Kewei was slightly surprised.

After all, her sister Guanghui is very gentle.

Generally speaking, if there is delicious food, she will definitely be invited.

But this time he didn't call her.

Thinking of this, Kewei puffed up his face slightly.

Could it be that her sister Guanghui already misses her younger sister!

She recalled the relationship between Bai Yi and the unicorn.

After finishing the trivial matters, Bai Yi will definitely come to find the unicorn.

Finding a unicorn is equivalent to finding brilliance.

After all, unicorns live here in Guanghui.

and so…

Bai Yi must be here at Guanghui now!

Immediately afterwards, Kewei recalled that she had noticed the gentle look in her sister's Guanghui looking at Bai Yi, as well as the kind smile on her pretty face.

Thinking about it, I was a little startled.

Could it be true?

thought here.

The fire of gossip in Kewei's heart began to burn blazingly.

Looking at the glorious bungalow, she walked in lightly.

Then she got into trouble.

Because she encountered a fork in the road of life.

One side leads to the living room, where there are talking and laughing.

Obviously, her sister Guanghui was there.

One side leads to the kitchen.

The smell of cake comes from the kitchen.

This made Kewei a little tangled.

Is it cake, is it cake, is it cake?

After some struggle.

She turned her head with difficulty and walked towards the living room.

Although the cake is very important, she is more concerned about the major events in her sister Guanghui's life.

With this thought in mind.

She came to the outside of the living room lightly, and was about to quietly see what was going on inside.

In order not to come at the wrong time and disturb Guanghui.

Of course, say so.

If one ignores the gossip and curiosity on the awesome face, this statement is barely credible.

However, just when the fearful was preparing to probe.

A voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"……What are you doing?"

Looking at the post on the gate, there is no fear of a lady's image at all, and she is unshakable and puzzled.

Terrible: "!"

Hearing this voice, her pretty face froze slightly.

Follow the reputation quickly.

After seeing Budou, she was slightly relieved.

Not just victory.

Few people know that the seemingly elegant Guanghui four sisters, the third sister is awesome and likes rock and roll, and they are not as ladylike as they appear on the surface.

The fourth younger sister is not scratchy, but likes to be lazy.

Of course, in the indomitable words, this is called work and rest.

Well, one point of labor, 99 points of ease.

So, after seeing Indomitable, Kewei didn't panic anymore.

As the saying goes, Fourth Sister, don't laugh at Third Sister.

Everyone is not a serious lady, and if they are seen acting unladylike, they can barely accept it~ Indomitable: "?"

Seeing Terrible who was relieved, she tilted her head slightly, a little dazed.

I don't know what her sister, a fake lady, is doing.

But forget it.

She didn't want to think about it.

After deciding to ignore the picture he saw, he entered the living room leisurely.

At this moment, the people in the meeting room had already noticed the movement here and looked over one after another.

Kewei saw this, so he had no choice but to pretend that he had just arrived, and Shi Shiran walked in.

As soon as she entered the living room, she looked around.

However, no.

She only sees glory and victory, and not even the unicorn is here.

"Sister Guanghui, where's the unicorn?"

she wondered.

"Haven't you met Unicorn and Bai Yi?"

Hearing the awesome words, Guanghui smiled softly, "Bai Yi made a cake, and he and the unicorn are going to call you~"

"Is that so..."

It's scary to understand.

The scent wafted so far that she thought it was a cake made in Belfast.

However, it reminds me that when he was in Baiying Port, Bai Yi also made cakes.

The taste is no worse than Belfast's craft.

This made Awesome a little happy.

After all, Belfast is the backbone of the royal family and is very busy.

Even if it is terrible, there is no way to eat cakes made in Belfast very often.

Thinking of the delicious cake, Kewei became a little bit looking forward to it.


After the cake was made, Bai Yi and Unicorn went to call her specially~ This made her feel better about Bai Yi~ Thinking to herself, Kewei was about to find a chair to sit on.

Suddenly, her expression froze.

When she went out, her door didn't seem to be locked?

Then, Bai Yi and Unicorn went looking for her again...

That is to say...


The image of a terrible lady is about to go wrong!

Indomitable: "?"

Looking at the fearful who suddenly became tense, Indomitable was a little puzzled.

"What's wrong with you?"

Hearing her words, Guanghui and Shengli also looked over.

"It's nothing, I'm going out..."

Pretending to be okay, he shook his head slightly.

Kewei walked out of the living room with a ladylike attitude and closed the door behind her.

After that, she lifted the hem of her skirt without a ladylike image, stepped on the high heels under Bai Siyu's feet, and ran towards her house.

In a hurry, she even summoned the ship suit.

In an instant, an illusory clock appeared beside her.

This is her skill.

Organs ban!

Able to slow down the flow of time in a small range.

As for the principle...


It's terrible that I don't know.

After all, this ability has been mastered by her since she was born.

Activate this ability.

The awesome speed is faster.

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