Bai Yi?

Commander of the White Eagle...


Chapter 152 Gift Box~

A human being.

To become the White Eagle Commander...

That's enough to feel unbelievable.

In addition, Bismarck mentioned it many times in his letter.

Iron Blood's expedition to rescue Frederick the Great and the others, if it wasn't for the commander of the White Eagle who helped them a lot...

Iron Blood overturned this time.

Ron knew what Bismarck was like.

No matter how unwilling.

Hate and loathe your own weakness.

Bismarck will not exaggerate too much, or reduce the achievements of so-and-so.

She didn't even bother to do it.

Failure is failure, and Bismarck will only admit and accept failure frankly.

Never hide your failures.

Been a colleague of Bismarck for so long.

Of course, Ron is very clear about the character of this iron-blooded flagship.

This also made it possible for Ron to successfully establish an initial impression of the White Eagle Commander based on this letter alone.

So, she became slightly curious about this White Eagle Commander whom she had never met before.

Life is too boring.

Therefore, people have to find something to do for themselves.

For Ron at this moment, the commander of the White Eagle is her source of interest.

She looked away from the letter.

Look out the window.

Unlike White Eagle, Jagged has no gardens, and no place to entertain.

Compared with the leisurely and comfortable Shirataka Port Area, the elegant and luxurious Port Royal Port Area, the dreamlike and dreamlike Sakura Port Area, and other camps, each has its own style.

Jagged port area is a military base, full of steel style.

Looking majestic from afar.

People dare not underestimate.

But being in it.

It will be depressing again.

Looking at the Jagged Port area.

Ron Hao put his wrist by the window, resting his chin with one hand, and there was no wave in his beautiful brown eyes.

She has lived in the port area for a long time, and she has long been used to such an atmosphere.

Put the letter on the cold steel desk casually.

Looking into the distance with his round and slender white jade legs, Ron pursed his lips with some regret.

It's a pity that she needs to be guarded in the port area at the moment.

In order to avoid any accidents in the port area during Bismarck's expedition.

As a result, she is in the port area at the moment and can't go anywhere.

Not to mention meeting the White Eagle Commander who made her curious and slightly aroused her interest...

thought here.

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Ron's lips.

The sea breeze blows.

Her expression was unmoved.

Let the sea breeze blow her short hair with red highlights mixed with the pale pink.


This state did not last long.

She just came back to her senses.

"White Eagle's commander..."

she murmured.

The beautiful eyes moved slightly.

A little, a little curious~ Thinking to himself, Ron's eyes fell on Bismarck's letter.

All right.

Time to get down to business.

With this in mind, she remembered what Bismarck had mentioned in his letter.

She picked up the letter, and found the content that she had overlooked because she paid so much attention to Commander White Eagle, and read it carefully.

This part mentions that Bismarck will soon return to the port area with the Jagged Lady.

Prepare for a raid somewhere later.

Although Bismarck never explained the specific situation in the letter.

But Ron guessed what Bismarck was talking about in the blink of an eye.

After all, the coordinates of the Siren base mastered by Iron Blood was discovered by her accidentally...

She is not interested in capturing the Siren base or not.

It was Bismarck who made the decision, and she just followed through.

Skipping these, Ron's eyes fell on the last content written by Bismarck in the letter.

"...Do your best to find the location of "Donghuang"? "

she murmured.

Bismarck didn't make it clear why Iron Blood was looking for Donghuang.

Find a faction of shipgirls she's never heard of before.

But she vaguely felt that this mission of Bismarck might be related to the commander of the White Eagle...

thought here.

Holding the letter, Ron stood up and walked towards Frederick the Great's office with his smooth and delicate jade legs even without stockings.

A country cannot have two heads of state, nor can a faction have two flagships.

Therefore, in the current iron blood, Bismarck is in charge of commanding the iron blood, and Frederick the Great is in charge of all intelligence work.

She wanted to use the Jagged Intelligence Network to find out where Donghuang was located, so she had to go to Emperor Frederick's office.

As for whether I can find it...

Who knows?

Ron didn't think it was that simple, after all, they, Tie Xue, had never heard of Dong Huang's information so far.

Even if this ship girl camp really exists.

Definitely not that easy to find either.

Thinking to himself, Ron's expression remained calm.

In the past, she basically had a perfunctory attitude towards such unresolved matters.

Give the quest to Frederick the Great.

Or release this task when Frederick the Great is away.

As for whether it will be successful or not, it is none of her business.

But this time, Ron could feel that she was getting a little more serious.

Maybe it's rare to meet someone who can arouse her interest...

Therefore, she can also raise a little bit of enthusiasm for these boring things.

Like waving a magic wand, waving a ship-mounted cane, Saratoga lively and cheerfully walked among several small ship girls, trying to be cute among them, and it has already succeeded.

After all, she is literally no different from these destroyer girls~ "Who should I tease today~"

Muttering cheerfully, he blinked his beautiful lavender eyes, and the figure of his own commander was reflected in Saratoga's eyes.

"Hee hee, Sister Sara locked the target~"

The corner of his lips evoked a devilish smile, and Saratoga blinked his beautiful lavender eyes.

Then he slipped out without a sound.

Although playing hide-and-seek with these little ship girls is very interesting, it is more interesting to play tricks on the commander~ Thinking to myself, Saratoga quietly walked towards her own commander.

Her steps are light.

Plus it's a sandy beach.

Unless she made a noise on purpose, it would be difficult for ordinary people to notice her.

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