Saratoga understood something.

This should be sister Lexington's solo album that she tried to make in order to give Commander a gift~...

Chapter 153 Farewell and Schedule~

Little Gaga is very clear.

She, the Lexington sister, has always been grateful to the Commander.

after all.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the commander.

Fished Lafite up from the vast deep sea.

They will definitely lose Lafite.

The consequences, just thinking about it, make people shudder.

What's more, Lexington is one of the parties involved.

She, York City, Lafite, and Helena, four ship girls, were just doing daily sea patrol missions at that time.

Eliminate the wild sirens encountered along the way.

But they never expected that they would encounter such a large-scale Siren fleet.

As a result, they didn't even bring a communicator, and they were surrounded by a large number of siren fleets.

It didn't take long for things to get worse.

That's why Lafite left behind alone to create an opportunity for York City, allowing her to successfully evacuate with Lexington, Helena and the others, and then rush to the port area to ask for help. However, this cannot be blamed on York City and the others. not cautious.

In fact, before this, White Eagle had never encountered a siren fleet of such a scale at all.

Before this, the most that White Eagle encountered was the Siren Combined Fleet composed of several Siren fleets.

The scale is far less than what they encountered in York City.

Sirens of this level, even if they were no match for York City, it would be no problem to retreat safely.

Therefore, it is no wonder that York City and the others are careless.

In fact, before this, the White Eagle Lady had never encountered such an astonishingly large Siren fleet.

Also for this reason.

They don't even carry a communicator, and carry out daily patrol missions...

thought here.

Saratoga quietly glanced at Bai Yi beside him.

However, who can tell whether it is right or wrong?

Although they almost lost Lafite.

But the commander also lived in the White Eagle Port area because of this, and eventually became their commander...

Thinking to himself, Saratoga's eyes fell on the album in the gift box.

She knew right away that the album was produced by her Lexington sister herself.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no need for Lexington to pack this album into a gift box and give it to the commander who has made it clear that he is not interested in chasing stars.

So this album must be the solo album of her Lexington sister.

It is indeed quite appropriate to use this as a gift for the commander.

However, what made Saratoga curious was, what kind of thinking did her sister Lexington use to give the commander a gift?

Simply grateful?


Thinking to herself, Saratoga felt something move before her eyes.

She came back to her senses and looked around.

It was Bai Yi who saw her distracted, and stretched out his hand in front of her eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

Hearing Bai Yi's voice, Saratoga pursed her lips slightly, and then showed a strange expression.

"Commander Commander, this sister's solo album, please give it to Sister Sara~"

She crossed her waist and said confidently, "Sister Sara wants to play tricks on her with this album~"

"Is this Lexington's solo album?"

Hearing Saratoga's words, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

He recalled Lexington's pretty face.


Lexington is very iconic.

Even wearing lotus clothes, it's the same.

Otherwise, she would not have such a high popularity in the outside world.

Thinking to himself, his eyes fell on the CD in the gift box.

When he first saw this disc, he was still puzzled.

I don't know what is on this disc.

But after hearing little Jiajia's words, he also understood.


Saratoga's voice came from next to his ear, Bai Yi came back to his senses, smiled lightly and patted her head.


Saratoga: "…"

Looking at Saratoga's sad expression.

Bai Yi was also a little dumbfounded.

Of course he could see that Little Gaga didn't really want this disc.

Just trying to tease him every day.

By the way, remind him what is on this disc.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi couldn't help but patted Saratoga's head again.

This cute little sister of the aircraft carrier, although she has a crippled figure, is still very cute~ "Commander, I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude..."

He looked at Bai Yi suspiciously.

After that, Saratoga looked away slightly.

As if mentioning it by accident, she looked at the construction site in the distance, "By the way, Commander, does the Admiral's Mansion under construction look like an amusement park?"

Bai Yi: "..." He was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard Xiao Jiajia's words hinting at the name, but actually expressing it.

Then shook his head decisively.

"Not like."

Saratoga: ""

A sad expression suddenly appeared on her delicate and flawless face.

not like?

How can it be different!

Obviously they look alike, okay?


Seeing little Jiajia's cute expression pretending to be sad, Bai Yi couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that Saratoga's pretty face became full of anger, Bai Yi smiled lightly and pinched her face.

"After a while, I'm going to go to the royal family~"

Saratoga: "?"

Looking at Bai Yi, she tilted her head slightly.

A trip to the Royal, then what?

Why don't you continue talking?

Thinking to herself, she followed Bai Yi's line of sight.

On a distant construction site.

Akashi, holding a baton, was talking to Bismarck passing by the construction site.

Even though it was far away, Bai Yi couldn't hear the sound.

But it can also be seen that Akashi's expression is full of anger.

This made him a little curious.

I don't know why this profiteer cat who always attaches great importance to red tips and always smiles professionally is angry.

Perhaps noticing the curiosity of its own commander, Saratoga summoned the ship.

In an instant, her hearing became more and more acute.

Even at such a long distance, she could hear the voice over there.

"It seems that a certain iron-blooded ship girl blew up the drone that this profiteer cat sent to the iron-blooded messenger. She is looking for compensation from Bismarck~"

After listening for a while, I roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter, Saratoga said.

Hearing her words, Bai Yi's expression was also a little subtle.

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