Notice the dreaded sight.

The unicorn hugged Youjiang and nodded numbly.

"Brother, you are very strong~"

Terrible: ""

Well, I know you are looking towards your brother~ Slightly smile.

He looked at Bai Yi fearfully.

Although very puzzled, why Bai Yi, as a human being, can stop time.

However, Dreadnought does not have such a strong curiosity.

Looking at Bai Yi, she slightly pursed her lips.

I can't help feeling a little bit emotional.

It's amazing.

This being named Bai Yi is not only the commander of the White Eagle, but also possesses such an exaggerated ability.

Even she, who can also stop time, appears so fragile in front of Bai Yi's ability.

If it wasn't for launching the "organ prohibition" skill in advance.

Then, in the face of Bai Yi's time stop, she may not even be able to maintain her basic thinking ability, and she will be frozen in time directly.

Until Bai Yi lifted it, he didn't know what happened.

It's breathtaking.

Just when Kewei was feeling emotional, Bai Yi looked at her curiously and asked, "Miss Kewei, you seem to be awake when I stop?"

He saw clearly.

After he stopped when he started, although the fearful couldn't move.

But the fearful can still see and think. 【

It's been so long.

Awakening time ability is also very long.

It was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"That's it..."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Kewei told all the details about what happened, as well as her guesses.

"Because the time skill was activated in advance, even if 840 is imprisoned in the time-stopped world, does he still retain his thinking ability?"

Hearing this, Bai Yi rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"It should also be because I was close this time, otherwise I would have noticed when you started and stopped."

Looking at Bai Yi, Kewei added.

When she spoke, her chocolate-colored beautiful eyes were full of shock.

Through communicating with Bai Yi, she learned that the range of Bai Yi's time stop can cover the whole world.

This is really exaggerated.

The "organ prohibition" skill she has mastered can only stop the enemy, or even some areas, even if she goes all out.

Not to mention the whole world.

Even the range within the field of vision cannot be completely covered.

And Bai Yi's ability is to stop the whole world, freeze everything without any suspense, without reason.


It's really skills are better than skills, there is no comparison at all!

Thinking in my heart, I feel terrible that I have been hit.

However, the opponent is the commander of White Eagle.

It's good enough in itself.

No matter how good it is, it seems that it is not unacceptable?

With such thoughts in mind, Kewei suddenly felt much more comfortable.

After that, she, Bai Yi and Unicorn walked towards the glorious bungalow.

Looking at the unicorn casually holding Youjiang and tightly holding Bai Yi's hand, Kewei pursed his lips slightly.

This younger sister Chuan is too clingy to Bai Yi!

You are not Bai Yi's ship's wife, so you should give up your seat anyway, let me come, right?

bah bah...

Aware of the ambiguity in her thoughts, Ke Wei's pretty face turned red, and she shook her head hastily.

No no no.

that's not what it means.

In short, she wanted the unicorn to give way, leaving space for her and Bai Yi.


Although it's weird to say that.

But she did think so.

"Unicorn, you go in first~"

Sensing that Kewei seemed to have something to say to him alone, Bai Yi gently touched the unicorn's head, saying so.

"Well, okay, bro~"

Hearing Bai Yi's words (aeaf), as a qualified younger sister Chuan, Unicorn certainly would not refuse his brother's request.

She nodded, then hugged Youjiang stickily, and entered the bungalow.

Watching the unicorn leave, Bai Yi looked at Kewei.

"Miss Terrible, do you seem to have something to say to me?"


Although he was just waiting for this, the chance to be alone with Bai Yi.

But when Bai Yi asked this question, Kewei still unavoidably panicked.

But she quickly adjusted.

Looking at Bai Yi, she tentatively asked, "Mr. Bai Yi, did you see anything when you knocked on the door?"

She even used honorifics.

After finishing speaking, maybe he felt that his actions meant that there is no silver 300 taels here, but his pretty face turned red, and he quickly added, "I just feel a little embarrassed if someone sees a girl's privacy."

Bai Yi: "..."

Looking at the fearsomeness that was getting darker and darker, Bai Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Don't worry, Ms. Kewei~" he said softly, "I didn't see the girl's privacy, and I won't look around; when I knocked on the door, I just inadvertently saw something that looked like rock~"

Terrible: "..."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, she had a sad expression on her face.

Haven't you seen this already?A side of her that you don't know! Woohoo!

The formidable image of a lady is finished!

Seeing the fearful expression that became more and more sad, Bai Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

Although when he saw these rock-like items and the awesomeness of taking out the "organ prohibition" to hurry, he had already guessed that these should be terrible secrets.

However, at this moment, after seeing Kewei's expression, he realized that he still underestimated the lethality of this secret to Kewei. "Okay, okay, don't worry~"

While talking, looking at the hand he subconsciously extended, Bai Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

When he was in Baiying, he often patted the head of Jian Niang.

So much so that this behavior has almost become his habit.

No, it should be said that this has become his habit.

It's fine to give Elizabeth a pat on the head before.

After all, although Elizabeth is the queen of the royal family, she is still a ten thousand year old lolita.

If she touched her head, she probably wouldn't care about it, let alone think deeply, probably...

And Dreadful is a big girl in every sense of the word.

What if he gets a pat on the head from Kewei, and is reported to the Royal Gendarmerie by Kewei, asking the company to come and redeem the commander? (laughs)~ Teasing himself, Bai Yi withdrew his hand.

After that, watching and noticing his movements, his pretty face was slightly nervous and scary, and he smiled leisurely.

"Miss Scary, let this matter become a secret between us~"


Hearing this, he looked at him expectantly, "Really? You really wouldn't take this as a talking point, tell your ship girl, and then spread it from the White Eagle to the royal family, and finally spread to all ship girl camps ?"

Bai Yi: "..."

Hearing the terrible words, he couldn't help laughing.

"I don't look so bad, do I?"

Smiling, he held out his hand.

"How about, hook?"

"Well, how old are you, and you still play hook~"

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