Belfast: "…"

Seeing that Elizabeth, who used to call herself "my king", now uses "I" to refer to herself, Belfast couldn't help but smile.

Even without seeing the previous scene.

At this moment, after seeing Elizabeth's performance different from the past, anyone can see that Her Majesty the Queen must be a little panicked.

But the expression can be concealed so calmly, it seems that the Queen's acting skills have improved a lot recently~ Congratulations~ With a chuckle in his heart, Belfast pursed his lips slightly.

If it was in the past, she would definitely not be able to help but tease Elizabeth a little, admiring the arrogant expression of the royal queen.

In fact, Elizabeth is ready to be ridiculed by Befa at this moment.

However, she is currently on official business, and she is not in a very calm mood, so forget it~ Just when Belfast was thinking this way, Elizabeth also noticed the different behavior of the head maid.

This made Elizabeth a little more serious.

"Are we having any problems, Biffa?"

"No oh~"

Hearing Elizabeth's words, Belfast came back to his senses and shook his head slightly.

Except for the last expedition.

So far, the royal family has not encountered any trouble that she cannot solve.

The reason why she was in a complicated mood was entirely because...

Thinking about it, Belfast explained her intentions.

"You mean, Commander White Eagle is coming to our royal family?"

After listening to Belfast's narration, Elizabeth waved her hands indifferently.

"Come on, what's the problem?"

She didn't really care.

"It's not the first time that "grey ghost" has come, so what's the fuss about..."

As she spoke, her words stopped abruptly.

Elizabeth: "?"

She looked at Belfast in confusion, wondering if she had heard wrong.

"White Eagle Commander? When did the group of White Eagle Ship Girls have a commander?"

Why didn't she hear about it when she went to Baiying?

Are you sure it's the White Eagle's commander, not the White Eagle's flagship?

"I was also surprised when I first heard the news." Belfast said softly, "But the company made it very clear that it was the commander of White Eagle who wanted to come to us."


Hearing Belfast's words, Elizabeth frowned slightly.

She couldn't help asking curiously: "White Eagle Commander, did they say who it is?

Even though he said so, Elizabeth had already guessed the answer.

"It's Bai Yi, we met him earlier."


Elizabeth pulled her hair up slightly.

Is it really Bai Yi?

But yes.

Apart from him, Elizabeth really couldn't imagine who else could be the commander of the White Eagle.

Thinking of this, she pursed her lips slightly.

This commoner, as her servant, went so far as to be the commander of the White Eagle...

Um, she said it all, just be her captain of guards...

If what she did satisfies her, it's not impossible to reward her with the title of Servant Commander...

It's rare to meet someone who is pleasing to the eye...

Belfast: "?"

I always feel that my Majesty is full of resentment...

Is it an illusion?

Looking at Elizabeth's angry and pretty face, Belfast's expression was a little subtle.

Maybe it's not an illusion...


Sneezing lightly, Bai Yi rubbed his nose and couldn't help mumbling.

"Who's talking about me..."

As for being sick.

Bai Yi didn't think it was possible.

After all, he hadn't been sick for too long.

It seems that after time travel, the word disease suddenly disappeared from him...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi came back to his senses.

He is in the amusement park at the moment.

The petite girl in the lotus coat beside her was his secretary, the ship Saratoga.

Although since he became a commander, Little Gaga has never done a job as a secretary ship...

"Hee hee, what is the commander thinking?"

Looking at Bai Yi who was thinking about something beside him, and pulling his sleeve, Saratoga said curiously.

I was thinking, little Gaga, you seem to have not fulfilled the responsibility of the secretary ship.

Although Yiyi wanted to tease her like this.

However, after seeing the smile on Saratoga's pretty face, Bai Yi's expression became more gentle.

"I was thinking, let Sister Sara have fun today~"

"Hey, Commander is lying~"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, little Jiajia patted her commander's hand in his sleeve, and said with a charming smile.

The ship girl can tell if a human is lying.

For those who lie to them, Jian Niang absolutely has no favor.

...The liar is the commander?

Ah this.

That's fine.

However, Saratoga could more or less guess what the commander was thinking just now.

The commander chose to say this, and she was even happier~ What's more, strictly speaking, the commander did not lie.

Little Jiajia could tell that the commander really thought so.

The so-called cheating is just her trick~ Even in the amusement park, she still habitually wants to play tricks on her commander.

Perhaps as she said, this so-called amusement park is not as fun as teasing her own commander~ As for why she wants the commander to bring her to the amusement park...

On the girl's exquisite and flawless pretty face, a little red glow suddenly appeared.

This is very rare in the eccentric Saratoga.

She pursed her lips and lowered her head, so as not to let the commander notice her abnormality.

After a while, she quickly adjusted.

After that, gently pulling Bai Yi's hand, Saratoga's face was filled with a heartfelt smile.

0...seeking flowers0...

Forget these.

For the time being, let's let the commander accompany her in the amusement park that looks a little empty because it's not a holiday, let's have fun~ Thinking to myself, Saratoga smiled like a flower.

in later time.

Bai Yi and Saratoga have experienced roller coasters, jumping machines, pirate ships, and many other entertainment facilities such as spinning swings.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening.


Sitting on the track of the roller coaster, from here, you can overlook the entire amusement park.

Using the carrier-based aircraft, he brought Bai Yi who was going to buy ice cream to his side.

After receiving the ice cream from Bai Yi, Saratoga looked at the Q version of "Saratoga" ice cream in his hand, a little surprised.

"Wow, Commander, did you do this~"

Seeing the smile on Saratoga's pretty face, Bai Yi chuckled and nodded, "I borrowed the ice cream stand, so it took me a little longer~"

"Hee hee, I want this from Commander~"

Jumping over to snatch the "Q version of Bai Yi" ice cream from Bai Yi's hand, Xiao Jia Jiaxuan stuffed his own ice cream into Bai Yi's hand.

"Hey ☆~"

Sell ​​a cute.

Afterwards, she tasted the ice cream, feeling the cold and sweet taste, and pursed her lips slightly.

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