He actually blew up the drone sent by Akashi to deliver the letter to Iron Blood.

No wonder Akashi, who has always put on a professional smile even if he was prostituted for nothing, became angry rarely.

"That's normal."

Little Gaga was not surprised by this.

"Most iron-blooded ship girls are problem ship girls, including Bismarck, who want to conquer the world or something..."

As the saying goes, people's joys and sorrows are different.

Like she couldn't understand why Sangvis wanted to conquer the world.

Iron-blooded and without a commander, there is no need to give the world as a gift to the commander, and write the title of "World Overlord" on the commander's resume.

What's more, even if the other ship mother camps don't get involved in this matter.

Even if Iron Blood successfully conquered the world, what's the use?

Integrating human beings, the wealth of iron and blood will not increase much.

Not to mention overall strength.

In the face of Sirens and Ship Girls, the power of human beings is very small.

It is of no use at all.

Unless Iron Blood can unify all the ship girl camps.

But Saratoga didn't think Sangvis could do it.

Thinking to himself, Saratoga's eyes fell on Bai Yi beside him.

Compared with Iron Blood, he successfully conquered all the ship girl camps.

She prefers to believe that her commander can do this.

As long as the commander wants.

He will be able to do it.

Somehow, Saratoga has such confidence.

Just when she thought so.

far away.

I don't know what Bismarck said, but the profiteer Mao Mao, who was still angry just now, suddenly became calm.

With a smile on her pretty face, Bismarck almost smashed a few more.


Bai Yi looked at Saratoga.

Little Gaga spread his hands.

"Bismarck said, three times the compensation~"

Bai Yi: "..." Hearing Xiao Jiajia's words, he couldn't help laughing.


This is in line with the style of this profiteer cat.

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi noticed that after Bismarck had compensated Akashi, he walked straight to this side.

"Looking for me?"

Muttering, Bai Yi waited quietly.


Not long after, Bismarck came over.

Explain your purpose to him.

"Are you going back?"

Hearing Bismarck's words, Bai Yi's eyes fell on the iron-blooded flagship with blond hair and blue eyes.

Although, they got double treatment from Akashi and Vesta.

But they are just the ship's outfit being repaired.

The wounds on his body haven't healed yet.

In this regard, Bismarck shook his head indifferently.

"It's enough for the ship's outfit to be repaired. For our ship girl, it's only a matter of time before it fully recovers."

Bismarck was a man of action.

Unless someone can make her rest willingly.

Otherwise she couldn't sit still.

Therefore, now that the ship's equipment has been completely repaired and her combat capability has initially recovered, she decided to bid farewell to Bai Yi.

"We are very grateful for White Eagle's assistance this time." Bismarck said slowly, "If you need any military support in the future, you can come to our Iron Blood."

After making the promise to himself, Bismarck's eyes immediately fell on Bai Yi.

The thoughts of Frederick the Great lingered in her mind.

Immediately afterwards, she remembered what she was planning to do when she went back this time.

Bismarck disapproved of Frederick the Great's idea.

Although they knew that the commander of the White Eagle had some extraordinary qualities.

But what exactly...

Don't talk about her.

Even Emperor Frederick the Great is just guessing at the moment.

However, in Sangvis, guessing is meaningless.

Things that are not based on facts will not be accepted by them.

Therefore, although Emperor Frederick had some guesses about Bai Yi's ability, he did not tell Bismarck.

Because she wouldn't care if she said it.

Recalling the thoughts of Frederick the Great, Bismarck pursed his lips slightly.

Although, she did not agree with Frederick the Great's idea.

But her own ideas are not very reliable.

If she fails...


Iron Blood should do what Frederick the Great wanted.

Thinking to himself, Bismarck came back to his senses a little, and burst out laughing.

What's wrong with her...

I haven't acted yet, and I'm thinking about what will happen after the failure.

"~It's not like me..."

Whispering, Bismarck looked at his hands.

The palms did not tremble.

Just like her will, there will never be the slightest wavering.

Seeing this, she pursed her lips.

She is still her.

Even though she was defeated by the siren named "Empres", she still did not change at all.

The reason for this is probably because no one has tried what she is going to do so far.

Whether it will be successful, Bismarck himself does not know...

"Miss Bismarck?"

Noticing that Bismarck was distracted, Bai Yi frowned slightly and called out.

"……excuse me."

After recovering, Bismarck said slowly.

"Is it really okay? Do you want to rest for a few days?"

Looking at Bismarck, Bai Yi had a delicate expression.

This was the first time he saw this fierce and resolute flagship distracted.

Is it really okay?

"It's okay, thank you for your care this time."

After thinking about it, Bismarck, who was not good at expressing himself, thanked him. (money is good)

After that, she said goodbye.

Watching Bismarck's back go away.

Bai Yi rested his cheeks, thoughtful.

"Commander, what are you thinking~"

Little Gaga came over and asked curiously.

"I always feel that Bismarck and Sangvis are going to do something dangerous..."

Muttering, Bai Yi gently shook his head.

did not care.

After that, his eyes fell on Saratoga who was on the side.

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