Except for the ship girl.

"Saratoga, don't play tricks on the commander!"

Saratoga: "?"

She froze when she heard the voice from her ear.

Saratoga stared blankly at the prestige, and sure enough, he saw Lexington not far away.


She focused all her attention on the Commander.

So, did she fail to notice sister Lexington's approach?

Thinking to himself, Saratoga's exquisite and flawless pretty face suddenly showed a guilty expression.

"Hey ☆~"

Sold a little cuteness to Lexington.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly ran behind Bai Yi and made a face at Lexington.

"The commander won't be angry~"

As she said that, she tugged at the hem of her commander's clothes pitifully.

"The commander won't be angry with Sister Sara, will he?"

Bai Yi: ""

Although he knew that this quirky aircraft carrier loli was just pretending, he still patted Saratoga's head with a light smile.

"Of course the commander won't be angry with Sister Sara~"

Hearing his commander's affirmation, Saratoga blinked her beautiful lavender eyes.

Immediately afterwards, she poked her head out from behind Bai Yi, and smiled confidently at her sister.

"You dote on this child too much~"

Seeing this, Lexington chuckled helplessly.

However, she is also very happy to see her commander pampering Saratoga~ "That's right, Commander~"

Lexington mentioned the purpose of her trip to find Bai Yi.

"This is for you~"

Seeing Lexington smiling, with a gentle and pretty face, Bai Yi's eyes fell on the small box Lexington handed over.

"This is…?"

He was a little curious and wanted to know what was in this small box.

"Ah, even I am sometimes shy~"

Without answering Bai Yi's question, Lexington saluted him with a smile, and then hurriedly left.

This made Bai Yi even more curious about the contents of this box.

"Commander Commander, quickly take it apart and have a look!"

Watching my sister's back go away.

Saratoga's eyes fell on the box Bai Yi was holding, and he asked curiously.

"Could it be that there is a love letter from my sister in the box?"

Saratoga guessed.

Bai Yi: ""You've already said this paragraph, huh?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi was a little bit dumbfounded.

He had reason to suspect that Little Gaga had said it on purpose.

The purpose, of course, was to tease him.


"I've recorded it~"

Said, Bai Yi raised the communicator in his hand.

This thing can be used as a mobile phone, and of course it will have a recording function.

Saratoga: "?"

Commander, what about the trust between people?

"Sister Sara, you don't want this recording to be heard by Sister Lexington, do you~"

Saratoga: "???"

There was a slight sadness on her small face.

"Commander, are you a devil!"

Hearing Saratoga's words, Bai Yi smiled and spread his hands, "Who knows~"

"Hey, there is a flaw, bring it here~"

That's when Bai Yi spread his hands.

Saratoga's beautiful eyes were slightly bright, and he suddenly rushed over, and took the communicator from his hand.


As soon as he got the communicator, Saratoga tried to delete the recording with lightning speed.


"There is no recording?"

Mumbling suspiciously, Saratoga came to his senses and looked at Bai Yi angrily.

"Commander Commander, how can you fool the lovely Sister Sara!"

She crossed her hips.

"Woo, Sister Sara is so sad, sobbing, sobbing"

While talking, she secretly glanced at Bai Yi.

Bai Yi: "..."

"How many times have I said it, how can someone say the words directly when crying!"

833 complained and patted Saratoga's head.

Bai Yi rolled up his sleeves.

"Speaking of which, Little Gaga, you actually wanted to play a prank on the Commander, and even snatched the Commander's communicator..."

"Hey hey hey..."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Little Jiajia acted cute.

Trying to make a fool of yourself.


Being cute is useless~ "Ahh!"

Although Saratoga soon realized that something was wrong, it was too late to escape by this time.

Bai Yi caught him without any suspense.

Immediately afterwards, she was lifted from behind and lay on top of her commander.

Looking at the white feathers that Bai Yi took out, plucked from the body of Ying Jiang raised in Essex, Saratoga's jade legs wrapped in black silk pantyhose tightened a little.

Even the arch of the foot is slightly bent.

For a moment.

The girl's laughter sounded like a silver bell on the beach.

"Hee hee, it's so itchy..."

His feet were scratched by his own commander with a feather.

Tears overflowed from Saratoga's beautiful eyes, she hugged Bai Yi's neck tightly, and couldn't help chuckling.

Although Saratoga was already mentally prepared when he saw Bai Yi pulling out his feathers.

Moreover, she had been tickled many times before.

But when Bai Yi did this, she still couldn't help laughing.

Hmm, itchy.

"Hey hey hey, Commander, Sister Sara has surrendered..."

Hugging her own commander's neck, she could already feel the warmth from Bai Yi's cheeks on her delicate and flawless pretty face, and couldn't stop smiling. Saratoga quickly lost.

"Ah, the commander is too reckless!"

Putting back the shoes that Bai Yi had left on the beach, he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his small hands, and then rubbed his little face that was a little stiff because of involuntary laughter for a long time.

After that, Saratoga said angrily.

However, her attention was quickly attracted by the box in Bai Yi's hand.

It was Bai Yi who opened the box.

She leaned over curiously.

However, due to her height, she couldn't see...


Smiling and touching her head, Bai Yi squatted down gently.

Use this to let Saratoga see what Lexington put in the box.

"An album...?"

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