How to tell Bai Yi, she still has to think about it.

Thinking to himself, Yingyong was a little puzzled.


In the past, her elder sister would definitely be very noisy.

Why is it so quiet today?

With such doubts in his heart, Yingyong came back to his senses and looked at Elizabeth who was not far away.

Looking at the royal queen, she was slightly surprised.

At this moment, Elizabeth was sitting on the sofa, resting her chin on one hand, looking distressed.

The word distress is definitely a rare thing for Elizabeth.

This made Yingyong a little curious.

She raised her head, looked at the war weariness beside Elizabeth, and asked curiously, "

What's up with her? "

"Well, the king is struggling, what reward should be given to his servants? Before the war weariness could speak, Elizabeth said in confusion.

Not long ago, when Bai Yi took out these training cabins, she and Belfast were still amazed at the completion of these plan ships, so much so that they even forgot to thank Bai Yi.

This is undoubtedly a very rude behavior for the royal family who pays attention to etiquette.

More importantly, in retrospect, Elizabeth was a little at a loss, not knowing how to thank Bai Yi.

After all, the plan ship is the secret weapon of all ship girls camps.

Every plan ship launched has the strength to become the main force of the camp, or even the trump card.

It was such an existence, Bai Yi gave it to them directly.

And still send two at a time.

This made Elizabeth a little confused, not knowing how to thank her.


Hearing Elizabeth's words, Yingyong opened his mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say.


It's a little tricky.

After all, the comprehensive strength of the royal family is similar to that of the white eagle.

Each has advantages and disadvantages.

However, over the years, the company's operation of [-] and [-] has already made Baiying the wealthiest port area.

As long as the royal family can come up with it, White Eagle can definitely come up with it.

And the plan ships that have been built are so precious.

If you can't come up with something of sufficient value, it's better not to thank you.

However, the problem is that the current royal family does not seem to have such items...

Thinking about it, Yingyong also got a little tangled up.

Then, she felt a gaze fall on her.

She raised her head slightly and followed this line of sight.

The object of entry was Elizabeth's beautiful blue eyes.


Noticing Elizabeth's gaze, she tilted her head slightly.

I don't understand what her sister is staring at her.

"Hmm, otherwise, this king will give you to the servant."

Looking at Yingying, Elizabeth rested her cheeks, as if thinking about the feasibility of this proposal.


Hearing Elizabeth's words, she tilted her head slightly.

A little dazed.

Then, she reacted.

"Hey, wait, why did you send me out!"

Heroically protested.

Although, Elizabeth was just joking.

Of course, she would not take out her younger sister to pay off the debt.

However, if she didn't protest, her wayward sister might have a whim and really send her out.

Then she wanted to cry without tears.

Although she has a crush on Bai Yi...

But this is still far from the level of recognizing the commander.

Not to mention, it was still sent out.

This is too embarrassing...

thought here.

Yingyong shook his head slightly, protesting more and more firmly.

Elizabeth: "?"

"I'm just kidding, why are you so excited..."



Hearing Elizabeth's words, Yingyong's expression froze slightly, he couldn't help but folded his hands and turned his face away.

Seeing that Yingyong didn't speak, Elizabeth didn't care.

She leaned on the sofa, resting her chin with one hand, and continued to struggle.

Seeing her like this, Yingyong frowned.

"Should he stay in the royal family for several days?"

If this is the case, in the next few days, they can take their time to think about it and think about it slowly, right?

Why is her sister so anxious?

"Huh? Many days? Who told you that!"

Hearing the heroic words, Elizabeth shook her head.

"The servant will only stay in the royal family for two days, and then he will go back."

Speaking of this, Elizabeth puffed up her cheeks slightly.

Really, it's not that the royal family can't afford to entertain, what are they doing so fast...


Hearing this, she was also a little at a loss.

Only for two days?

She also wants to get in touch with Bai Yi slowly, and then listen to Bai Yi tell his adventure stories as a friend!

However, if the time is so tight, it is not impossible to do anything!

War weariness: "..."

She raised her reading glasses slightly, first looked at Elizabeth, then at Yingying, feeling a little dazed.

Is it that important how long Commander White Eagle stays in the royal family?

Why did she feel dissatisfied with both Elizabeth and Heroic?

Is it an illusion?

Just when he was tired of fighting and wondering, Belfast, who was wearing a maid's skirt, had already sent Bai Yi back.

"Beffa, think of a way!"

Belfast: "?"

Looking at Elizabeth who ran over to hug her thigh, Belfast blinked his beautiful lavender eyes and smiled slightly.

For a moment.

After listening to Elizabeth's narration, Belfast rested his chin on one hand, thoughtful.

Indeed, Bai Yi gave such a precious gift to the royal family.

And when it comes to new colleagues, the royal family can't refuse anyway...

They really need to thank them well.

As for how to thank you...


Looking at Belfast who was lost in thought, Elizabeth murmured casually: "Sure enough, let's find a way to keep him in the royal family for a few more days."

Belfast: "…"

Hearing Elizabeth's murmur, she tilted her head slightly, a little dumbfounded.


Then she should think of a way to let Bai Yi stay in the royal family for a few more days.

Understanding the meaning of his own queen, Belfast thought so.

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