Or rather, Bismarck.

She must also be prepared to do something very risky.

should be.

That's why Frederick the Great felt worried...

After all, Emperor Frederick the Great was Iron Blood's second in command.

If it weren't for Bismarck's determination to do something.

Otherwise, Emperor Frederick could have vetoed something that made her feel very risky and worried.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi rested his chin with one hand, thoughtfully.

Afterwards, he shook his head slightly, then pulled his attention away from the matter.

A brown-haired girl wearing a beret is looking at this side with her beautiful blue eyes.

After that, she also summoned up her courage, and trotted over here with her little hands behind her back slightly.

"Mr. Commander~"

"Miss Z23?"

Hearing the girl's call, Bai Yi came back to his senses, looking at the girl in front of him whom he and Fat Telie had spotted before, a gentle smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

"What's the matter~"

"Well, it's like this..."

Looking at Bai Yi, Z23 leaned forward, politely apologized and thanked Bai Yi, "I'm very sorry, I have caused you a lot of trouble..."

As she spoke, she took out the little hand hidden behind her back.

On the white palm, tightly grasped a small paper bag.

Seeing that Bai Yi's eyes fell on the small paper bag.

Z23 handed him the small paper bag.

Immediately afterwards, the girl lowered her face slightly and said, "This is a little bit of my heart...

She was indeed very grateful to Bai Yi.

In this rescue operation, even Bismarck and the others fell down.

If it weren't for Bai Yi, the commander of the White Eagle, who would personally lead the company and the others into these mirror seas full of unknown risks.

If this is not the case, even if Bismarck and the others act recklessly, with the speed of the rocket, they will arrive at the missing place of Frederick the Great and the others in time.

It's hard to say whether they can find the entrance to the Mirror Sea...

What's more, even if they find the entrance to the Mirror Sea, they will inevitably face the risk of falling into the sand.

After all, there are strong enemies in the two mirror sea areas.

One is a dream weaver, an unknown siren who easily pulled Frederick the Great and the others into a dream.

One is Enpres, the Siren Arbiter who has defeated half of the Iron-Blooded Fleet Girls before going all out and fighting with his life.

These two sirens, no matter which one, are powerful enemies they have never encountered before.

Therefore, if it wasn't for Bai Yi's help this time.

It is still unknown whether the iron-blooded people can return safely.

Ever since, Z23 wanted to do something.

At least do something within your ability to thank Bai Yi.

That's why she's here.


Gently took the small paper bag handed over by the girl.

When you open it, you can see that it is a cookie that has been made just right, and you can tell that a lot of work has been spent on it.

Seeing this, under the nervous gaze of the girl, Bai Yi casually picked up a piece of cookie and chewed it lightly.


Watching Bai Yi taste the cookies she made, Z23 hesitated to speak.

Perhaps because of nervousness, even her white and flawless little hands couldn't stop secretly grabbing the hem of the skirt.

She really wanted to ask, to know how she made the cookies and what Bai Yi thought of them.

But he cringed again, afraid of getting a bad evaluation from Bai Yi.

After all, this is the cookie that she finally made after returning to the port area and after trying several times.

This is already the highest level she can do...

Just when Z23 was getting more and more nervous about this.

Maybe he noticed her nervousness, a gentle smile formed on the corner of Bai Yi's lips.

"You must have spent a lot of time making this cookie, right?"

He also learned to cook.

And the talent in this area is unique.

Therefore, of course he could tell that this cookie was not made at one time, but was baked many times, and he picked out the best one and put it in a paper bag and gave it to him.

As the saying goes, courtesy is light and affection is heavy.

He said that someone likes such a gift~ "Thank you, I like this gift very much~"

There was a gentle smile on the corner of his lips, Bai Yi's words were not perfunctory at all, he was serious.

In his view, the value of a gift does not lie in its economic value, but in its heart.

Once you get your mind, that's enough~ Jian Niang can distinguish people's hearts.

If you get serious.

Whether it is lying or malicious.

Ship girls can easily identify.

Therefore, Z23 could feel that Bai Yi was not using lies to comfort her.

But really love the gift.

Realizing this, the girl was inexplicably a little excited.

It was as if the effort had been recognized.

Although in fact it was true~ Sitting leisurely on the bench in the garden, Bai Yi lightly patted the seat next to him.

The fragrance comes from the tip of the nose.

Looking at the girl sitting over cautiously, Bai Yi smiled helplessly, and asked curiously, "What do you think of Bismarck's personality?"


Hearing Bai Yi's question, the girl forgot to be nervous, and looked at Bai Yi suspiciously.

I don't understand why the White Eagle commander asked this.

But she still said seriously, "Sister Bismarck has a high prestige in Iron Blood, everyone respects her and is willing to trust her; she has never experienced any failure before..." Speaking of this, the girl paused, and then firmly State your point of view.

"Although I lost to the Siren this time, I believe that Miss Bismarck will cheer up soon and lead everyone to a new starting point!"

"Is that so..."

Hearing what she said, Bai Yi rested his chin with one hand, and gained a broader understanding of Bismarck's character and the expectations he had to bear.

Then, looking at the girl beside him, he chuckled and said, "Z23 also wants to be a ship girl like Bismarck, right~"


The girl lowered her head slightly, and gently grabbed the hem of her clothes with her small hands, apparently caught off guard by Bai Yi's words.

But she quickly came back to her senses and nodded her head firmly.

"Of course, I have been working hard to become a trustworthy and reliable ship girl like Miss Bismarck!"


While talking, the girl's voice stopped abruptly.

It was Bai Yi who chuckled and stuffed a cookie into her mouth after hearing her serious words mixed with reluctance to admit defeat, forcing her to focus on the imported cookies.

0...seeking flowers0...

"Well, really...!"

Caught off guard, she swallowed the biscuit with great difficulty. Looking at Bai Yi who suddenly played a prank on her, the girl puffed up her pretty face slightly.

At this time, shouldn't she be encouraged!

How can it be a prank!

Thinking to herself, she looked at Bai Yi who was eating cookies.

The girl first wanted to preach, but then her eyes narrowed slightly.

She looked away unnaturally, like a teacher scolding a bad student' momentum, which disappeared in an instant.

"I still haven't finished my daily study tasks, so I'm leaving first..."

The sound is like a mosquito.

The girl stood up in a hurry, held the beret on her brown hair, said something to Bai Yi, and left in a hurry.

Bai Yi: "..." He looked at the girl's back.

He looked at the cookie in his hand again.


At the beginning, he was indeed holding a mischievous mentality...

After all, the serious expression of the girl is too cute.

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