Unexpectedly, she didn't even notice when the commander left!

Thinking to himself, Haman puffed up his face.

It's not all her fault...!

It's all because the commander's pat on the head was so comfortable, she became intoxicated before she knew it, and she didn't think about anything.


Anyway, it's all the Commander's fault!

Harman became arrogant.

However, her little face became more and more rosy.

The more I think about it.

Her mood couldn't be more calm.

Then, she became more and more shy.

Blushing, Haman couldn't help but want to divert his attention.

Soon she locked on to the target, and her beautiful eyes, like sapphires, stared quietly at the people around her.

Sims: "?"

Noticing Haman's gaze, she tilted her head slightly.

I always feel chilly on my back...

Is it an illusion?

With such thoughts in mind, she raised her emerald-like beautiful eyes, intertwined with Haman's eyes.

Well, after confirming the eyes, Harman definitely has bad intentions!


Feeling that his "Death Omen" is beating crazily, Sims smiled shyly, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Unfortunately, it is still too late.

Grabbing Sims' clothes, Haman puffed up his face and bared his canine teeth, and rushed forward aggressively.

"Sims, Harman wants to make you look good!"

next to.

Seeing the intimate play between Sims and Harman, North Carolina slightly pursed her lips and smiled.

After that, looking at the direction in which her commander left, she inexplicably remembered the bright smile on Saratoga's pretty face in the amusement park.

This was the first time she saw that the eccentric Saratoga would smile so brightly and happily.

As for why Saratoga is so happy...

"A wedding ship..."

Whispering, North Carolina stared at the quiet and peaceful port area, not knowing what to think.

At least Washington around her couldn't imagine it.

Looking at North Carolina, who was slightly distracted, Washington was a little puzzled.

But she didn't care much about it.

After all, the impression left on her by her North Carolina sister has always been very reliable.

Thinking to himself, Washington looked at Bunker Hill.

At this moment.

Bunker Hill was staring in the direction the commander had gone.

Occasionally pats his head.

It looked very strange.

Seeing such a scene, Washington couldn't help being a little puzzled, not knowing what Bunker Hill was doing.

Maybe because he noticed her gaze, Bunker Hill turned his head, looked at Washington with his blood-colored eyes, nodded slightly, and then walked towards the dormitory area.

Watching her go, Washington touched his cheek.

She remembered that the Commander seemed to be walking in this direction...?

thought here.

I don't know what I thought of, Washington quickly looked away, his pretty face turned red.

Such an expression is undoubtedly very rare for her who has always been straightforward and looks like a big sister.

and so…

She must be thinking about Seth!

Thinking to himself, Montpellier looked away.

She turned her face away slightly so that no one would notice her expression.

As for why she is so sure, this is what Washington thinks...

Who knows?

Maybe they wanted to go together ~ the next day.

Walking out of the dormitory in Saratoga leisurely, Bai Yi rubbed his sleepy eyes, and suddenly felt that he bumped into someone.

"Uh..." He rubbed his forehead that didn't hurt because of the soft landing.

Bai Yi gradually regained his energy.

He looked at the person he bumped into.

The girl is wearing a battle suit full of technological texture, has bright pink eyes, and long pink hair with a shawl and hips.

A pair of straight and round long legs wrapped in white over-the-knee leather boots made her quite heroic.

Of course Bai Yi recognized this ship lady who belonged to him.


This is the name of the ship girl with pink hair and pink eyes.

Sorry—he was about to say that, apologizing for bumping into her because he lost his mind.


Before he could speak, Princeton quickly apologized.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted, and I bumped into the commander..."

She apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay~"

Seeing the girl's panic, Bai Yi comforted her.

While comforting.

Bai Yi was thoughtful.

Speaking of which, Princeton's dormitory doesn't seem to be nearby?

Is she coming for Saratoga?

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi began to ask.

Hearing this, Princeton's pretty face became more and more flustered.

She shook her head hastily.

"Looking for Senior Saratoga? Well...I didn't...No...I...I was just wandering here..."

Princeton whispered in a panic, speaking intermittently, and stuttering slightly.

Looking at the girl who was getting more flustered, Bai Yi tilted his head slightly.

A little dazed.

"What's wrong with you?"

he wondered.

The Princeton in Bai Yi's memory was a serious and considerate lady carrier.

It was the first time he had seen such a flustered Princeton.

This made Bai Yi a little puzzled, wondering what happened to Princeton today.

"No, nothing..."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Princeton quickly shook his head.

"I... I still have something to do, so I... let's go first!"


Princeton fled.

"Huh, huh..."

Go around the corner and the Commander is no longer in sight.

Princeton paused, panting slightly.

With this amount of exercise, even without the ship suit, normally speaking, it would not be as tiring as Princeton.

However, maybe it was too much tension.

So that Princeton was a little out of breath after not running very far.

"Wow...the Commander must think I'm very strange!"

Couldn't help covering his pretty face, Princeton muttered.

She was pretty and blushed, afraid that her actions would destroy her image in the commander's mind and make the commander feel that she was a strange ship.

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