in the blink of an eye.

She could already see her bungalow.

as predicted.

The door of the bungalow was slightly open.

Bai Yi took the unicorn by the hand, and saw the inside of the bungalow through the gap in the door.

Terrible: "!"

Seeing this picture, she became more and more anxious.

However, just when she was about to continue speeding up, she rushed to Bai Yi and Unicorn's side.


All is silent!

Terrible: "?"

Frozen in place, even if he activates his time ability, he still cannot move.

She blinked, a little dazed.

This is…….

time stop?

Moreover, it must be a time stop higher than her!

Otherwise, she wouldn't even be able to move.

If she hadn't activated the mechanism prohibition before time stopped, she must have been completely imprisoned in the still time now!

Thinking to himself, Ke Ke looked at Bai Yi.

Bai Yi and Unicorn are the only two people who can move freely in the world at this time.

The unicorn is the mother of the royal ship and the younger sister claimed by her sister Guanghui.

For unicorns, Dreadful certainly knows a lot.

In terms of combat ability, don't look at the waxy unicorn, it's super cute.

In fact, Unicorn's carrier-based aircraft is also very fierce.

In addition, the unicorn has the precious skill that can restore the durability of other ship girls' ship equipment during battle.

The combat power of unicorns seems to be very strong.

However, it is unbelievable to say that unicorns can stop time.

With the character of a unicorn, she would never hide any skills.

No matter how bad it is, I will tell Guanghui.

So, the answer is just around the corner.

Excluding unicorns, Bai Yi is the only person who can move freely in the time-stop world.

Thinking to myself, it was a bit unbelievable.

Can a human being stop time?

is it possible?

Are you sure you're not kidding?


Although unbelievable.

But the facts are in front of you, and you have to believe it.

Her eyes fell on Bai Yi, and she felt a little emotional in her heart.

When she was in the Baiying Port area, she had a faint feeling that something was wrong.

At that time, she felt that time seemed to have stopped at a certain moment, and she thought that the white eagle was hiding the ace girl with corresponding skills.

In the end, the person who stopped the skill when it was activated was not Jian Niang, but Bai Yi! ?

Who is this human being that her sister Guanghui likes so much...

Feeling emotional, Kewei noticed that Bai Yi looked over.

For a moment.

Time stop is over.

When he found that he could move, Kewei breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling of being imprisoned in place and unable to move was really too bad for her, who had a somewhat hyperactive personality.


Holding Bai Yi's hand.

Looking at Bai Yi who suddenly stopped, the Unicorn tilted its head slightly, a little puzzled.

"I feel that the flow of time is a bit strange, so it stopped when it started~"

Smiling lightly and touching the unicorn's head, Bai Yi's eyes fell on Kewei not far away.

He remembered that the company said that the royal family is awesome and has the ability to stop time.

Thinking of this, he became a little bit clear.

It seems that the abnormality he just noticed came from being awesome.

And Bai Yi also saw that in the time-stop world he created, although Kewei couldn't move, his consciousness was still clear.

This surprised Bai Yi a little.

So far, he has launched countless time stops.

(Money?) This is the first time I meet someone who can stay awake in the time-stop world.

Is it because the fearsome also has a similar ability, so it weakens the influence of time stop?

Bai Yi always felt that it was not that simple.

Just when he was thinking about it, Kewei suppressed the idea of ​​giving up the image of a lady and trotting over, and turned to come here calmly.

"Gui'an, Mr. Bai Yi~"

Wei Wei saluted, Ke Wei secretly poked her head, and glanced at the scene in the bungalow through Bai Yi.

And then, her heart went cold...

Because she found that from the unicorn's point of view, there is nothing to see.

However, from Bai Yi's perspective, he could see the inside of the bungalow through the gap in the door.

In other words, Bai Yi saw all the rock music records she put on the table and the rock equipment she forgot to put away! ?

thought here.

On the fearsome, exquisite and flawless pretty face, there was a sad expression.

But she quickly restrained herself.

The unicorns are still here, after all.

Now that the matter has come to an end, she doesn't want the unicorn to see anything.

So, she pretended to be okay, and looked at Bai Yi calmly.

Fortunately, there just happened to be a topic that allowed her to jump over this hurdle.

"Mr. Bai Yi, what you activated just now is...time stop?"

Kewei could tell from Bai Yi's indifferent expression.

Bai Yi doesn't care about his abilities being known at all.

Or in other words, he doesn't mind letting the royal ship's wife know.

In addition, she was also very curious about Bai Yi's ability.

After thinking about it, Kewei finally decided to start with this topic, lest Bai Yi mention the bungalow in front of the unicorn.

Hearing the terrible question, Bai Yi nodded.


Chapter 164 I'm not afraid of a lady~

Seeing Bai Yi nodding.

Terrible was a little startled.

"It turned out to be true?"

Although there have been speculations before, it is still unbelievable to be afraid.

after all.

Bai Yi is a human being.

A human being can stop time...

Is this normal?


The fearful eyes fell on the unicorn.

When seeing Bai Yi nodding, the unicorn still obediently held Bai Yi's hand.

There was no fluctuation in the delicate little face.


The unicorn really knows, right?Bai Yi owns the matter of "time stop"...

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