
The deal is done.

Akashi felt a little unhappy for no reason.

She felt that Bismarck must have been stimulated by this defeat.

So this iron-blooded flagship has to become stronger no matter what.

However, whether Bismarck can succeed, Akashi has no idea.

This made her feel a little confused about the future of Sangvis.

Immediately afterwards, she remembered the situation of Sakura again.

Then became more and more helpless.

Compared with Iron Blood.

The situation of Sakura can only be said to be worse.

After all, there are only a few people with a leisurely atmosphere like Baiying...

Thinking to himself, a little envy flashed in Akashi's beautiful eyes.

Corporate office.

After touching Akashi's cat ears, Bai Yi came here.

Sure enough, the business has arrived and is sorting out the files.

So that he can handle official duties easily.

See Enterprise.

Bai Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

His leave of absence from the business is almost expiring.

The flagship lady of the White Eagle still hasn't been idle.

In this way, the so-called vacation is no different from normal work!

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi shook his head slightly.

It's also because he didn't think carefully.

After all, the enterprise has been the flagship of the White Eagle for too long.

[-] every day, day after day, after such a long time, it has become a habit.

If he wants to fulfill York City's small wish and let the company take a good rest, there is a long way to go~ Maybe, he can start with the company's hobbies...

With such thoughts in mind, Bai Yi entered the office.

"The commander is here~"

Seeing Bai Yi, Enterprise stood up and offered his seat to Bai Yi.

She herself sat down on the sofa in front of her desk.

Sitting in the seat of the company, the residual warmth gradually spread.

Bai Yi asked.

"Are my hobbies?"

Hearing his own commander's question, Enterprise frowned, feeling a little confused.

Does she have any hobbies?

Doesn't seem to be there?

After all, she has been serving as the flagship of White Eagle all these years conscientiously, shouldering the future of White Eagle.

How can I have time to think about my hobbies?

Bai Yi: "..."

Seeing the confused look of the company, he rested his cheeks and was about to speak when he saw York City leading Lafite into the office.

Seeing York City, Bai Yi's eyes brightened slightly.

In the slightly shy eyes of York City, who secretly glanced at the enterprise, Bai Yi took her hand and began to talk.

"Small business hobbies~"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, York City blinked his beautiful blue and black eyes as he looked at the slightly embarrassed enterprise with a pretty face, thoughtfully.

As for the interests and hobbies of the enterprise, she, the elder sister, actually doesn't know much.

After all, the company has been [-], [-], [-], [-], [-] every day for these years. Even if it really has any hobbies, it can't be discovered.


She still has some guesses.

"Small business hobbies, maybe things like travel and racing"

she said softly.

"Is that so~"

Hearing Yorktown's speculation, Bai Yi nodded.

"Well... Commander, let's deal with business first!"

Seeing that her respected sister and her commander began to discuss her hobbies leisurely here, the pretty face of Enterprise was slightly embarrassed and couldn't help interrupting their discussion.

"Small businesses are shy~"

Seeing the embarrassment on the pretty face of the enterprise, York City covered his lips and smiled.


Next to him, rubbing his beautiful eyes sleepily, Lafite gently tugged at the hem of Bai Yi's clothes.


Hearing Lafite's murmur, Bai Yi comprehended, wrapped her arms around Baisi's legs, gently hugged Lafite, and let her sit on his lap.

After that, rubbing Lafite's little head, Bai Yi looked at York City.

Noticing his gaze, York City calmly put the food box in his hand on the table.

The Iron-Blooded Ship Lady left very early.

Therefore, she, the dear commander, still has an empty stomach.

As the commander's wedding ship, of course she was prepared.

Looking at the breakfast in the food box.

Bai Yi was a little surprised.

"Buns with soy milk~"

From time travel to now, he has never eaten such a familiar breakfast.

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi looked at York City and smiled at each other.

Looking at the commander's gentle cheek, Yorktown pursed his lips slightly.

She knew well that the commander was not used to White Eagle's high-calorie breakfast, so she tried to make buns and soy milk according to the breakfast the commander had mentioned.

These early days are not difficult.

But York City still tried to make it many times, striving to be the best.

Seeing Bai Yi's smile, she was quite satisfied.

Bai Yi has become her commander.

The long-cherished wish is over.

The meaning of her existence at this moment, at this moment, and in the future, all belong to the commander~ Seeing that the commander is in a happy mood, she is satisfied~ Enterprise: "..."

With his head down, he secretly glanced at the smile on York City's face.

Enterprise pursed its lips slightly.

She had done her best not to think about it.

However, after seeing the smile on York City's pretty face, she still couldn't help wondering, does her sister really have nothing special to do with the commander?

Although, even if it has been vaguely noticed.

She just didn't care much.

After all, she is the commander, she is very relieved.

And she was also very happy to see her old sentimental sister smiling from the bottom of her heart~ Just when the enterprise thought so, York City looked over.

She gently took out part of the breakfast and handed it to the enterprise.

"I have your share, small business~"

Saying so, Yorktown patted Enterprise's head wearing a navy cap, "Although it's okay for the ship's mother to only eat energy bars, but occasionally eat some normal food~"

"Yeah." Hearing York City's words, Enterprise pursed his lips and nodded.

Behind the desk, Bai Yi gently pinched Lafite's pretty face.


Looking at Lafite's dazed and sleepy pretty face, Bai Yi couldn't help but chuckled and began to feed.

After leisurely eating breakfast, Bai Yi focused on his official duties in the port area.

Since he became the commander and cut off many unnecessary projects, the official duties of the port area have become very few.

In addition, before he came, the company had already sorted out the documents.

Therefore, not long after, Bai Yi completed these official duties.

"Is the commander ready to go out?"

Seeing that Bai Yi quickly handled his official duties, and the company that had assisted him for a long time, soon had a guess.

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