
In an exquisite bungalow.

Bai Yi sneezed softly.

"Did brother catch a cold?"

Next to him, the unicorn was hugging Youjiang, looking at him with some concern.


Hearing what the unicorn said, Bai Yi shook his head slightly.

"Maybe someone is talking about me."

After speaking, his eyes fell on the room.

After coming out of Elizabeth's palace, Bai Yi saw Guanghui and the unicorn outside the palace.

They were obviously waiting for him.

Bai Yi was planning to spare time to find the unicorn.

So it was a matter of course to come here.

This bungalow is the home of Radiance and Unicorn.

The bungalows on the left and right belong to Victory and Fear respectively.

The bungalows on the far left are indomitable.

The four glorious-class ship girls all live here.

Well, Feng Shui must be good.

If little Jiajia were allowed to live here, maybe it would become less annoying~ "I never thought that Mr. Bai Yi would become the commander of the White Eagle so soon~"

Looking at Bai Yi who was sitting next to the unicorn, Guanghui said softly.

Hearing her words, Bai Yi smiled and said, "Are you surprised?"

Unexpectedly, Guanghui shook his head.

"You became the White Eagle Commander, for me, this is a matter of course~"


"840 was salvaged by you. When I saw Miss St. Louis and the others on the reef, I was sure that you would definitely become the commander of the White Eagle~"

Guanghui smiled slightly.

She saw it early on.

With the fact that the White Eagle's wife can laugh at Lafite becoming Bai Yi's girlfriend, and Bai Yi's actions, even without that expedition, the probability of the White Eagle's wife recognizing Bai Yi as the commander is still very high of.

Not to mention that during the expedition, Bai Yi took Essex and the others to repel the invading sirens, and rescued all the ship girls trapped in the Mirror Sea.

From then on, Guanghui was certain that Bai Yi would definitely become the commander of the White Eagle.

However, she was not sure how long this date would be.

And Bai Yi gave her the answer.

one day.

Not long after their royal ship mother left, Bai Yi became the commander of Bai Ying.

Over a hundred shipwives from Baiying voted, but none of them objected.

Hearing Bai Yi lovingly pat the unicorn's head, and then narrate the experience.

Even if you are mentally prepared.

Guanghui was still a little amazed.

The man who once got her knee pillow and embrace is already the commander of the White Eagle that everyone expects.


White Eagle is like this.

Why aren't they royal?

Thinking to himself, Guanghui smiled slightly.

There was a breeze blowing outside the window.

Her long hair swayed gently.

This situation is like a picture scroll, beautiful and beautiful ~ "Brother~"

Noticing that Bai Yi's eyes were fixed on Guanghui, the unicorn shook Bai Yi, and said numbly, "The unicorn wants to eat the cake made by brother~"

Hearing her words, Bai Yi came back to his senses.

He chuckled and nodded.

The unicorn is a good boy and rarely asks him for anything.


Seeing the unicorn acting like a baby at this moment, of course he would not refuse~ "There are ingredients in the kitchen~"

With a gentle smile as always, looking at the unicorn holding Bai Yi's hand, Guanghui smiled lightly.

She pursed her lips slightly, her pretty face was gentle.

The unicorn that has been following her has grown up a little bit~ Looking away, she looked at the communicator on the table.

The news about the plan ship has already spread in the royal family.

This favor is not easy to repay~ I thought to myself, Guanghui's smile became more and more gentle~ PS: I forgot today's Bilan update, it took a million points to play the event, and the state is a bit poor, so come tomorrow! Squat defense) ~ The new pool has graduated at 30 draws, how about everyone ~...

Chapter 163 Stop and be awesome~

The small bungalow next to it.

Here is a dreadful dwelling.

After welcoming Bai Yi, she returned here.

As soon as he entered the room, Kewei yawned lightly and flung himself on the soft bed without any ladylike image.

"Ha, I'm so sleepy~"

Let the long ivory white hair hang down on the bed.

Terrible rubbed his eyes.


Although, she has good feelings for Bai Yi.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have followed Guanghui and the others to meet Bai Yi.

However, waking up so early made her sleepy!

She had already forgotten how long she hadn't woken up so early!

Thinking about it, I can drowsy my beautiful eyes.

Get ready for a good night's sleep.

It was her house anyway, and she was in her room.

No need to pay attention to the annoying lady image.

She thought so.

That's what it does.

Not even bothering to take off the ribbon tied with the twin ponytails, she turned on the record beside the bed, listening to the familiar rock music, and fell asleep leisurely.

But soon, her lovely eyebrows frowned slightly.

The tip of the small nose moved.

Terrible woke up.

"It smells so good~"

she murmured.

"Is it Miss Belfast's cake?"

Rubbing his beautiful sleepy eyes, Kewei slightly puffed up his face.

"Really, there is Miss Belfast's cake, and it's too much to eat it secretly without fear~"

Muttering, maybe it's the temptation of food.

Sleepiness finally lost, lost to appetite.

She got up leisurely and straightened her skirt.

Stuff the jade feet wrapped in white silk suspenders into the high heels.

Then, without even bothering to lock the door, Kewei set off.

Anyway, this is the royal port area.

Everyone is a ship girl, there are no outsiders.

Although, their mothers also have their own hobbies.

However, so far, she has not heard of any ship girl who has such a bad hobby of stealing things.

So don't lock the door if you don't lock it~ No problem~ Thinking to myself, Kewei came outside leisurely.

The tip of her small nose moved slightly.

The location of these gourmet aromas was quickly locked.

"Are you Miss Guanghui?"

Looking at the place where the fragrance came from, that is the glorious bungalow.

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