likes to speak straightforwardly and act vigorously, he seems very indifferent to outsiders, but he still has a sense of proportion.

So far, Bai Yi has helped Tie Xue so much.

With Bismarck's character, even if he doesn't say it, he must be honest in his heart?

It sounds weird to say that, but it's true...

Looking at Bai Yi, even though he was wearing a hospital gown, Bismarck still stood upright, full of military demeanor.

She noticed that Emperor Frederick's gaze was also directly on Bai Yi.

There was a little tenderness in the beautiful dark golden eyes.

Seeing this, Bismarck raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but think of Frederick the Great's previous thoughts.

Tell Sangvis to find the commander or something...

Could it be that he was the commander Frederick the Great liked?

The commander of the White Eagle?

Thinking of this possibility, Bismarck frowned.

This human is already the commander of the White Eagle.

Even if they become iron-blooded commanders, they can only be latecomers.

Although Bismarck didn't care about these things, as long as she didn't mind, White Eagle would be the loser, and their iron blood was equivalent to earning a commander for nothing.

However, what concerned her was why did Emperor Frederick choose this human being as their commander?

Just because he is the White Eagle Commander?

Can't it?

Although White Eagle is very strong, Iron Blood is not inferior to White Eagle.

Just relying on the power of the White Eagle Ship Girl is far from enough to defeat and conquer Iron Blood.

This made Bismarck a little curious, why did Emperor Frederick believe that this human being can conquer those problems of iron and blood?

Thinking to himself, Bismarck was full of doubts.

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at Emperor Frederick the Great, then at Bai Yi and Enterprise, and suddenly remembered the memory that made her feel confused.

She noticed that after listening to her account, Frederick the Great did not deny the authenticity of this memory.

and so…

Is this memory really correct?

Thinking of this, Bismarck also gradually smoothed out his thoughts.

She raised her beautiful blue eyes, looked at Bai Yi with a gentle expression, and began to think.

The commander of the White Eagle may not be as simple as it appears on the surface...

But yes.

A mediocre ordinary person, even if he got on the line with White Eagle due to luck, it is impossible for him to become the commander of White Eagle.

Since Bai Yi can become the commander of the White Eagle, he must have some advantages.

And this superiority may be the reason why Emperor Fat Telie would choose Bai Yi when trying to choose a commander, which is impossible to act on emotion...

Thinking of this, Bismarck became briefly confused, which was the confusion about where Tie Xuewei (Qian Hao) would go.

However, she soon firmed up.

Bismarck still insisted on his own opinion, relying on others is worse than relying on himself.

No matter what unknown advantages this White Eagle Commander has, she will stick to her decision.

Ever since, Bismarck became more and more firm in his ideas.

When she came back to her senses, she glanced at Emperor Frederick the Great.

Look away slightly.

Let's take Frederick the Great's idea as a backup plan...


PS: There is still 1 chapter left, the computer is paralyzed, and I haven't figured it out after a whole night of messing around, but it delays the time...

In this chapter, the mobile phone code, the poor update must be made up tomorrow, and an update will be added by the way (hold your head and squat to prevent).

Thanks for the great rewards of Xingdu and Xingjian, as well as the monthly tickets and flower evaluation tickets from everyone, I am very grateful~……

Chapter 149 Entrustment of the enterprise~

Bismarck still stuck to his guns.

As the saying goes, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

Rather than relying on others.

It is better to seek a breakthrough in yourself.

Thinking of this, Bismarck looked at Bai Yi out of the corner of his eye.

She pursed her lips slightly.

What's more, no matter what Bai Yi has worthy of Emperor Frederick's attention, this man is not yet the commander of Iron Blood.

He is the commander of the White Eagle.

He definitely cared more about White Eagle than Iron Blood.

Even if he becomes the iron blood commander, he will definitely care more about the white eagle than the iron blood.

Rain and dew?

Believe it or not, Bismarck did not.

Thinking about it, Bismarck couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

What is she thinking...

He actually wanted to find the commander or something.

Sure enough, she was too weak. After being defeated, did she lose her previous self-confidence?

This will not work.

The beautiful blue eyes suddenly became fierce, and the fighting spirit in Bismarck's heart quickly rose.

She is Bismarck.

The legend of iron blood.

No failure or setback can knock her down.

On the contrary, it will make her stronger!

"...Miss Bismarck?"

Looking at Bismarck who was thinking about something, his eyes and expression suddenly changed, Bai Yi tilted his head slightly, and couldn't help asking softly.

"Nothing." Hearing his voice, Bismarck came back to his senses and shook his head slightly.

After that, she looked at Bai Yi's face and thought deeply.

Tie Xue owed Bai Yi a lot of favor this time.

If the commander of the White Eagle hadn't acted decisively and supported them without hesitation, the loss of Sangvis would definitely be so heartbreaking that she couldn't breathe.

As the flagship of iron and blood, although Bismarck's attitude towards outsiders is not good.

There have also been experiences of throwing intruders into the sea to feed the fish.

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