I don't know what this always indifferent ship lady is thinking at this moment.


She suppressed her doubts.

After all, even the eldest sister of the Essex class.Essex, too, had a hard time talking to Bunker Hill.

Not to mention her, a North Carolina-class battleship.

Thinking to himself, Washington withdrew his gaze, and his eyes fell on the ship girl next to North Carolina.

The girl has shawl-like silver hair that extends to her ankles, and beautiful red eyes that look like white rabbits.

The mimic animal ears made of naval equipment are curled up in the hood of the lotus coat.

Occasionally, when the sea breeze blows, the black silk wrapped around the ankles and the short boots of the ship will be slightly exposed.

She is Montpellier.

Cleveland class light cruiser, Montpellier.

Just when Washington looked at Montpellier, Montpellier also looked over.

Eyes intertwined.

Washington chuckled and waved his binoculars.

Without words, Montpelier understood what she was trying to say.

"...Let me take a look for Miss Cleveland."

Taking the telescope handed over by Washington, Montpellier said arrogantly.

Looking at Bai Yi and Saratoga through the binoculars, Montpellier pursed his lips.

She was Cleveland's younger sister, and she respected her older sister as a matter of course.


Back then, the company proposed to vote to see if everyone would choose Bai Yi as their commander.

For the existence who saved Cleveland not long ago.

Montpellier, who had a good impression of Bai Yi because of other incidents, voted for it without hesitation.

At this moment, looking at Bai Yi in the distance, Montpelier couldn't understand his own thoughts.

Probably a blessing.

Thinking to himself, Montpelier withdrew his gaze and returned the telescope to Washington.

"Let's go."

Washington: "?"

Hearing Montpellier's words, she tilted her head slightly.

The task entrusted to them by the company is to silently protect the commander.

Although, based on the commander's ability, it seems that they don't need their protection.

However, if you ignore the protection of the commander with this kind of thinking, such a ship girl is absolutely unqualified.

So, after receiving the mission from the enterprise, she came here without hesitation.

At this moment, after hearing Montpelier's words, she will not react for a while.

Didn't the company say not to take the initiative?

"We were discovered by the commander~"

Just as Washington was puzzled by this, North Carolina patted her on the head lightly, saying so.


Hearing his sister's words, Washington hurriedly summoned the ship suit, looked around, and indeed saw Bai Yi who was looking at him.

"Sure enough, 0.5 was discovered by the commander..."

Putting away the binoculars, Washington smiled awkwardly and agreed to Montpellier's proposal.

Soon, they jumped onto the carrier-based plane on Bunker Hill and arrived at Bai Yi's location.

Seeing them, Saratoga was not surprised.

When the commander goes out, the company will definitely send someone to protect him.

This is normal.

She chose to come to the amusement park because she thought it was better to be seen by a few colleagues than to be watched by all the white eagle girls.

The reason why the commander noticed it was also because Bunker Hill suddenly summoned the ship suit, which made her aware of it, so she subconsciously glanced at the location where the ship suit's breath appeared.

Then it was noticed by the commander...

"Okay, everyone, let's go back~"

Seeing North Carolina and the others, Bai Yi smiled gently.

Hearing his words, they stood obediently, and everyone who was afraid of being blamed by the commander breathed a sigh of relief.

Regarding this, Bai Yi couldn't help being a little bit dumbfounded.

Although North Carolina and the others are not his wings yet, they are also his wives.

What's more, the reason why they appeared here was also for him.

How could he be angry~ Thinking to himself, Bai Yi had a gentle expression.

He looked in the direction of the port area.

It’s time to go back~go home~ PS: just ask weakly, read this book so much, how many people are playing Azur Lane?

Go get the computer tomorrow, it should be repaired, the phone codewords have been slow for the past few days, and no updates have been made up, so I dare not speak in the comment area (holding my head and squatting in defense).


Chapter 157 The best photo~

Baiying Harbor Area, on the beach.

As always, she was wearing a black and white maid skirt, and a big red bow was tied between the animal ears imitated by a ship suit.

Harman is riding a jiojio wrapped in black knee stockings, and is chasing Sims who is running ahead.

Her normally arrogant little face was full of anger at this moment.

At a glance, one can clearly see a cat's head painted with oil paint brushes.

"Sims, Harman wants to make you look good!"

Looking at Sims who was smiling mischievously and running fast, Haman shouted angrily.

Obviously, the cat head on her small face was secretly painted by Sims while she was sleeping.

"Hee hee, idiot Haman, don't try to catch up with me~"

Turning his head and looking at Harman not far behind, Sims said mischievously.

Her sister Harman is chasing her.

Follow her and you're done.

But Sims didn't panic at all, because Harman couldn't run as fast as her~ Kacha!

Not far away, camera lights flickered.

Gridley passing by here is taking this picture with a camera.

"Hee hee, good footage~"

Looking at the photos on the camera, Gridley smiled happily and his hair was shaking.

"What's the title? Well, that's good!"

Resting her chin, she thought for a while before making a decision.

"Right: Shock," Gridley muttered briskly, but stopped abruptly before she could get the title she had in mind.

She raised her head slightly, looking at the sky.

The smile grew brighter.

Sims, who was being chased by Haman, also stopped.


Panting slightly, Haman grabbed Sims's clothes and showed a proud smile.

"Hmph, villain Sims, Haman caught him!"

As she spoke, she took out a pastel brush from her pocket.

"Haman said, if I catch you, I will make you look good!"

She said arrogantly.

At this moment, she even thought about how many piggies to draw on Sims' face.

However, Sims' words interrupted her thoughts.

"Haman Haman, look, Commander 04 is flying in the sky!"

Harman: "?"

"Bad Sims, do you think Harman will be cheated!"

She said angrily.

Their commanders are strong and handsome (whispers).

However, what the commander is good at is time stop.

Sims even said that the commander is flying in the sky?

snort!This must be Sims trying to trick Haman, divert Haman's attention, and take the opportunity to escape!

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