Harman has suffered many times (whispers).

So, Harman is immune to Sims' tricks!

In short. …

Harman will not be fooled!

Thinking to himself, Haman's grip became tighter.

However, just as she was about to take out the oil paint brush, the sound of a propeller suddenly came from the sky.


A carrier-based aircraft appeared over the port area.

We are colleagues.

Of course they could tell that this was Bunker Hill's carrier-based aircraft.

Moreover, the breath of the commander is also on this carrier-based aircraft.

far away.

in the office.

Looking at this carrier-based aircraft, there was no surprise on the enterprise's expression.

Sure enough, the commander will find out.

Thinking to herself, she looked at the bumblebee beside her and smiled slightly.

"Bumblebee, you bet right."

When she sent North Carolina and the others, Bumblebee ran over to make a bet with her on whether they would be discovered by the commander in North Carolina.

Then the bumblebee pressed "yes" without hesitation.

Seeing her speed so fast, the company that was planning to suppress "hui" shook its head slightly and laughed.

However, in view of the content of the bet, which is only a few high-end barbecues, the company chose the opposite option.

And then lost...

"Hee hee, Ms. Enterprise, I won!"

Seeing their own commander get off the carrier-based aircraft, North Carolina and the others are all by his side, Bumblebee smiled happily.

"A high-end barbecue meal is here~"

Although she can't afford high-end barbecue, she can treat others, especially her business sister.

This is much more enjoyable than spending money by yourself~ Thinking to myself, Bumblebee smiled and looked at the distant port.

She was able to win Miss Enterprise this time because the commander found North Carolina and the others.

Even if she doesn't say it, the commander will definitely ask her to share the spoils.

Speaking of which, the last time she won a bet against Baltimore, she hadn't cashed in on this high-end barbecue meal yet.

Think about this.

Bumblebee decided to find a suitable auspicious day, take the commander, and go to eat poor Baltimore next to it.

Looking at Bumblebee who was giggling and thinking about something, York City smiled gently.

Then, she looked towards the port.

The ship's eyesight is very good, and it will be even better after the ship is turned on.

Therefore, she clearly saw that the relationship between her own commander and Saratoga seemed a little too close.

Seeing this situation, York City is somewhat clear.

It seems that Saratoga has become the Commander's wedding ship~ Although, the oath ceremony has not yet been held.

However, the commander's wedding ship, including herself, never had an oath ceremony with the commander.

Therefore, strictly speaking, they are not yet married.

Of course, the relationship between the ship's mother and the commander is in place, that's enough.

The so-called vow ceremony is just a process, just like a human wedding.

There is the best.

It doesn't really matter.

And with the character of the Commander, if they want to, the Commander will definitely make up the oath ceremony.

If you think this way, it doesn't matter if you have an oath or not~ Thinking about it, York City looked in the direction of the port.

Strictly speaking, it was looking at Bai Yi.

Her smile is gentle, as if it makes people feel like a spring breeze~ huh?

Clutching Sims's clothes tightly, Harman held the oil paint brush and stared intently at the carrier-based aircraft not far away, feeling a little dazed.

She has been fooled by Sims many times.

So upon hearing Sims say that the Commander is flying in the sky.

Harman's first thought was that Sims was fooling her again.

Unexpectedly, what Sims said was true...

That's when Harman was surprised that Sims wasn't fooling her and focused on the commander.

She suddenly felt her hand loosen.


Then there is no more...

Seeing Sims who ran behind the commander in a hurry and poked out a small head, Haman froze for a moment, then puffed up his face angrily.

How cunning to hide behind the commander!

"What are you playing~"

Seeing Sims hiding behind him, and Haman who was angry, Bai Yi said gently.

But he soon understood why.

Seeing that Haman's small face was obviously painted with oil paint brushes, Bai Yi looked at Sims.

"Sims, you're playing tricks on Harman again~"

Looking at Sims with a mischievous expression, Bai Yi couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help reaching out to touch Sims' head with protruding mimic ears.

"Hey hey~"

Being patted on the head by the commander, Sims narrowed his beautiful emerald-like eyes, showing a comfortable expression.

Haman: "" Seeing this situation, she puffed up her face slightly.

The commander is eccentric, what kind of punishment is this!

Simply a reward!

Thinking of this, she gritted her little canine teeth, and with her legs wrapped in black silk knee socks, she rushed towards Sims.

I dodge~ Seeing Harman rushing towards him, Sims quickly ran behind Bai Yi.

Missing the target, Haman blinked his beautiful eyes like sapphires.

However, she is already in mid-air at this moment.

I was caught off guard.

There is no way to adjust the direction.

Immediately afterwards, she found herself crashing into the arms of the commander.

Technically, it was the commander who caught her.

Otherwise she will fall down.

Thinking of this, Haman raised his head secretly and glanced at the commander.

Although, with Jianniang's physique, even if she fell down.

What should be worried about is not the people, but the floor.

However, being caught by the commander in this way, Haman felt a little excited for no reason.

Even Dai didn't seem so angry anymore.

Sniffing the reassuring smell that belongs to the commander from the tip of his nose.

Haman shook the mimic animal's ears, and pouted slightly.

On the fair and flawless lovely face, there was a little blush.

Immediately afterwards, she leaned into the commander's arms and took out the communicator.

"Hello, is this the Admiralty? There is a commander here..."


Covering her mouth, Bai Yi had a delicate expression.

For God's sake, all he wanted was to catch Harman.


If there are no accidents, accidents will inevitably happen...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi lost his mind.


It seems to be similar to little Jiajia, he tested it himself, and it is absolutely foolproof.

Saratoga glanced at his commander suspiciously.

I always feel that the Commander is breastfeeding Gaga again.

Is it an illusion?

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