However, as a senior sister ship, Unicorn doesn't want to change her obedient image in the eyes of her brother.

"Hum, why is this..."

Seeing the unicorn's refusal, Elizabeth pouted slightly, a little aggrieved.

But she quickly cheered herself up, after all, Belfast had already understood her meaning.

Once Belfast goes out, it will definitely keep Bai Yi!

Thinking to myself, Elizabeth's pretty face turned from cloudy to sunny.

She opened the cake box, picked up the cake, and tasted it.

Her beautiful blue eyes brightened slightly.

good to eat.

I really don't know how he did it. It doesn't look like a high-end ingredient, but it can be so delicious...

Thinking to herself, Elizabeth secretly took out the story book, and while eating the cake, she read the story happily.

After seeing the sleeping princess being touched by the prince, she woke up and finally got a happy ending and married the prince...

Elizabeth gently curled her long golden hair.

Her mind diverges.

Gradually, he became a little absent-minded.

Her boat life is actually very monotonous.

0...seeking flowers0...

Although Elizabeth is the royal queen, she commands the royal camp.

However, since a long time ago, after their ship equipment level reached the upper limit, she stayed in the royal family and never went out again.

Every day is not playing golf, but reading these fairy tales and comic books that I have read many times and can already recite.

She couldn't remember how long she hadn't been out of the port area.

Since reaching the upper limit of the ship's load, the only time she left the port area in her memory was the expedition not long ago.

Thinking of the expedition, she thought of Bai Yi again.

Elizabeth puffed up her cheeks.

It's rare to meet someone who treats her without barriers.

She has already promised the position of captain of the guard.

Before that, she had never given this position to anyone else.

I will not give it to others in the future.

She has already identified him for this position.

Thinking about it, Elizabeth pursed her lips slightly.

That idiot, the queen's head, how could it be so easy to touch!

Take responsibility, idiot!

What made her even more angry was that it was fine if Bai Yi didn't accompany her back to the royal family.

I haven't seen you for a while, but Bai Yi has become the commander of Bai Ying!

Even if you come to the royal family, you don't want to stay for a few more days...

There are also unicorns too, this sister-in-law spoils her so much.

To a certain extent, Bai Yi came to the royal family to see the unicorns. Don't think she doesn't know...

Is this sister ship so attractive!

Thinking to herself, Elizabeth lowered her head slightly.

... 0 ok.

Compared with her poverty, the advantage of the unicorn is still great.

Sure enough, these guys with big advantages are all heretics!

Only someone like her is justice!

Thinking angrily, as if taking these cakes for Bai Yi's face, Elizabeth bit them viciously.

Hastily delivered the cake to Elizabeth.

After that, the unicorn rode on Youjiang and returned to the bungalow at a speed as fast as lightning.

"Brother, let's go~"

Landing next to Bai Yi, the unicorn said cheerfully.

This is not the first time for Bai Yi to ride Youjiang.

He skillfully sat on Youjiang, wrapping his arms around the soft waist of the unicorn.

Feeling the warmth of Bai Yi's palm, the unicorn smiled slightly, and leaned back again.

Then he waved to Guanghui and let Yu-chan set off.

Watching Bai Yi and Unicorn go away.

Guanghui smiled softly.

After that, she leisurely packed up the leftovers from the tea party.

Then sent the snacks prepared earlier to Kewei.

"Ah, what are you thinking?"

Entering the formidable bungalow, looking at the sister leaning against the window, dazed in a daze, Guanghui asked with a light smile.

"No, nothing"

Hearing Guanghui's voice, she came back to her senses and shook her head quickly.

Looking at the gentle brilliance of the smile, the fearsome pretty face is slightly red.

She turned her face away slightly, and muttered, "Really, it's really nothing..."

On Youjiang, hugging the unicorn, feeling the breeze on both sides, Bai Yi's eyes fell on the sea not far away.

"Brother, do you want to go fishing?"

Sensing Bai Yi's gaze, the unicorn said softly.

As a qualified younger sister Chuan, of course she knows Bai Yi's hobbies.

"The unicorn knows a place where there are so many fish?"

Ah this...

Bai Yi, who was about to shake his head, nodded decisively after hearing what the unicorn said.

For a moment.

Came to the residence arranged for him in Belfast, and distributed the cake to the leisurely St. Louis and the others.

Bai Yi took the fishing rod and followed the unicorn to the place she mentioned.

Prepared skillfully, he threw the hook out.

Then he waited leisurely.

Holding Youjiang who had shrunk to the size of a puppet, the unicorn moved closer to Bai Yi's side.

Feeling the temperature from Bai Yi's body, she slightly pursed her lips, feeling joyful.

She likes this kind of leisure time very much.

It would be even better if it could last forever~ just when the unicorn thought so.

A graceful figure of a maid quietly appeared not far away.

PS: The picture is awesome, please ask for a flower evaluation ticket~ If there is no accident, I will add more tomorrow~ If there is no accident, please circle it (funny)~... Five.

Chapter 166 Neptune~

Noticing the movement behind him, the unicorn turned to look.

The target was the royal maid in a ship outfit holding a trident.

Just when the unicorn looked at the royal maid, Bai Yi followed her gaze and looked over.

Seeing that Bai Yi and Unicorn had already discovered her.

An elegant smile was drawn on the corners of the royal maid's lips, and she walked over leisurely, stepping on leather shoes wrapped in white silk.

"Gui'an, I'm Neptune~"


Friendly nod.

Bai Yi's eyes fell on the ship lady.

She was wearing a blue and white maid dress, with a sea blue shawl and long hair wearing a katyusha, and her jade legs were wrapped in white silk garter stockings, or simply white stockings over the knee.

Of course, Bai Yi prefers the former.

Because Miss Belfast, who is also a maid, is wearing white silk suspenders.

Bai Yi discovered this by accident.

At this moment, the girl is watching here.

He and the unicorn were reflected in his pale golden eyes.

What caught Bai Yi's attention the most was the trident ship outfit that Neptune had in his hand, which looked like a sea god.

The trident, tall as a person, had a cold light, which was quite extraordinary.

Although Bai Yi's initial impression of this ship's equipment was that this trident seems to be very suitable for spearfishing...

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