This makes St. Louis somewhat dumbfounded.

Looking at the sister who was patted on the head by her commander in the distance.

She smiled and shook her head.

Alas, the female college is not allowed to stay~ Jokingly, St. Louis backed away quietly.

so as not to disturb the two of them.


Looking at the hand of his commander stroking Helena's head.

St. Louis gently lifted his long, smooth blue hair from the side, and blinked his moist eyes like purple gemstones, thoughtfully.

Let the commander touch his head?

I don't know what kind of feeling it is?

I'm a little curious....

I thought to myself, St. Louis rested his chin on one hand, maybe he didn't need to pay attention to the passing vehicles when Baiying crossed the road.

because without.

Let alone being hit by a car.

It was also the car that hit the cruiser on land that should be worried.

Therefore, St. Louis didn't see much of the road.

Ever since, she bumped into it.


I found myself hit by someone with the ball.

St. Louis was slightly confused.

But she reacted quickly.


Seeing Honolulu, who is also a Brooklyn class, strictly speaking, she is also the ship wife of her and sister Helena 0...

St. Louis rubbed his forehead, which didn't hurt so much because of the padding.

Honolulu was a little surprised.

St. Louis has always been calm.

This is one of the reasons why she will be the treasurer of White Eagle.

Even walking can be distracted, which is not in line with the style of St. Louis.

and so……

Is something wrong?

Thinking about it, Honolulu asked her doubts.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something unimportant~"

St. Louis shook his head lightly, trying to brush off the subject lightly.

After that, seeing that Honolulu was still very curious, she smiled back and asked, "What about you, why are you distracted?"

"Well..." Hearing what St. Louis said, Honolulu's pretty face became hot.

She pursed her lips, folded her hands, and looked away proudly, "This is a secret!"


St. Louis had just wanted to digress, lest Honolulu continue to ask.

However, at this moment, after seeing the girl's arrogant and pretty face, St. Louis was also aroused.

Well known.

Honolulu is a tsundere.

But she is proud of her time and occasion.

Not being arrogant all the time.

In normal times, she can also communicate normally.

Suddenly arrogant.

This shows that she has emotions such as tension...

and so……

What is her elder sister being arrogant about?

St. Louis looking at Honolulu, I thought.

Looking at the red glow on her face.

For a moment, St. Louis seemed to have an answer.

"Ah, let me guess~"

St. Louis looked at Honolulu wryly, "Maybe, you were thinking about the commander, and you were too fascinated, so you lost your mind?"

Honolulu: "!"

You... how can you defile people out of thin air...


Let the arrogant her try to lie, she really can't...

Seeing Honolulu's expression, St. Louis became more and more sure of his guess.

She pursed her lips, feeling complicated.

Helena is like that.

So is Honolulu...

Then she herself...

Thinking about it, St. Louis became more and more confused.

Difficult to smooth out.

She shook her head slightly, bringing her attention back.

No matter what, Helena should come first...

Otherwise, her shy younger sister might have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to realize her long-cherished wish. Thinking of this, under the blank gaze of Honolulu.

St. Louis pulled her and listened to her.

For a moment.

Honolulu's exclamation of surprise and panic rang out.

Bai Yi: "?"

I always feel like I heard the exclamation of Honolulu...

Is it an illusion?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi came back to his senses.

Looking at 0.5, although she is no longer lost, she is still very shy, Helena who can't even touch her head.

He was thoughtful.

If you want to change Helena's character and make her confident, you have to find a way.

It just so happened that he was going to sort out the ship experience needed for the plan ship during this time.

It's not that I went to gain experience with New Jersey in name, but actually went out to play.

Instead, it is to truly integrate the ship installation experience that the plan ship lacks.

At that time, bring Helena too~ Thinking to himself, Bai Yi recalled the training cabin of the planning ship belonging to the royal family that he found in the mirror sea area.

There is a decision in my heart.


Standing in Bismarck's steel-style office, waiting for the expedition fleet to contact Ron, resting his chin on one hand in boredom, looking out the window at the seascape he has seen countless times.

Such a view, beautiful, but boring...

Feeling emotional, suddenly, her eyes narrowed slightly.

For a moment.

The letter delivered by the Akashi brand drone appeared in her hand.

Glancing at the crashed drone, she set her sights on the letter.

The letter was from Bismarck.

The letter briefly introduced their situation and the specific process of this expedition to rescue Frederick the Great and them.

She is not interested in these.


A name suddenly came into her sight.

Although the owner of this name is a human being.

But Bismarck mentioned him everywhere in his letters.

This made Ron slightly interested in this Mr. Human.

After all, a human being can do such a thing...

Is this normal?

Thinking to himself, Ron's eyes fell on the other party's name.

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