
She always feels a little excited, what's going on?

"It's weird..."

Terrible muttered softly.

At this moment, even she herself may not understand her own thoughts.

However, her entanglement did not last long.

The fact that she broke the chair was just an episode.

After all, Kewei replaces and sends a lot of chairs for repair every year.

Her sisters, including the unicorn, had gotten used to it~ So, after clearing away the broken chairs, the tea party continued.

Sitting leisurely beside the unicorn, Bai Yi sipped the black tea, savoring it carefully.

He hasn't had tea for a long time.

Almost since time travelling, I haven't had a drink.

Although, Bai Yi prefers green tea to black tea.

But he hasn't had tea for so long, so he won't be picky.

He smiled leisurely and looked out the window.

The weather today is good.


The warm sun shines on him through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Breeze blows.

Feeling this leisurely atmosphere, Bai Yi felt a little happy.


Leisurely time is always very short.

For a moment.

Time flies, and before you know it, it's already afternoon.

Bai Yi is going to go back tomorrow.

So as not to keep his mother-in-law waiting for a long time.

In addition, when he made the cake, he naturally prepared it for his own wife.

If it is left for a long time, it will not taste good.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi bid farewell.

"Brother, I'll see you off~"

Hearing Bai Yi's farewell.

The unicorn was a little bit reluctant.

She pursed her lips slightly, happy time is always very short.

But this is also impossible.

After all, although she is a younger sister, she is not brother's wife.

Brother, he is the White Eagle Commander after all...

I'm so envious.

Those White Eagles.

Thinking to himself, the unicorn is preparing to send Bai Yi off.

Then she saw Bai Yi shaking his head.

Under the confused gaze of the unicorn, Bai Yi touched the unicorn's head and handed her a cake box.

"Give these cakes to Elizabeth for me, will you?"


Hearing Bai Yi's words, the unicorn nodded obediently.

Bai Yi will stay a little longer.

If she took Youjiang, with Youchan's speed, she would be able to come back and forth soon.

thought here.

With the cake in hand, the unicorn set off.

Speeding all the way.

In a few minutes, Youjiang arrived at the royal castle.

If nothing else.

Generally speaking, Elizabeth will be in the castle.

But this time, the unicorn did not encounter any accidents.

She was lucky.

As soon as I entered the castle, I ran into Miss Belfast, the head maid.

"Unicorn? What's the matter~"

Looking at the cute and cute unicorn, Belfast asked softly.

With Youjiang in his arms, Unicorn clarified his intentions.

"Is that so~"

Nodding clearly, Belfast smiled softly, "Your Majesty, she is in the palace, you can go directly to her~"

Looking at the unicorn trotting into the palace after thanking him, Belfast smiled slightly.

It was the first time she had seen such an anxious unicorn.

Needless to say, she also knew that it must be because of Bai Yi.

This made Beifa feel a little bit emotional.

Not only the unicorns, but even their majesty were influenced by Bai Yi.

This White Eagle commander, his affinity for the ship's wife is really ridiculously high.

Thinking about it, Belfast remembered the task Elizabeth assigned her.

"This task is not easy~"

she murmured.

After all, they are not Bai Yi's wife.

Although the royal family had a good relationship with White Eagle, they had no good reason to keep Commander White Eagle in the royal family and stay as a guest for a few more days.

Think for a long time.

Still can't think of a workable solution.

Belfast pursed her lips slightly, and she raised her head, looking in the direction of the residence she had arranged for Bai Yi and Mrs. Baiying.

After thinking about it, she walked in this direction.

in the palace.

"A cake made by servants?"

Holding the naval scepter inlaid with the crown, and seeing the cake sent by the unicorn, Elizabeth pursed her lips slightly, feeling inexplicably excited.

"and many more……"

He looked at the unicorn who hurriedly prepared to leave after handing the cake to her.

Elizabeth quickly grabbed her.


Looking at Elizabeth, the unicorn tilted its head slightly.

"You should know that he won't stay in the royal family for long, maybe he will go back tomorrow?"


Hearing Elizabeth's words, the unicorn nodded slightly.

She was a little bit reluctant.

It was rare for my brother to visit the royal family, but he left after a short stay.

The next time I come, I don't know when I will have to wait.


Elizabeth puffed up her face.

"As a servant's younger sister, if you open your mouth, he will definitely be willing to stay for a few more days!"

Although inexplicably feeling a little unwilling.

Elizabeth thought that if she stayed, it might not have much effect.

However, if the unicorn came forward to persuade Bai Yi to stay, he would definitely be able to keep Bai Yi.

Although this is her underestimation.

However, what she was sure of was that if the unicorn spoke, Bai Yi would definitely agree to stay in the royal family for a few more days.

"Hmm..." Hearing Elizabeth's words, the unicorn hesitated.

Elizabeth's proposal touched her heart very much.

After all, she also wanted her brother to stay in the royal family for a few more days.

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