Regarding this, Bai Yi said that he didn't know either~ he came back to his senses.

Looking at the angry Haman, Bai Yi smiled and stroked her head, as if smoothing the fur of a rebellious kitten, and quickly calmed her down.

As for the Admiralty call, of course Harman was only joking.

How could it be possible to really fight.

Besides, which admiralty has the guts to take care of the ship girl~ Anyway, Bai Yi has never seen it~ "Hee hee, good morning, Commander~"

Seeing that Bai Yi comforted the arrogant Haman, the girl who was holding a camera came bouncing over.

Bai Yi's eyes fell on the ship lady.

The girl was blond and blue-eyed, wearing a love T-shirt, and her white thighs were wrapped in black silk suspenders. As she walked, her ponytails flickered, and the dull hair on her forehead swayed gently.

She is a Gridley-class destroyer.gridley.

"Are you filming again~"

See Gridley.

Knowing that this lively ship girl's hobby is photography, Bai Yi said with a light smile.

"That's right, I took a lot of interesting photos today, Commander, do you want to see them~"

She leaned close to Bai Yi's ear and said mischievously, "Swimwear is also included, of course. There are Honolulu ones, Princeton ones, and 833."

Seeing Gridley taking inventory, Bai Yi nodded seriously.

"Well, it looks pretty good."

As he spoke, he smiled and patted Gridley's head.

"But I refuse~"

Of course Bai Yi knew that this little ship girl was trying to tease him, after all, Gridley was little Gaga's fan girl.

To a certain extent, it has inherited little Gaga's spirit of pranks~ He won't be fooled~ "Why is this, the commander is so cunning~"

Seeing that Bai Yi didn't take the bait, Gridley shook his hand with a playful smile.

After that, she looked at Saratoga, curious

"By the way, is little Jia Jia married?"


Saratoga chuckled.

"Is that so..."

Gridley nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, she froze for a moment and realized.


When she was just an ordinary ship, the little Gaga, who had escorted her, has become the commander's wedding ship?

Gridley was a little surprised.

Although this is a matter of course, after all, the commander is so good, and little Jiajia is so close to the commander.

But isn't this too fast?

She thought it would take a long time for little Jiajia to become the commander's wedding ship.

Thinking to himself, Gridley chuckled.

Although she likes little Gaga and thinks little Gaga is very cute, but this is not a special liking.

It's just a feeling like a girlfriend.

Seeing that little Jiajia has now become the commander's wedding ship, Gridley is also very happy.

"Commander, Commander, come here with Little Gaga~"

Pointing to the location near the sea.

With a smile on her pretty face, Gridley adjusted the camera, preparing to take this memorable photo.

"Come closer~"

"Come closer~"

Looking at Bai Yi and Saratoga, Gridley selected the best shooting angles.

"Okay, stop~"

Click ~ Gridley lightly pressed the shutter.

Accompanied by the sound of clicking, and the flashing of the flash.

Shooting is complete.

Gridley pursed his lips.

The sparkling sea, the perfectly round and bright moon, the shining stars in the sky, and Bai Yi and Saratoga who used all these as the background board.

no doubt.

This is the best photo she has ever taken~ PS: The cover has been changed, from the dignified and majestic wife of Richelieu to the ignorant and young wife of Nagato~ The previous chapter commented on more than [-] comments , I can only see three or four, tearful eyes.


Chapter 158 Departure, Royal ~

"Hey hey ☆~"

Seeing the photo taken by Gridley, Saratoga smiled and acted cute.

She is very satisfied with this photo.

So, after being cute, she made a decisive face at Gridley.


Then there is no more.

Gridley: ""

Looking at Saratoga, who hid the photo behind him as if nothing had happened, Gridley blinked.

A little dazed.

Gradually, she reacted.

"Little Gaga, let me make a few copies first, okay~"

Looking at Saratoga who hid the photo, Gridley had a delicate expression, feeling that he was wrong.

She's so stupid, really.

A rare photo of the Commander and Saratoga.

She ran away without turning around, so forget it, and even showed the photo to Saratoga?

Isn't this a sheep into a tiger's mouth!

Thinking to herself, she tried her best to make the last attempt.

Then she saw that little Gaga continued to put on a grimace, and then ran away.

Gridley: "" stretched out his hand slightly, looking at Saratoga's back.

Gridley stared at the sky speechlessly.

His expression became more and more sad.


She couldn't help laughing.


These expressions are all fake.

Gridley didn't really care.

Otherwise, Saratoga wouldn't have teased her like this, just picked up the photo and ran~ Thinking to himself, Gridley smiled slightly.

"Speaking of which, if Princeton knows that little Gaga has become the commander's wedding ship, she will be very surprised, right?"

Mumbling, Gridley recalled the figure of a certain pink-haired ship girl.

Same as her.

Princeton is also a fan of little Gaga.

If Princeton gets the news...

Her expression must be very exciting, right?

thought here.

Gridley chuckled lightly.

next to.

With a mocking smile on his lips, Sims poked Haman's face with the cat's head with his finger.

"What is fool Haman thinking?"

She teased, "The commander has already gone far?"

Harman: "..."

Hear Sims say that.

After the fugue ended, Haman came back to his senses, and looked around.

As expected, the figure of the commander was not seen.


Haman's face flushed red.

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