Even though Frederick the Great had come out of his dream.

She still clearly remembered everything that happened in the dream.

But she didn't miss it.

After all, things like dreams are virtual after all.

Can't hold it.

Although in the dream, she got what she wanted.

But in reality, she still has nothing.

However, she might be able to have...

Thinking to himself, Emperor Frederick's eyes fell on Bai Yi's face.

Bai Yi: "?"

Sensing the sight of Emperor Fat Frederick, he touched his face and asked in doubt, "Miss Frederick the Great, is there something on my face?"

of course not.

As the person concerned, doesn't he know whether there is something on his face?

and so…

Why did Emperor Frederick always look at his face?

Bai Yi was thoughtful.

He has already noticed that after entering the mirror sea area, he came out of the mirror sea area.

to now.

Frederick the Great always paid attention to him from time to time.

This made Bai Yi a little puzzled.

The name of Frederick the Great is too loud.

It was already known to him just after crossing over.

The outside world respects and fears this iron-blooded second-in-command.

Bai Yi's evaluation of Frederick the Great was also a gentle and ruthless ship girl.

It is such an existence, but he pays close attention to him frequently.

This made Bai Yi puzzled.

He didn't think that Frederick the Great had any feelings of love at first sight for him.

After all, he's not really emotionally incapable.

He more or less guesses and perceives the feelings of the people around him.

This also made him even more puzzled.

I don't quite understand why Frederick the Great paid so much attention to him.

Perhaps he sensed Bai Yi's doubts.

Emperor Frederick opened his mouth slightly, but she took back what was supposed to be said in good time.

Bai Yi is not her commander.

Even though she could feel it, Bai Yi had a high opinion of Jian Niang, which might be the reason why he was able to become the commander of White Eagle successfully.

It was also the main reason why he was willing to help Iron Blood this time.

But Bai Yi is not her commander after all.

Whether her willfulness will be tolerated, Emperor Frederick the Great is not sure.

She didn't want to leave a bad impression on Bai Yi.

Thinking to himself, Emperor Frederick pursed his lips, gently put his hand on Bai Yi's head, touched it, and laughed lightly, "Guess what? Maybe it's love at first sight as people often say. Woolen cloth?"

Bai Yi: "?"

He tilted his head slightly, feeling a little confused.

Although it is true that he likes to touch his head to kill, but is it wrong to touch his head to kill the target?

Looking at Frederick the Great with a gentle smile on his lips.

Bai Yi was at a loss at first, but then came back to his senses, recalling the words full of ridicule from Frederick the Great, and nodded seriously.

"Love at first sight? I guess so~" He said with a slight smile, "Maybe, me too?"

This time it was Frederick the Great's turn to be surprised.

Hearing what Bai Yi said, she became slightly nervous.

Such emotions rarely happen to her.

When was the last time he was nervous, Frederick the Great could no longer remember.

She didn't have time to think about it.

At this moment, Emperor Frederick's flawless white jade hands tightened slightly.

It was hard to follow her thoughts at this moment.

But she soon noticed the teasing meaning in Bai Yi's words, and a helpless expression appeared on the corners of her brows, "You really don't suffer, Commander of Baiying~"

As she spoke, she looked into the distance.

It seems to have seen something.

Emperor Frederick was slightly surprised, but she quickly figured out the cause and effect, and a flash of understanding flashed across her pretty face.

"Let me take my leave first~"

Saying goodbye to Bai Yi with a chuckle, Emperor Frederick was about to leave space for him when he suddenly thought of something, turned his pretty face, and whispered softly, "If you encounter any troubles in the future, please come to us iron blood."

She pursed her lips slightly, with complicated emotions, "Of course, based on your ability, I would rather believe that Iron Blood will encounter unsolvable troubles than White Eagle will encounter troubles."

In the second half of the sentence, she spoke very lightly.


Nodding slightly, Emperor Frederick left leisurely.

Watching the back of Frederick the Great go away, Bai Yi raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

Then, he turned around and his eyes fell on the girl who was walking towards this side with her hands behind her back.


Chapter 150 Her Gift~

Bai Yi was thoughtful.

The words of Frederick the Great echoed in his ears.

Depending on your ability, or something...

What Frederick the Great said~ is by no means groundless.

and so…

Has this resourceful and iron-blooded ship girl already guessed his ability-?

In other words, Emperor Frederick already has an idea, but he is still not sure what his specific ability is?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi smiled leisurely.

Not too surprised.

After all, he had used his abilities more than once in this rescue operation.

It is normal for Frederick the Great to guess his particularity.

Compared to this, Bai Yi cared more about what Frederick the Great muttered to himself before he left.

Although Emperor Frederick's words were very soft, and it was difficult to hear clearly if he didn't listen carefully, but the previous words of Frederick the Great had already attracted Bai Yi's attention.

Therefore, Bai Yi still heard her whispers following her.

Than Bai Ying is in trouble.

The second-in-command of Iron Blood is more willing to believe that Iron Blood will encounter big troubles that cannot be solved...?

This made Bai Yi couldn't help thinking.

Frederick the Great himself is an iron-blooded ship girl, there is no reason to curse his own camp...

Even for comparison.

Normally, this method would not be used...


Bai Yi looked at the direction in which Frederick the Great left.

He was thoughtful.

"Unless Frederick the Great knows something and the risks involved..."

Whispering, combined with the fact that Bismarck asked him about the specific situation of the Siren base...

Bai Yi rested his chin with one hand and began to guess.

It seems that Sangvis also discovered an unknown siren base...

And Bismarck wants to attack this siren base!

Coming to this conclusion, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

Maybe it's not just that.

The Siren base alone should not be enough to make Frederick the Great so worried.

Iron blood.

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