"After a while, I'm going to go to the royal family to see the unicorns, and I'll bring the royal plan ship there~"


Saratoga tilted her head slightly.

Although it is normal for the commander to go to the royal family, the relationship between White Eagle and the royal family is pretty good after all.

Not to mention, the Commander seems to be playing a sibling game with the royal unicorn.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Unicorn was the royal ship's wife, Saratoga wouldn't be surprised even if the sister ship suddenly became the commander's ship's wife.

and so…

Commander, is this going to accompany her to the amusement park after going to the royal family?

Thinking to herself, Saratoga pursed her lips slightly.

She has no interest in going to the amusement park.

Those entertainment facilities are not interesting to play tricks on the Commander.

Although she is often teased by the commander instead...

But this time she wants to...

Just when Saratoga was worrying about gains and losses, Bai Yi smiled lightly and patted her head.

"So, before going to the royal family, please ask Sister Sara to accompany the commander to the amusement park.

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Saratoga laughed lightly.

Although the commander was suspected of whetting her appetite, but for the sake of the commander agreeing to accompany her to the amusement park, the lovely Sister Sara will forgive the commander~ Thinking to herself, Saratoga pursed her lips .

Smile like a flower.


Chapter 154

The next day.

White Eagle Port.

Bai Yi touched his chin as he watched the Iron-Blooded Fleet Lady, headed by Bismarck, leave.

He recalled the look of Frederick the Great before he left.

This Iron-Blooded Ship Lady, who looked like the Madonna of Darkness, hesitated to speak.

It seemed that he wanted to say something to him.


Frederick the Great finally did not speak out.

Even if Bai Yi asked about it.

She just shook her head and didn't answer.

In the words of Frederick the Great, now is not the time.

Bai Yi was stunned when he heard it.

Although he could guess that Sangvis was going to do some dangerous things.

But he was not a child in the womb of Frederick the Great.

How can I know what this iron-blooded ship girl is thinking...

Therefore, when he heard Frederick the Great's words like a riddle man, he was not to mention how confused he was.


Forget it.

Watch these iron-blooded ship girls go away.

Bai Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Sooner or later, he will know about it.

And it will be told to him by Frederick the Great himself.

Although it's just a guess.

But Bai Yi was inexplicably confident in this.

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi withdrew his gaze.

After that, his eyes fell on Saratoga beside him.


Noticing Bai Yi's gaze, little Jiajia tilted her head slightly.

I don't understand what my commander sees her doing.


Patting her head, Bai Yi smiled lightly and shook his head.

He was just thinking that some promises had to be kept.

For example, what was agreed before, to accompany Saratoga to the amusement park~ I have such thoughts in my heart.

Bai Yi came to the company office, ready to finish all the official affairs in the port area first.

In this way, he would have enough time to go out with Little Gaga.

Along the way, he passed by a construction site in full swing.

On the construction site, a group of yellow chickens are being dusted.

Not far away, Akashi, holding a small whistle and a baton, is orderly directing these yellow chickens to carry out construction work on the construction site.

Bai Yi glanced at the progress of the construction.

Although he has never seen the construction drawings of the Admiral's Mansion.

However, he can roughly see that the foundation of the Admiral's Mansion has almost been poured.

With such a high efficiency, it can only be said that it is worthy of being a profiteer.

833 If these yellow chickens weren't robots, and they didn't work hard, they might have united by now to tie up this profiteer cat who doesn't pay them and urge them to work and hang them on the street lamp~ teasing in his heart, Bai Yi Notice that this profiteer cat seems to be a little distracted.

Even when he passed by here, he didn't notice him.

In the past, this was always on the red-pointed Akashi in the pocket of Kaijian, the commander of the White Eagle, but it was very rare.

thought here.

Without even using the power of "Time Stop", Bai Yi walked towards Akashi who was directing the construction of the Admiral's Mansion, as if taking a stroll in the courtyard.

Even if Bai Yi got close to her.

Akashi still didn't notice anything.

This made Bai Yi even more curious about what this profiteer cat was thinking.

So, he lightly poked Akashi's furry cat ears.

Woo meow! ? "

Suddenly there was an itching feeling in his ears, and Akashi subconsciously narrowed his pale golden eyes.

Then, she reacted.

"So it's Commander White Eagle, meow?"

Seeing Bai Yi, Akashi puffed up his face slightly, "Don't scare me suddenly!"

Seeing the angry and cute expression of this profiteer cat, Bai Yi smiled, and then asked curiously, "What are you thinking about?"

Thinking so engrossed.

So much so that she didn't even notice him approaching.

This is not like Akashi.

"Woo meow..."

Perhaps guessing Bai Yi's thoughts, Akashi pulled up the cat's ears.

"Actually, there's nothing meow..."

Putting this topic aside, he continued to chat with Bai Yi for a while, and after being patted on the head again, he watched Bai Yi's back go away.

She couldn't help mumbling.

"I always like to touch Akashi's head, and if I touch it again, I will be charged meow..."

While complaining, smoothing the slightly messy hair.

After that, Akashi pursed his lips.

Bismarck had come to see her last night.

Recalling the purpose of Bismarck looking for her, Akashi frowned slightly.

"Too risky meow..."

Mumbling, her expression was a little complicated.

Bismarck came to her because he wanted to consult her to see if she had found a way to (aeaf) break through the limit of the ship's equipment.

The answer, of course, was not found.

Although Akashi has strong hands-on ability, the technology he has mastered is also one of the best among all the shipgirl camps.

Such research has been done before.

But so far, no ship girl has successfully broken through the limit of ship equipment.

Without a reference, she couldn't come up with any safe solution.

Although Bismarck decisively took out the red tip and bought all her research materials on this aspect.

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