Gently swaying her legs wrapped in black silk pantyhose, she leisurely overlooked the amusement park.

She had never been to this amusement park before.

But all day long today, the amusement park is full of footprints of her and the commander.

Even though the commander is not interested in these entertainment facilities, he still maintains a gentle smile, playing with her...

Thinking to himself, Saratoga pursed his lips, looking at the gradually rising sunset.

I don't know if it's the reflection of the sunset, or it's her own reason.

Her pretty face was rosy.

It's getting late.

"It's almost time to go back..."

she murmured.

Although, with the commander around, even if she entered the route at night and encountered the same number of sirens who attacked St. Louis last time, she could easily get rid of the enemy and accompany the commander back to the port area intact.

Forget it, though.

The commander is willing to accompany her to visit the amusement park for so long, she is already satisfied.

Thinking to himself, Saratoga looked at Bai Yi.

As if he had a tacit understanding, Bai Yi nodded slightly.

"That's right, it's so late, it's time to go back."

While speaking, Bai Yi's eyes fell on Saratoga's pretty face.

He touched Saratoga's head, and said gently, "When you want to come to play in the future, come and talk to the commander~"

"The commander will arrange the time~"


Hearing the gentle words of his own commander, Saratoga lowered his head slightly, and his little white hands seemed to have nowhere to rest.


She is going to confess here.

She likes Commander.

There is nothing wrong with that.

The lovely Sister Sara will not hide her feelings because of shyness!

Also for this reason.

She just wanted the commander to take her to the amusement park.

Confession in the port area, although it is also possible.

But she is too familiar with the port area.

She really couldn't find a suitable place to express her love without being watched by her colleagues.

So, she referred to Lafite's confession experience.

In the end, the venue for confessing his confession was chosen at the amusement park where Lafite confessed to Bai Yi.

Originally, she was going to confess directly to the commander.

But Bai Yi's words disrupted her thoughts.

Lowering her head slightly, she pursed her lips.

No matter when, the commander will always take care of her so tenderly.

Tolerate her teasing, her pranks, and her waywardness.

She, she likes Commander the most~ Thinking to herself, Saratoga closed her manga legs wrapped in black silk pantyhose, and blinked her moist lavender eyes.

I always feel that the confession statement that she has been brewing for a long time, including today, suddenly got stuck...

"What are you thinking about?"

Noticing that Saratoga became silent, Bai Yi tilted his head slightly, looked at her with concern and said.

"Hey, it's nothing~"

Gently raising his head, Saratoga showed off his cuteness.

After that, she looked at Bai Yi in a daze.

Although I have prepared too many confession statements before.

But at this moment, she decided to give up these preparations, follow the most true thoughts in her heart, and express all the emotions in her heart~ Thinking in her heart, she came back to her senses and exclaimed, "Commander Commander, you have something missing!" It's on the ground!"

Bai Yi: "..." Have you forgotten that we are standing on the track of the roller coaster?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi was a little bit dumbfounded.

But he still lowered his head in agreement.


Feeling the coolness coming from his cheeks, including the fragrance of ice cream, Bai Yi subconsciously touched his face.

"Commander, you lost Sister Sara's heart, I will give it back to you~"

Smiling, she put her hands behind her back, and Jiaoli's small body leaned forward slightly. On her exquisite and flawless pretty face, her smile was like a flower~... Five.

Chapter 156 Go home~

Ah this. …

He touched his face, feeling the coolness and warmth on his cheeks containing the sweetness of ice cream.

Bai Yi was a little confused.

He was...?

Thinking to himself, when he realized it, he couldn't help but smile a little.

Speaking of which, is this the first time he has been confessed to?

so far.

It seems that it has been many times...?

From York City at first, then Lafite, then Essex, then New Jersey...

Now it's Saratoga again...

thought here.

Bai Yi's eyes fell on Saratoga.

Their eyes intertwine.

For a moment.

Saratoga's pretty face was reddish, and she gently looked away.

Although I have followed my inner thoughts, I said these words without thinking.

However, it is also because of this.

At this moment, after looking at Bai Yi, Saratoga couldn't help feeling a little shy.

This is definitely a rare emotion in her who is lively, mischievous and lovely.

Looking at Saratoga who looked away and didn't dare to meet his gaze, Bai Yi was thoughtful.

Saratoga: "?"

Sensing Bai Yi's silence, Saratoga became inexplicably nervous.

She raised her eyes and secretly looked at her commander.


She saw the face of her commander who was close at hand.


Like a frightened little rabbit, she wanted to jump back.

But her body made an honest choice.

Gently bumping into Bai Yi's arms, feeling the warmth from Bai Yi's cheeks.

Saratoga was pretty and reddish.

Pursing his lips, he calmed himself down and said "eight three three".

After that, Saratoga looked at its commander suspiciously.

"Commander Commander, what are you thinking?"

she wondered.

When she asked this question, she also became a little nervous.

The commander won't hate her.

Her confession definitely did not bother the Commander.

I thought so in my heart.

Saratoga believed in it.

However, Saratoga was inevitably a little nervous when he didn't hear the commander's response.


Hearing Saratoga's words, Bai Yi spread his hands with a subtle expression.

"I'm just thinking, sometimes, I should take the initiative."

Saratoga: "?"

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